MR Ann's EEEE 22HH
Male Whippet Owned by Evergreens (#1076394)
level 40     agi 383     cha 604     int 182     spd 647     stm 695     str 179
Full Name:MR Ann's EEEE 22HH
Description:22HH 0hh 0.967x +++-
What's this? Breed:Whippet (Sight Hounds)
Retired On:January 17th, 2022
Born On:August 22nd, 2015
Days Aged:1258 FP Days
Owner:Evergreens (#1076394)
Bred By:Ann-Kathrin (#1239632)
Color:Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl AyAy sisw mm rr TT cwcw gg uu lala stmint stmstm HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Show, Racing, Tracking
Times Bred:46
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 383 Major Group Stat
Charisma 604 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 182
Speed 647 Major Group Stat
Stamina 695 Major Group Stat
Strength 179
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 40
Experience Earned 9,625,653
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

chax2 spdx2 stmx2
Masters Racing
Total Competitions: 3915   
First Places17    Second Places38    Third Places42    Fourth Places74    Fifth Places87    Sixth Places114   
Winnings: $7,732    Experience: 9,625,653   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training



AA *MCK* KINESIS (24HH) ID#1385568

Level 17

Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask


Level 14



Level 33

Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking


AA *MCK* KINESIS (24HH) ID#1385568

Level 17

Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask


Level 14



Level 1

Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Ticking


IPnFl TXBM 18HH (#7071136)7Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Ticking16
AFr YOeK 22HH Aghy (#5739580)21Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Light Undersides47
NR LUSLK 24 Turlu (#5612789)1Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Ticking6
ANR M_PBK all excellent 22HH lala (#7130604)6Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Ticking, and Light Undersides14
ExR April Fool's (#5622239)30Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking48
APnR TamB Axel (#7002763)11Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Ticking75
ExR AHu TamB Bundaberg (#7016427)34Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Ticking65
AA Buttercup's 22 (#6055211)18Black and White (Irish) with Ticking100
ChR Eilesti (#6861867)41Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and Ticking57
CCR Flamingsoul's Manzanita Mare (#6961252)51Brindle Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and Ticking91
APnFl SSBS Harry (#6058694)14Black with Light Undersides58
AA BRWNG Icing on the Cake (#5938645)15Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, Ticking, and Light Undersides29
ChR Irithiel (#6861864)43Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking60
PnFr Lilian (#5772989)10Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking30
ChR Naesti (#6861866)44Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking60
MFr BRWNG Orpheus (#5938644)32Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking71
NR Rose (#6836208)4Cream with Black Sable and Mask12
APnR TUF'S Roxy (#6049720)13Black and White (Irish) with Ticking and Light Undersides42
AP Terrells Elvira 22-2-0 EEEE lala (#7035089)22Black and White (Irish) with Ticking59
ExFl FTSR Until Tomorrow (#5622238)31Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking48
GCR Veara (#6861865)45Silver with Black Sable60
JPnFr TLW Winnie (#6084051)7Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Ticking, and Light Undersides30
MFl CC’s *Sam DB50 (#7068947)27Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking1232
ExR TUF'S 22HH2Hh lala 4stm 1.107 (#6139039)40Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking711
PnT DA:I Bartender for the Blooming Rose (#7035090)11Black and White (Piebald) with Ticking745
ANR EEEE 20HH (#6395258)6Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable, Ticking, and Light Undersides1395
ANR EEEE 22HH (#6395259)5Fawn and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and Ticking1395
WCFr MD's EL160 agi SELL* (#7237566)58Brindle Cream with Black Sable113
AA TXBM Hammelburg (#7071137)19Black and White (Irish) with Ticking813
MFl Iapetus (#5444520)27Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Ticking1396
APnO DA:I Keeper Hawen's Dalish Hunter (#7035088)11Brindle Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and Ticking745
IPnR Matilda (#7032927)8Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Ticking1258
MR MD PSE Puppy 4 (#7039039)36Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and Ticking1254
Red Rose (#5583570)1Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Ticking1825
APnFr DA:I Revered Mother of the Denerim Alienage (#7035091)11Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Ticking745
MR TUF'S Rocky roads of Romania (#6002803)32Black and White (Irish) with Ticking771
AR AKDK Striped (#5640915)19Brindle Silver with Black Sable and Mask1425
GCP SSBS Susan (#6090375)45Black and White (Irish) with Ticking and Light Undersides1656
IPnRO AKDK Tilly (#5686317)8Black and White (Piebald) with Ticking1785
JPnFl Titania (#5526661)7Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and Ticking1356
ANFl Winnie (#6306135)5Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Ticking1567
APnFr M_PBK Winter (#7143116)13Brindle Red and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and Ticking1033

Current Litters

MR Ann's 22 - lala stmint stmstm x JPnFr Ghostemane (#3819935)257
MR Ann's 22 - lala stmint stmstm x PnFr ZSH Nora (#4238999)149

Previous Owners

Evergreens (#1076394)Jun 7, 2020
Paddiarty (#1078389)Dec 16, 2019
Paddee (#1066453)Jul 22, 2019
Ann-Kathrin (#1239632)Aug 28, 2015

Game Time

11:10am on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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