Name | Breed | Level | Age |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCO aPIME Adele lala 4/4 ggge (chastr spdstr) O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 42 | 76 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) CCSh MVT Amaranth lala 8/5 gegg (strint spdstr) A | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 57 | 76 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCO aPIME Amber Lla 4/3 egeg (agispd agispd) O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 42 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCO aPIME April lala 4/3 egeg (stmstr chastm) O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 40 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) ChA aPIME Ava Lla 3/5 gggg (stmstr agispd) A,O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 40 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO MVT Babydoll Southdown lala E | Bedlington Terrier | 59 | 82 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCE MVT Baiely Lla 4/6 gggg (intspd 2str) E,O | Bedlington Terrier | 46 | 82 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCSh MVT Banshee lala 2/6 gggg (intspd 2spd) - | Dandie Dinmont Terrier | 59 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) CCRO MVT Barley Honey lala 6/6 gggg (stragi 2spd) - | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 56 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) CCA MVT Barley Straw Lla 11/3 eegg (chaint stmcha) A | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 59 | 76 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO MVT Barley Wine Lla 12HH (chaint 2agi) A,O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 59 | 76 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT Basil lala 2/4 eggg (agistr spdstm) A | Bedlington Terrier | 58 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCO MVT Bear lala 5/2 geeg (agiint chaint) O | Dandie Dinmont Terrier | 42 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCRO aPIME Bindy lala 3/2 ggee (chastm agicha) - | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 41 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO TXBK Blue Bayou lala 17HH (agistr intstr) O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 66 | 93 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCP MVT Blue Eyes lala 9/3 eegg (spdstr intagi) - | Kerry Blue Terrier | 74 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT Blue Horizon lala 15/3 ggge (agistm intcha) A | Kerry Blue Terrier | 58 | 97 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCHu MVT Blue Jay lala 8/5 gggg (intint spdint) - | Kerry Blue Terrier | 74 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCFr MVT Blue Monday lala 7/6 ggge (chacha agistr) A | Kerry Blue Terrier | 74 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCA MVT Blue Moon lala 3/4 gegg (chaint 2agi) A | Kerry Blue Terrier | 47 | 82 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT Blue Ribbon lala 19HH (agispd agistr) A,O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 64 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCFr MVT Blue Suede Shoes Lla 10HH (agicha stmstm) A,O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 76 | 101 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCT MVT Blue Velvet Ll 5/6 eggf (spdint intspd) O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 73 | 101 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT Blues and Twos lala 10/5 ggge (agiagi strint) - | Kerry Blue Terrier | 58 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO TXBK Blues Away Lla 10/4 ggge (intcha agiint) A,O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 61 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO MVT Bolt From The Blue lala 23HH (strspd 2str) A,O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 66 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) CCO MVT Cologne Lla 5HH (2str agistr) A,E,O (75) | Miniature Schnauzer | 43 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) CCM MVT Corn On The Cob lala 10/2 geeg (chaagi 2agi) A,O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 61 | 76 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCD MVT Cornflower Blue Lla 7/6 gggg (stragi chastr) - | Kerry Blue Terrier | 71 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) UCE MVT Damara lala 11/5 efgg (strstm chastr) E | Bedlington Terrier | 73 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO MVT Dark Blue lala 12HH (agistm strspd) O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 64 | 89 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCA MVT Eppstein lla 9HH (spdstm intspd) A | Miniature Schnauzer | 43 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCA MVT Frechen Lla 5HH (agispd agistr) A,O | Miniature Schnauzer | 44 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) ChE MVT Fritz Lla 4/6 gggg (agistr agispd) E | Miniature Schnauzer | 30 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCE MVT Georgie Lla 7/1 geee (spdint agistr) E | Bedlington Terrier | 43 | 82 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) ChA aPIME Hannah Lla 3/4 eggg (chastm 2stm) A | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 41 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO MVT Havelberg Lla 7/4 eggg (strspd stmcha) A,O | Miniature Schnauzer | 52 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) CCRO MVT Highland Barley lala 4/4 eggg (spdcha spdstr) A | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 57 | 76 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCA MVT Holly lala 5/3 gege (spdstm chaint) A | Bedlington Terrier | 48 | 82 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO MVT Honey Bread lala 8/5 ggge (chaagi 2spd) O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 56 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT In Blue lala 12/2 gege (2agi intcha) A | Kerry Blue Terrier | 60 | 98 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCE MVT Ingolstadt lla 5/3 egeg (spdint chaspd) E | Miniature Schnauzer | 53 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCO aPIME Izzie lala 4/2 egeg (intstr 2int) O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 43 | 76 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCA aPIME Jasper Lla 4/5 ggge (agistm 2int) A,O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 43 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCFl MVT Jülich Lla 9/3 gegg (intspd spdstr) - | Miniature Schnauzer | 53 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) JPnA