
Happy Howlidays 2024! by Kahlem (#1)
09:27pm 12/01/24

The Advent Calendar is now open! Check back every day to receive that day's prize and uncover the mystery image. Happy Howlidays to all!


Pony Loves You! The Dashing Winter Pony is available from now until the end of the year in the FPP Shop for 5 FPP! Don't forget, pony loves you!
Happy Birthday Furry Paws! by Kahlem (#1)
12:44pm 10/27/24


Happy 21st Birthday! As of yesterday, Furry Paws is 21 years old! Click Here to receive a special birthday gift to celebrate!
Happy Howl-o-ween 2024! by Kahlem (#1)
12:03am 10/24/24


Trick or Treat? The Trick or Treat event has begun! To participate, look over at the column on the right and click "Turn On" next to "Lights OFF"! Then, visit kennels of other players, choose a dog, and ring their doorbell. If your doorbell gets rung, you get the chance to trick or treat your visitor! Tricks will do weird things to dogs. And you never know what someone might give you as a treat, maybe it will be something really awesome!

Duration The event begins today, will last until end of day on November 7th, and you will be able to cash in rewards until November 14th!

Earn Rewards! Check out the Trick or Treat Rewards page to collect rewards for your trick or treating adventures!
Attic Updates by Kahlem (#1)
04:05pm 09/20/24

Attic Functionality Several of our most prestigious item collectors had been running into issues when their collections got too diverse and large, preventing them from being able to remove items from the attic. To fix this issue, the Attic has been modified so that the items are now paginated (max 50 items per page). The filters at the top are now server side instead of javascript, and should actually work now if javascript is disabled.

Happy Collecting!
Firestone Promo Code for 2024! by Kahlem (#1)
08:28pm 08/14/24

FIRESTONE PROMO CODE Head to the Promo Code page and enter the code SUMMERHEAT to receive 500 free firestones! Normally I do these firestone code promotions to help reach the extra reward tiers for the event, but this year you all unlocked all the tiers without any of my help. Well done! But regardless, enjoy some free firestones on me!
Phoenix Fire 2024! by Kahlem (#1)
10:23am 06/20/24

Return of the Phoenix Summer has officially begun, bringing with it the return of the phoenix to the Meadow! Take up to 20 of your worthiest age 12 dogs to the Phoenix and ask for her blessing on them. The blessing will cause the dogs to gain double experience, but also age twice as fast! Then every day, check in with the phoenix to brag about how well your dogs are doing, and she will give you firestones based on how well they are really doing. These firestones can be used for some pretty great rewards!

We also have a nice lineup of brand new items this year. They are largely cosmetic, but I'm pretty happy with the number of boosters already available through this event so hopefully it's not too disappointing! Here's a sneak peak!


There is also a special Rankings leader board where you can view the frontrunners of the event!

This event will end on August 20, and you will have a week to finish purchasing rewards with your firestones.

Good luck and may the best dogs win!

Critter Pool Fixes There was a bug where land critters could be moved into a pool, even if they were unsuited for it, and vice versa. This has been fixed. In addition, some critters can now do well in both land and pool (sea dragons, penguins) instead of being landlocked!
Junkyard Update by Kahlem (#1)
06:24pm 05/19/24


Junkyard Dejunking The Junkyard had become completely FLOODED with items -- over 300,000! This was causing it to load very slowly. The code for the Junkyard has been optimized and now it loads nice and quickly. Every time you load the page, it shows you a different area of the junkyard, so you can browse around and try to find something useful, instead of seeing the same selection every time. So while there are still pages and PAGES of grooming items, there are more interesting finds buried in the Junkyard as well, if you are patient enough to discover them. The Junkyard will also now be pruned regularly to keep its item amount around a much more manageable 10,000.
EEGEW Collection by Kahlem (#1)
02:06pm 04/14/24

Bugfix You can now collect your EEGEW reward for gathering 2,500 eggs, even if you have collected it last year. Unfortunately (?) this also means some of you may get double EEGEW for your efforts this year because there's not an easy way for me to tell who collected the EEGEW already this year. We'll consider that a bonus and not a bug.
Let the great hunt begin! by Kahlem (#1)
10:35pm 03/30/24


The Egg Hunt has begun! The great Easter egg hunt has begun! Furry, long eared denizens have been spotted hopping by, trailing eggs in their wake. They seem to be more commonly spotted when completing dog care tasks, although they can be randomly spotted as well! Once spotted, you know that they have hidden an egg somewhere on Furry Paws for you to find. Find enough eggs and they can be used as currency to purchase fabulous prizes!

