ChT Kip's Rookie [EEEE] [24HH]
Male American White Shepherd Owned by Golden Heart K9s (#1059174)
level 42     agi 418     cha 183     int 1928     spd 886     stm 1004     str 392
Full Name:ChT Kip's Rookie [EEEE] [24HH]
Description:Intelligence x4
What's this? Breed:American White Shepherd (Guardian)
Retired On:December 14th, 2015
Born On:April 15th, 2015
Days Aged:3477 FP Days
Owner:Golden Heart K9s (#1059174)
Bred By:Yasuna - Level 123!!! (#1157961)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK ee BB DD SlSl aa SS mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lala intint intint HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Schutzhund, Musical Freestyle, Flyball, Tracking, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:29
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 418
Charisma 183
Intelligence 1928 Major Group Stat
Speed 886 Major Group Stat
Stamina 1004 Major Group Stat
Strength 392 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 42
Experience Earned 10,839,761
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

intx2 spdx2 stmx2
Champion Tracking
Total Competitions: 1990   
First Places173    Second Places111    Third Places92    Fourth Places82    Fifth Places76    Sixth Places74   
Winnings: $39,262    Experience: 10,839,761   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
87% Training



WCT GHK9s Avalanche 24HH (#2197778)64White100
MT CCSc GHK9s Bryce 24HH (#2197792)61White100
IPnSc NT GHK9s Easyrider [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197787)10White16
ASc GHK9s Malentha's Like I Love You (#2197785)22White31
CCSc GHK9s Alaska [EEEE] [24HH] (#2089760)59White3368
AT GHK9s Alias vom Schoneberg-Land (#2197789)26White3044
WCSc GHK9s Alpine [EEEE] [24HH] (#2116561)60White3365
NCSc GHK9s Amity [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197775)52White3272
NCSc NT GHK9s Arabella [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197786)51White3272
PnSc GHK9s Aristotle [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197779)12White3350
WCT GHK9s Atesha [EEEE] [24HH] (#2089758)59White3368
WCT GHK9s Ateshia [EEEE] [24HH] (#2116562)59White3365
NCT GHK9s Avenger | 24HH / EEEE / lala (#2197784)54White3364
APnSc GHK9s Banjo (#2197790)14White3332
NCT GHK9s Bliss [4E, 24/0, 3int, lala] (#2236521)53White3153
CCT GHK9s Blossom [4E, 24/0, 3int, lala] (#2236523)54White3153
NCSc GHK9s Bullet [4E, 24/0, 3int, lala] (#2197793)52White3153
CCSc GHK9s Cadence [EEEE] [24HH] (#2116563)59White3365
NCT GHK9s Celine [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197774)52White3272
WCT GHK9s Chardonnay [EEEE] [24HH] (#2089759)58White3368
NCSc GHK9s Cherish [4E, 24/0, 4int, lala] (#2236530)51White3153
NCT GHK9s Crystal Morning [4E, 24/0, 3int, lala] (#2236522)51White3153
NCSc GHK9s Daisy [4E, 24/0, 4int, lala] (#2236526)52White3153
CCSc GHK9s Eden [EEEE] [24HH] (#2089761)58White3368
GCA GHK9s Enola [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197781)51White3272
NCSc GHK9s Escalade [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197782)51White3272
CCSc GHK9s Fairlee [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197783)53White3272
NCT GHK9s Fancy [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197776)51White3272
NCT GHK9s Felice [4E, 24/0, 3int, lala] (#2236527)53White3153
NCT GHK9s Felicity [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197791)53White3272
NCT GHK9s Fern [4E, 24/0, 4int, lala] (#2236528)52White3153
WCT GHK9s Grandeur [EEEE] [24HH] (#2089755)58White3368
NCSc GHK9s Honeysuckle Bloom [4E, 24/0, 3int, lala] (#2236529)49White3153
GCSc JPnT GHK9s Imagine [4E, 24/0, 3int, lala] (#2236524)50White3153
NCSc GHK9s Infiniti [4E, 24/0, 3int, lala] (#2236525)51White3153
CCSc GHK9s Kenai [EEEE] [24HH] (#2116560)58White3365
NCT GHK9s Moon Goddess [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197777)51White3272
WCT GHK9s Patience [EEEE] [24HH] (#2116564)59White3365
CCT GHK9s Shasta [EEEE] [24HH] (#2089757)57White3368
NCSc GHK9s Siena [EEEE] [24HH] (#2197788)52White3272
CCT GHK9s Stardust [EEEE] [24HH] (#2089756)57White3368
WCT GHK9s Taisaya [EEEE] [24HH] (#2089762)58White3368
WCSc GHK9s Velocity [EEEE] [24HH] (#2116565)60White3365
WCT GHK9s White Snowflake {24HH lala 4int 1.200x} (#2197780)65White3152

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Golden Heart K9s (#1059174)Apr 30, 2015
Yasuna - Level 123!!! (#1157961)Apr 21, 2015

Game Time

09:35pm on Mar 20

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