WCM MVT Kind of Blue lala 13/4 ggge (2agi strcha) - | Kerry Blue Terrier | 56 | 98 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) UCD MVT Lacaune lala 6/4 eggg (chaint agispd) O | Bedlington Terrier | 72 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCA MVT Lady lala 2/4 gggg (chaint stmstr) A,E,O | Bedlington Terrier | 48 | 82 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA SKYE lala 10HH (agiint spdstr) A | Dandie Dinmont Terrier | 69 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT lala 3/5 ggeg (agispd spdstr) A | Dandie Dinmont Terrier | 59 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCO MVT lala 4/4 gegg (agicha chastm) O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 43 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO TXBK lala 7/2 geee (chaspd stmagi) O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 62 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO TXBK lala 9/2 geee (agispd spdint) O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 62 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) UCE MVT LL 8/4 ggge (2spd strcha) A,E,O | Dandie Dinmont Terrier | 76 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) ChA MVT Lla 4/4 ggge (intstr spdstr) A | Miniature Schnauzer | 39 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO TXBK Lla 6/5 gggg (chaspd 2agi) O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 59 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT Lla 6/6 gfgg (spdcha 2str) A | Dandie Dinmont Terrier | 76 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) ChA ECRC Lla 7/2 geeg (agistr chaspd) A | Miniature Schnauzer | 38 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCRO MVT Lla 7/6 ggef (spdcha 2str) A | Dandie Dinmont Terrier | 77 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCM MVT Lla 7/7 gfge (spdint 2cha) A,E,O | Dandie Dinmont Terrier | 80 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) MHu DVK Lola lala 5/4 eggg (chaspd stmint) E,O | Miniature Schnauzer | 29 | 79 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCE MVT Luke lala 5/4 ggeg (chastr agicha) E | Bedlington Terrier | 58 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) UCD MVT Lydia LL 11/1 eeeg (agiagi intagi) - | Kerry Blue Terrier | 60 | 101 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCA aPIME Maggie Lla 6/4 ggge (spdstr spdstm) A | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 43 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCT MVT Marcie Lla 2/6 gggg (intspd intstr) - (78) | Bedlington Terrier | 56 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCA MVT Mayen lala 6/3 egge (agispd intagi) - | Miniature Schnauzer | 52 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCO SKYE Molly lala 5/4 gegg (agicha spdagi) O | Miniature Schnauzer | 39 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCE MVT Mouflon lala 10/4 gggg (stmint agispd) E,O | Bedlington Terrier | 58 | 82 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCE MVT Nebra Lla 8/4 ggge (spdint spdstr) E | Miniature Schnauzer | 52 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCSh MVT Ocean Blue lla 7/4 gggg (chaspd chastm) A | Kerry Blue Terrier | 72 | 101 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) JPnO WCP MVT Out Of The Blue lala 12/2 gege (strstm 2int) - | Kerry Blue Terrier | 58 | 98 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCA aPIME Patricia lla 3/5 eggg (intstr agispd) A,O | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 43 | 76 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO MVT Polwarth lala 5/7 gggg (2agi agicha) E,O | Bedlington Terrier | 73 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA JPnO AFC Princess lala 4/2 eege (stmstr 2str) A | Kerry Blue Terrier | 60 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCE MVT Queenie Lla 4/5 gggg (agispd agispd) - | Miniature Schnauzer | 37 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCM MVT Quinoa lala 7/4 gggg (agispd 2agi) - | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 55 | 76 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCFl MVT Rhapsody In Blue Lla 6/2 geee (intcha stmspd) - | Kerry Blue Terrier | 74 | 101 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCP MVT Romney lala 8/8 ggfg (stmspd 2agi) E,O | Bedlington Terrier | 70 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NP MVT Roxie lala 5/4 gggg (agistr 2int) - | Bedlington Terrier | 1 | 6 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCSh RWTS Roxy lala 4/4 gggg (2stm agiint) O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 56 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NO MVT Sandy lala 1/4 eggg (chaspd agispd) O | Bedlington Terrier | 1 | 6 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT Singing The Blues ll 9/3 egeg (stmint intstm) A | Kerry Blue Terrier | 76 | 101 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCE MVT Skye Lla 2/2 eegg (chastr spdstm) E,O | Bedlington Terrier | 58 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCO MVT Smoky Blue lala 13/6 gggg (agistm 2int) A,O | Kerry Blue Terrier | 57 | 98 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NM MVT Stella lala 6/3 ggge (chastr 2agi) - | Bedlington Terrier | 1 | 6 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCHu MVT Swaledale lala 11/4 ggge (chaint spdint) E,O | Bedlington Terrier | 61 | 82 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) NCRO aPIME Tammy Lla 3/3 eggg (agispd chastr) - | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 43 | 76 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCA MVT Teublitz lla 6HH (spdstr intstr) A,O | Miniature Schnauzer | 43 | 68 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT Texel Lla 8/1 egee (stmcha spdint) A | Bedlington Terrier | 62 | 82 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT True Blue lala 7/6 ggfe (agicha stragi) A | Kerry Blue Terrier | 74 | 101 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) ChFl aPIME Tucker Lla 3/6 ggeg (chaint agistr) - | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 41 | 74 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCA MVT Visions in Blue lala 13HH (stragi 2int) - | Kerry Blue Terrier | 59 | 100 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) WCHu MVT Wide Blue Yonder Ll 7/5 gggg (spdstr spdspd) - | Kerry Blue Terrier | 71 | 101 |
![Locked](/images/icons/lock.png) GCRO aPIME Zola lla 4/6 eggg (agiint agiint) A | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | 41 | 76 |