This page also shows how many eggs are still hidden on the site for you to find. Collect the completely ridiculous goal of 2,500 eggs to earn an EEGEW, that strange and colorful bunny of Easter past.

critter_rooster_rir.jpg critter_rooster_slw.jpg booster_egg_rotten.jpg bkg_egg_hunt_park.jpg foreground_pollen.jpg

There are several new items to collect this year, as well as items from previous years that can be purchased with your collected eggs. You will have two weeks to collect as many eggs as you can!

The Rotten Egg is a new booster item which changes a dog's litter size genes, thank you for the suggestion taken from Here!

HUGE SPARKLY EGGS New this year, there is a small chance that you might find a huge egg, which is worth 5 normal eggs!


Mellow Wolf Pup This adorable Mellow Wolf Pup is now available in the FPP Item Shop for 5 FPP! The pup will disappear from the shop at the end of April.
Bug Fixes and Dog Search by Kahlem (#1)
11:18am 03/02/24

Dog Search by Owner I received feedback that the breeding center used to be used to search for certain locked dogs on a user's account. Since the changes to the breeding center removed that as an option, the Dog Search tool now has the option to search by a dog's owner ID. Hope this helps address that issue and thank you for the feedback!

Pink Rose Fixed The Pink Rose item which allows retired dogs to be bred has been fixed!

Locked Dog Search Fixed The search option on the Dog Search page that allowed you to include locked dogs in your search never actually did anything. This has been fixed!
Breeding Center Changes by Kahlem (#1)
01:48pm 02/16/24

Breeding Center Changes The Breeding Center no longer lists locked dogs in the Male and Female dropdowns. In addition, if you have more than one dog breed unlocked, a "Filter By Breed" dropdown becomes available which allows you select a breed of dog so that only dogs of that breed show up in the Male/Female dropdowns. I hope these changes will be helpful in assisting your dog breeding endeavors!
Arctic Fox Duraplush and Forum Archive by Kahlem (#1)
07:27pm 12/19/23

Arctic Fox Duraplush

BY DURAPLUSH! The Arctic Fox Duraplush is now available in the FPP Shop for 7 FPP! Available for sale until the end of January 2024, this cuddly white fox will provide unlimited hours of entertainment for your pups!

Forum Archiving An Archive board has been added to the forums! Over the years several incredibly helpful and informative posts have been automatically expired/deleted due to their age, and this board will allow mods to save important topics to be preserved for as long as Furry Paws is alive.

Santa Less Creepy Santa's face in the advent calendar was alarmingly large. This has been corrected and you can now enjoy the partially revealed image in all its intended glory!
Terms of Service Update: Copyright and AI by Kahlem (#1)
12:34pm 12/11/23

TOS Update The Terms of Service have been updated to clarify our policy on art generated in whole or in part by AI. AI Art is a hotly debated topic right now, and from what I've seen many governments don't even really know how to legislate it. While we (the mods and I) understand and appreciate how artists can use AI to modify their own art to create amazing images, we feel that due to the copyright concerns (namely, how AI is trained using copyrighted images pulled off the internet without permission) we need to take a conservative approach on what is allowed on Furry Paws until legislation catches up with the times and can provide us with some direction.

The Terms of Service now makes it clear that art generated in whole or in part by AI cannot be sold on Furry Paws and cannot be submitted to our Image Bank. However, AI generated art will be allowed for personal use as long as no funds are exchanged. This is our current policy on the topic and may be updated as the policy around AI art evolves in the world at large.

Please note that because this was a gray area this policy only applies from this point forward. Any art previously sold on the site that used AI will be allowed to be used so long as no copyright claims from original copyright holders are forthcoming. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Happy Howlidays 2023! by Kahlem (#1)
11:47am 12/01/23

The Advent Calendar is now open! Check back every day to receive that day's prize and uncover the mystery image. Happy Howlidays to all!
Happy 20th Birthday! by Kahlem (#1)
03:52pm 10/26/23


Happy 20th Birthday Furry Paws!

