Name | Level | Phenotype | Age |
NCP ~IRK~ 1.505x The Bronze Bell (#5704612) | 50 | Steel Blue and White (Irish) with Tan Points | 91 |
MFr SASK' A Beautiful Thing (#5354765) | 37 | Silver and White (Irish) | 59 |
ASh SECK Bright Noir /EEEE/ (lala) 18HH 1.467 (#5311904) | 25 | Blue and White (Irish) | 57 |
ExD Candy Crush (23/0) (#5321254) | 29 | Steel Blue with Tan Points and Mask | 36 |
JPnFr JPnSh B.S. Ceasar (#5680834) | 8 | White | 15 |
MD Chocolate Kiss (24/0) (#5321251) | 25 | Isabella and White (Irish) | 34 |
ASh PJ Close Your Eyes (#5321255) | 17 | Steel Blue | 26 |
MFr Heartbreaker (23/0) (#5321253) | 28 | White | 36 |
ASh PJ Jalyn (#5321250) | 17 | Steel Blue and White (Irish) | 27 |
MRO SSKD Nepheronia thalassina (#5330694) | 28 | Blue and White (Irish) with Tan Points | 38 |
APnSh PJ Pennhurst (#5343883) | 11 | Black and White (Irish) | 21 |
JAO Percy (#5344250) | 12 | Cream and White (Irish) | 23 |
ExP SECK Peyrelade (#4920502) | 36 | Steel Blue | 52 |
WCD SASK' Prissy Pants (#5329311) | 74 | Silver and White (Irish) | 95 |
PnD Puppy 2 (#5701266) | 11 | Silver and White (Irish) | 16 |
Puppy 2 Tarascon 1.467x (#5311905) | 1 | Faded Isabella and White (Irish) | 6 |
Puppy 4 (#5395996) | 1 | Steel Blue and White (Irish) | 6 |
Puppy 4 (#5395998) | 1 | Fawn and White (Irish) with Steel Blue Sable and Mask | 6 |
JPnD IPnHT B.S. Puppy 5 (#5680833) | 8 | Black | 14 |
Puppy 6 (#5395997) | 1 | Steel Blue and White (Irish) | 6 |
Puppy 6 (#5395999) | 1 | Fawn and White (Irish) with Steel Blue Sable and Mask | 6 |
Puppy 6 Tarascon 1.392x (#5290790) | 1 | Isabella and White (Irish) | 6 |
ASh PJ Ringing Church Bells (#5321257) | 17 | White | 26 |
JASh SASK' Scaritzo (#5329312) | 15 | Fawn with Black Sable and Mask | 24 |
NFr Café Sing by the Rhône (#5107878) | 1 | Faded Isabella and White (Irish) | 10 |
MFr Sugar Cookie (21/0) (#5321252) | 28 | White | 36 |
MD Sugar Rush (22/0) (#5321256) | 26 | White | 33 |
WCD SASK' Watch Me Work (#5354766) | 69 | Steel Blue | 83 |
PnM WhiteTail (#5343882) | 11 | Blue and White (Irish) | 21 |
UCP [*] Crème Brulée (#5686561) | 91 | Fawn and White (Irish) with Faded Isabella Sable and Mask | 104 |
UCHT [*] Trinity Cream (#5686562) | 85 | Fawn and White (Irish) with Faded Blue Sable and Mask | 102 |
WCFr SJE A Lock of Gold (#4850393) | 61 | Fawn | 820 |
APnFl FHK's Fountain Standard's Bee Five (#4968613) | 13 | Faded Brown and White (Irish) | 1771 |
JAFl FHK's Fountain Standard's Cherry Cola (#4968612) | 14 | Isabella | 1771 |
PnRO FHK's Fountain Standards' Scrapper of Sakaar (#4968615) | 9 | Blue and White (Irish) | 1762 |
AP Fountain Standards' The Witch (#4920501) | 22 | Black | 1788 |
WCD LBs Go for the Blue (#5272062) | 49 | Steel Blue | 234 |
JPnD IPnP HET Judas Escariot (#4852192) | 11 | Black and White (Irish) with Ticking | 2135 |
WCFr SASK' Kingsley 1.522x (#5701267) | 76 | Black and White (Irish) | 1654 |
WCM SASK' Leo (#5701265) | 55 | Faded Blue and White (Irish) | 1661 |
WCSh GEEK™ Moonlit Dreamer [1.388x] (#5339108) | 69 | Faded Isabella and White (Irish) | 1682 |
ICD SSKD New Love cha (#5330695) | 90 | Fawn and White (Irish) | 1883 |
AD ~IRK~ Perfect Little Poofs (#5704613) | 15 | Steel Blue and White (Irish) with Silver Points and Mask | 1609 |
IPnFr SECK Prince chocolate (#5290789) | 9 | Red and White (Irish) with Faded Blue Sable and Mask | 365 |
APnFr Tazz Sunflower (#5356376) | 28 | Fawn and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and Mask | 1954 |
WCFr -BLD- Tequila Rose BoBx4 (#4862492) | 84 | Fawn and White (Irish) with Faded Blue Sable and Mask | 1843 |
IPnHu FHK's Wave of Her Hand (#4968614) | 9 | Chocolate and White (Irish) | 1762 |