NCM {HEX} M 14HH 10Hh EEEE lla 1.047x Cream(I)/Black Grizzle/Light Undersides
Male West Siberian Laika Owned by Shadow Scar (#1251787)
level 52     agi 1911     cha 1792     int 1810     spd 363     stm 617     str 294
Full Name:NCM {HEX} M 14HH 10Hh EEEE lla 1.047x Cream(I)/Black Grizzle/Light Undersides
What's this? Breed:West Siberian Laika (Hunting)
Retired On:October 11th, 2015
Born On:February 24th, 2014
Days Aged:3533 FP Days
Owner:Shadow Scar (#1251787)
Bred By:Shadow Fox|back saturday! (#373186)
Color:Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk Ee BB DD slsl awat sisw mm rr tt cecw gg UU lla stmint stmagi Hh HH HH Hh HH Hh HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH Hh Hh Hh HH HH HH HH Hh HH Hh Hh
Aptitude:Obedience, Musical Freestyle, Show, Agility, Flyball, Tracking, Rally-O, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:80
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 1911 Major Group Stat
Charisma 1792 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 1810 Major Group Stat
Speed 363
Stamina 617 Major Group Stat
Strength 294
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 52
Experience Earned 20,095,115
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

agix2 chax2 intx2
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Total Competitions: 3520   
First Places166    Second Places168    Third Places100    Fourth Places124    Fifth Places114    Sixth Places136   
Winnings: $78,229    Experience: 20,095,115   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
86% Training



