CCSh {HEX} Sunfire |4E 2int 11HH/0hh Lla| Cream {solid-carries points, silver}
Male Korean Jindo Owned by Shadow Fox|back saturday! (#373186)
level 52     agi 586     cha 3939     int 916     spd 280     stm 589     str 572
Full Name:CCSh {HEX} Sunfire |4E 2int 11HH/0hh Lla| Cream {solid-carries points, silver}
What's this? Breed:Korean Jindo (Hunting)
Retired On:December 31st, 2014
Born On:May 3rd, 2014
Days Aged:3809 FP Days
Owner:Shadow Fox|back saturday! (#373186)
Bred By:Unknown
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk ee BB DD slsl Ayat SS mm rr tt cecw gg uu Lla intint stmstr Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH Hh Hh HH HH HH Hh Hh Hh Hh HH
Aptitude:Show, Agility, Flyball
Times Bred:51
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 586 Major Group Stat
Charisma 3939 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 916 Major Group Stat
Speed 280
Stamina 589 Major Group Stat
Strength 572
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 52
Experience Earned 20,089,759
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

chax2 intx2 strx2
Continental Champion Show
Total Competitions: 3830   
First Places166    Second Places161    Third Places138    Fourth Places151    Fifth Places136    Sixth Places157   
Winnings: $99,744    Experience: 20,089,759   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training




WCM •¸•? *Actioneer (kk Ee cecw) 11HH lla (#1427223)63Black with Cream Points101
ChFr Arlo Sebastian [10HH 1hh] (#1257616)37Cream89
ExT {HEX} Geralt (#1264466)36Brindle Fawn with Black Sable55
IPnO Gyeong (#1219690)10Fawn with Light Undersides22
IPnP Hye (#1219691)10Fawn22
GCHT Sisix Jones 10.2 Lla (#1565089)47Cream103
MHT Layla (#1209352)25Fawn with Light Undersides74
JAHT ABIO Mo (#1201685)14Fawn59
JPnHT Pritzy* (#1271128)5Fawn with Black Sable21
NHT Puppy 1 (#1200025)1Fawn6
Puppy 1 (#1211362)1Fawn6
Puppy 1 (#1217664)1Black with Tan Points6
JPnSh SaoK Puppy 11 (#1296271)8Cream23
Puppy 2 (#1181244)1Cream with Black Sable and Light Undersides15
WCHT Puppy 2 GEEE 12HH 1hh cwLla (#1200023)62Cream98
CCHT Puppy 3 11HH 1hh cw lala (#1271129)46Fawn66
WCFr Puppy 3 12HH 1hh cw Lla (#1200024)65Fawn98
GCM Puppy 4 9HH ohh cw Lla (#1271130)47Fawn with Light Undersides66
MA NCHT Puppy 5 16HH 3hh Lla cw (#1239740)46Cream with Light Undersides78
AFr MEH SB Dance Jazzy (#1198339)26Cream75
MHT Sparkle (#1225690)24Fawn66
PnHT Yoon (#1219692)10Fawn with Black Sable22
NCHT CCM HaaKe 10HH/1hh Ll Cream with Light Undersides (#1266097)61Cream with Light Undersides3582
WCHT HaaKe 13 HH 1hh kbrk cw Lla (#1221649)62Fawn3122
CCT Aires Aneko EEEG 11HH 2hh Lla (#1175419)57Fawn with Light Undersides3163
NCM NCFr AdK's Babbu 9HH/3hh LL Fawn (#1196259)56Fawn3566
ExM Sunst Benji (#1201686)38Black with Cream Points2677
NSh {HEX} Brindle Silver Proj Fem1|EEGE 9HH Ll|Cream w/LU {Kbrk, at, cw} (#1284070)1Cream with Light Undersides3726
NSh {HEX} BSP Male1 |GGEE 11HH 2int Ll|Cream w/LU {Kbrk,cw} (#1284069)1Cream with Light Undersides3724
CCHT •¸•? Carmella (#1427224)52Cream with Light Undersides3640
AHT Carrie (#1201931)15Fawn3932
ChA Ablz Champion [16HH 1hh 1.023] (#1196276)37Cream3935
WCHT 14Kt Diamond Silver 1F 2G 1E 5HH (#1223640)67Silver with Light Undersides3711
CCHT HaaKe Happy Endings (#1242488)58Fawn1516
ExFr MM HaaKe leveled 12-25 (#1221650)35Cream3046
GCT Majic's Dust Storm (GEEG 12.2Ll kk Ee awat cecw) (#1244575)49Cream with Black Grizzle3091
GCSh Majic's Underground Alice (EEEE 14.0lla kk Ee Ayaw cece uu) (#1244576)41Cream with Black Sable3713
NHT Muppet (#1215376)1Cream3925
Puppy 2 (#1244574)1Fawn3908
WCHT Puppy 2 8HH 3hh lala (#1215375)62Cream3152
CCM Puppy 3 11HH 3hh LL silver (#1239739)62Silver with Light Undersides3170
WCM Puppy 5 EGGE 14HH 2hh silver Lla b (#1191900)64Silver3896
WCHT Puppy 7 EEEE 13HH 0hh Ee cw Lla b (#1191901)66Fawn with Black Sable3896
WCHT 14Kt Reese Cream w/ Light Undersides 1G 3E 6HH (#1223639)67Cream with Light Undersides3711
{HEX} Reserved for joshua (#1176605) (#1221974)1Fawn with Light Undersides3922
WCRO SaoK Rising Sun (#1385950)62Cream3648
WCHT 14Kt Rivers Cream 1G 3E 11HH (#1223641)70Cream3711
ASh {HEX} Shining Example |GEGG 12HH 2int lala|Silver {solid-Ayat} (#1211360)20Silver3748
NCO AdK's Silence of the Lambs - 11HH/6hh/Ll (#1196258)55Fawn2045
AHT {HEX} Solar Flare |FEGG 12HH Lla|Cream {Kbrk, sable, silver} (#1264465)17Cream3740
WCM 14Kt Stewart Fawn 1G 3E 8HH (#1249936)68Fawn3690
ExSh {HEX} Sunray |EGEG 14HH 2int Lla|Fawn {sable, points, cream} (#1221975)33Fawn3767
CCFr WCP 14Kt Terrance Silver 2G 2E 8HH (#1296269)66Silver3499
NCSh CCFr 14Kt Trenton Silver 4G 9HH (#1296270)62Silver3499
CCM GCHT HaaKe Wounded Rhymes. GEEE 7/1 (#1242487)58Cream with Light Undersides3885
ChFr CCM 14Kt Zion Cream 2G 2E 12HH (#1303045)63Cream3236
WCM Zyla EEGG 11HH/2hh Silver lala (#1211361)63Silver3870

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Shadow Fox|back saturday! (#373186)May 9, 2014

Game Time

04:35pm on Mar 11

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