Happy Howl-o-ween 2023! by Kahlem (#1)
12:23am 10/24/23


Trick or Treat? The Trick or Treat event has begun! To participate, look over at the column on the right and click "Turn On" next to "Lights OFF"! Then, visit kennels of other players, choose a dog, and ring their doorbell. If your doorbell gets rung, you get the chance to trick or treat your visitor! Tricks will do weird things to dogs. And you never know what someone might give you as a treat, maybe it will be something really awesome!

Duration The event begins today, will last until end of day on November 7th, and you will be able to cash in rewards until November 14th!

Earn Rewards! Check out the Trick or Treat Rewards page to collect rewards for your trick or treating adventures!


The Flaming Stallion Are you up for the challenge of taming this dangerous and magnificent Flaming Stallion? Available for a limited time in the FPP Shop for 5 FPP! Disclaimer: Magical flaming stallions are a little more volatile than the universally loving and lovable Pony critters. Furry Paws is not responsible for any injuries that may result from improper handling.Additional Disclaimer: The original disclaimer is just silly nonsense our non-existant legal team made me add. In extensive tests the magical flaming stallions have never actually hurt anyone. Yet.
Buggy Pool by Kahlem (#1)
03:02pm 07/19/23

Bug in Pool? Don't worry, not the creepy crawly kind. The Pool Kit wasn't unlocking properly. Any Pool Kits unlocked from here on out should work fine, but if you used one prior to this message and it didn't work properly for you please send me a PM!

Firestone Code It's time for a firestone promo code! This time it is:


Turn this code in on the page linked here for 500 firestones. This code expires at the end of the month! Be sure to share it with your friends so they can get some free Phoenix Fire event items too!

BoB Rankings & Awards These are taking forever to complete today. I'm watching them run right now and will make sure they finish up. :)
The phoenix has returned! by Kahlem (#1)
12:10am 06/21/23

Return of the Phoenix The heat of summer is finally enough that the Phoenix has deemed it the proper time to return to the Meadow! Take up to 20 of your worthiest age 12 dogs to the Phoenix and ask for her blessing on them. The blessing will cause the dogs to gain double experience, but also age twice as fast! Then every day, check in with the phoenix to brag about how well your dogs are doing, and she will give you firestones based on how well they are really doing. These firestones can be used for some pretty great rewards!

We also have a nice lineup of brand new items this year. Here's a sneak peak!


There is also a special Rankings leader board where you can view the frontrunners of the event!

This event will end on August 21, and you will have a week to finish purchasing rewards with your firestones.

Good luck and may the best dogs win!
Summer Event Date Change by Kahlem (#1)
11:55pm 05/31/23

Fussy Phoenix I regret to inform you that the Phoenix is refusing to show up this year until summer has well and truly begun, as she complains the previous years have been just too cold for the start of her vacation to be very pleasant. As a result, the Phoenix Fire summer event is going to start a little later than last year this time, on June 21st. This change will persist from now on so that the phoenix fire event start will always coincide with the start of summer. The event will run for two months as usual. Thanks for understanding!
Let the great egg hunt begin! by Kahlem (#1)
05:10pm 04/08/23

Happy Easter Furry Paws! For the next two weeks, eggs will be hidden around the site. Collect as many as you can to gather eggs which can be exchanged for exclusive rewards! There are multiple lovely new items to collect, including these adorable goats:


For those who would like to beautify their kennel, if you have the extra spaces to spare, there are four new Field of Tulips structures that you can unlock by purchasing these bags of Tulip Bulbs:


And any dog would look stunning in these new tulip foregrounds!


There is a new recolor of the Spring Garden Background which features a garden bed with blue flowers:


And finally, a new Pastel Hard Boiled Egg, a niche litter item which causes the litter to be treated as if the mom has never been bred before:


Click Here for more event details and the rewards page.

I hope you enjoy hunting for eggs and celebrating the onset of spring with us here on Furry Paws!

Game Time

03:49pm on Mar 17

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