MM {HEX} FORGO ID#919219

Level 27

Black and White (Irish) with Light Undersides


Level 45

Black and White (Irish) with Light Undersides


Level 61

Black and White (Irish) with Light Undersides



Level 1

Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light Undersides


Level 1

Fawn and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light Undersides


Level 32

Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light Undersides


NM Caleb (#1734286)1Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides14
AM CG_WF Fanny EEEE 13HH Lla (#1741679)19Black and White (Irish) with Red Points and Light Undersides53
CCM FkSR Humble King (#1729248)59Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light Undersides92
JPnFr RHVN Rhovanion's Gollum (#1275064)4Cream with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light Undersides11
PnM The Love of Sunya (#1731200)11Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and Light Undersides20
15HH (#2078816)1White3444
16HH (#2078813)1Red and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3444
16HH (#2078817)1Red and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides3444
APnFr Ash (#2078814)14Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides3193
JAM Blizzard That Blows Snow (#1428590)14Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points and Light Undersides3798
PnT F 10HH 13Hh 1hh GEEE Ll 0.983x Red(P)/Black Grizzle/LU (#1898642)11Red and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides3483
NSc APnO F 12HH 11Hh 1hh GEEE Ll 1.002x Black(I)/Red Points/LU (#1898643)13Black and White (Irish) with Red Points and Light Undersides3483
JAM ANA F 13HH 9Hh 2hh GEGE ll 1.038x Black(I)/LU (#1903562)14Black and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3481
APnRO ANA F 16HH 7Hh 1hh EEEG lla 1.042x Cream(I)/LU (#1898804)12Cream and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3484
PnSc JPnT F 16HH 8Hh EEEE lala 1.033x Black(I)/LU (#1898644)11Black and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3483
JPnM ASh F 16HH 8Hh EEEE lla 1.140x Silver(EP)/Light Undersides (#1711556)19Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light Undersides3527
IPnM NFr F 17HH 5Hh 2hh EEGG lla 1.033x Black(I)/LU (#1898645)10Black and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3483
NFr PnT F 17HH 6Hh 1hh EEGE lla 1.092x Cream(I)/LU (#1898686)11Cream and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3483
AFr NFr IPnFl F 17HH 7Hh EEEE Lla 1.127x Red(I)/Light Undersides (#1711557)20Red and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3527
JAFr NFr JPnFl F 17HH 7Hh EEEE lla Ssi 1.137x Fawn(1)/Light Undersides (#1728571)16Fawn with Light Undersides3516
APnT F 17HH 7Hh EEEE lla Ssw 1.050x Red(1)/Black Grizzle/LU (#1898646)12Red with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides3483
PnFl F 18HH 5Hh 1hh EEEG lala 1.030x Cream(I)/LU (#1898654)11Cream and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3483
PnP F 18HH 5Hh 1hh EEEG lala 1.030x Cream(I)/LU (#1898655)10Cream and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3483
APnFT F 18HH 5Hh 1hh EEEG lla Ssw 1.040x Fawn(1)/Black Grizzle/LU (#1898647)11Fawn with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides3483
JAFr NSc F 18HH 6Hh EEEE Lla 1.050x Silver(I)/LU (#1898681)13Silver and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3484
JAFl F 18HH 6Hh EEEE lla 1.062x Black(P)/Tan Points/LU (#1898649)14Black and White (Piebald) with Tan Points and Light Undersides3484
NFr JAFl F 18HH 6Hh EEEE lla 1.087x Red(P)/Black Sable/Light Undersides (#1733516)15Red and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and Light Undersides3515
JASc NO F 18HH 6Hh GEEE Ll 1.008x Cream(I)/Black Grizzle/Mask/LU (#1898650)14Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light Undersides3484
JASc F 19HH 5Hh EEEE Ll 1.053x Red(EP)/LU (#1903430)14Red and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light Undersides3481
JAM ANSc F 19HH 5Hh EEEE Lla 1.053x Red(EP)/Black Sable/LU (#1903429)14Red and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and Light Undersides3481
ANFr APnSc F 19HH 5Hh EEEE lla 1.107x Black(EP)/Light Undersides (#1733517)14Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light Undersides3515
APnFl NP F 20HH 2Hh 2hh EEGG lla 1.057x Silver(EP)/Black Grizzle/LU (#1898652)14Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides3484
JAM ANSh F 20HH 4Hh EEEE lla 1.057x Cream(I)/Black Grizzle/LU (#1898653)14Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides3484
PnT NFT M 15HH 7Hh 2hh EEGG lla 1.008x Silver(I)/Black Grizzle/Mask/LU (#1898651)12Silver and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light Undersides3483
APnA M 16HH 7Hh 1hh GEEE lla 1.062x Black(I)/Silver Points/LU (#1898648)13Black and White (Irish) with Silver Points and Light Undersides3483
APnM ANT M 17HH 6Hh 1hh GEEE Lla 1.050x Silver(EP)/Black Sable/LU (#1898682)13Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and Light Undersides3483
IPnSc ANFl M 18HH 5Hh 1hh GEEE ll 1.042x Cream(I)/Black Sable/LU (#1898805)11Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light Undersides3483
APnFr NFr AFl M 18HH 6Hh EEEE lala 1.123x Silver(EP)/Black Grizzle/Light Undersides (#1711595)22Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides3536
PnSc JPnFT M 19HH 5Hh EEEE ll 1.095x Black(I)/LU (#1898683)11Black and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3483
ANFr PnFl M 19HH 5Hh EEEE ll 1.098x Cream(P)/Black Sable/LU (#1898684)11Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and Light Undersides3483
NP AFr M 19HH 5Hh EEEE lla 1.137x Fawn(I)/Black Grizzle/Light Undersides (#1728572)20Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides3527
PnP M 20HH 3Hh 1hh EEGE lla 1.092x Cream(I)/LU (#1898685)10Cream and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3483
WCFr BSAK Tender feeling (#2078815)62Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides3300
PnM Shiro Uroko (#1734287)12Red and White (Irish) with Light Undersides3278

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Shadow Scar (#1251787)Mar 1, 2015
Shadow Fox|back saturday! (#373186)Mar 3, 2014

Game Time

03:24am on Mar 10

Welcome Guest

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