GCFl ExT *PRP* There Ain't No Good Chain Gang
Male Border Collie Owned by \*Fishy*/ (#1684613)
level 45     agi 952     cha 241     int 769     spd 2181     stm 970     str 214
Full Name:GCFl ExT *PRP* There Ain't No Good Chain Gang
Description:A Male available for breeding requests! Looking for a stat kinda dog and not breeding for looks? Victory is your guy! Still availability!
What's this? Breed:Border Collie (Drovers)
Retired On:December 17th, 2023
Born On:October 18th, 2012
Days Aged:545 FP Days
Owner:\*Fishy*/ (#1684613)
Bred By:Prinzessin2 (#445074)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK ee BB DD slsl asaasa Ssp mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lala stmstm stmstm HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Flyball, Tracking, Frisbee, Rally-O
Times Bred:30
Boosters Used:1/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 952 Major Group Stat
Charisma 241
Intelligence 769 Major Group Stat
Speed 2181 Major Group Stat
Stamina 970 Major Group Stat
Strength 214
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 45
Experience Earned 13,628,091
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

agix2 spdx2 stmx2
Grand Champion Flyball
Total Competitions: 3020   
First Places96    Second Places120    Third Places127    Fourth Places111    Fifth Places128    Sixth Places123   
Winnings: $57,144    Experience: 10,006,959   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
75% Training
intx2 spdx2 stmx2
Excellent Tracking
Total Competitions: 670   
First Places370    Second Places70    Third Places19    Fourth Places23    Fifth Places19    Sixth Places10   
Winnings: $328,503    Experience: 3,618,910   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
88% Training



PnH [ssk] 24HH (black) Kk Eme Bb DD mm rr Ccw (#253341)8Black21
NT TAS Charcoal (#230494)1Black7
ChH Chevrolet Corvette (#8515908)42Black and White (Piebald)86
MT LAKs EEEE 24H lala |E27| (#267893)23Silver and White (Piebald)53
AH *A*U* Keelyn EEEE lala (#230493)15Black and White (Irish)29
JAT NH Onestar (#238864)14Silver and White (Piebald)86
PnH HCc Pretty As A Bell EEEE 18.0 (#257998)10Silver and White (Piebald)21
IPnT NH Silver Cloud (#258001)8Silver and White (Piebald)16
NFl TAS Solar Eclipse (#229219)1Black7
ChH [Red] (20) Ccw (#244442)30Red57
APnH DaiQ * Silver Phantom | 24HH lala 4*STM - Silver and White (Bb DD sisp cwcw) (#267891)13Silver and White (Irish)4044
MT 17HH Silver and White (Piebald) (#258000)29Silver and White (Piebald)4036
WCT JPnH desu 24 | Blinne (#267890)50Silver 4458
WCH PnT 24 | Órlaith (#260048)51Red and White (Piebald) 4462
MT Milov 24HH lala / 4stm / ALLADIN (#301923)30Silver1895
MFl Milov 24HH lala / 4stm / ALPINE (#301922)30Silver and White (Piebald)1895
JAH ExFl SK~ 257999 94.79% - KK ee BB DD slsl atasa spsw tt - Silver and White (Piebald) - 5Hh (#257999)36Silver and White (Piebald)1842
ASh A Forest At Its Greatest (#8518209)21Blue Merle and White (Irish)356
JAH ANT HFD Aqua (#249739)13Blue Merle and White (Piebald)3987
WCFl NH At. Humane Society (#249737)43Fawn1686
WCA Empire Strikes Back (#260047)52Red 4185
NCFl NH Exile (#249741)41Fawn and White (Piebald) 4454
WCH Fantastic Four (#249738)52Blue Merle 4185
IPnT Fawn and White (Irish) (#306199)8Fawn and White (Irish) 4432
AFl G190 A Good Pack (#8578402)19Black186
AFl G205 There Aint No Good Forest (#8540438)17Blue Merle196
MP Good Chain Of Personality - lala Kk BB DD Ayasa sisp mm (#8518210)22Cream and White (Irish) with Ticking204
APnT Leroy (#8518211)13Blue Merle and White (Piebald) with Ticking506
MA JPnFl Missy (#244440)23Silver and White (Piebald) 4395
AFl NT Natalie (#253340)16Red 4331
AFl JPnT AMGs Naya (#247906)22Silver3904
JPnFl WCT Philomena 14HH EEEE (#249742)51Fawn 4454
MP PPP Gang Packed 22HH (#8515907)22Black357
AFl PPP Star Filters 21HH (#8515909)21Red357
NT NH Red and White (Irish) ll 24HH ll lala ll 12 days (#244444)1Red and White (Irish)3914
MFl arcas Red lala stm3 23HH (#244441)25Red4007
NFl NT Red ll 24HH ll lala ll 12 days (#244443)1Red3914
GCH IPnFl CGDB Shiver (21HH) (#247908)41Silver and White (Irish) with Ticking3399
AFr STWD Silhouetted Against the Sun (#8515910)18Red365
AFl ANH Silver (#238863)16Silver 4224
PnH AT Silver Moon (#267892)23Silver2450
ExT Tony (#306198)32Red 4440
NCH WTK Wild Thunders Whispers in the Dark (13HH lala) (#249740)50Blue Merle3889
JPnH CCFl «DSK» Zero [17HH Lla 3stm/1agi 1.055x] (#247907)56Cream and White (Irish) with Ticking2340
JAT [ SELL ] 22HH lala 4*stm (#267889)13Silver 4448
IPnH NCFl [C] Silver Wing (#247909)42Silver and White (Irish) 4442

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

\*Fishy*/ (#1684613)Oct 11, 2023
IrishErin (#451572)Mar 19, 2018
TwistedLove (PM to Unlock) (#9901)Oct 24, 2012

Game Time

01:49am on Mar 4

Welcome Guest

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