
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
GCSc FL*K Sable, Mask - Cream, S. Blue - EG2 - 14H - Lla
Female Bouvier des Flandres Owned by FL*Kitdragon2000 (#1306150)
level 46     agi 220     cha 222     int 1111     spd 492     stm 1157     str 1863
Full Name:GCSc FL*K Sable, Mask - Cream, S. Blue - EG2 - 14H - Lla
Description:+1: FP Days: 63,
-1: FP Days: 84, 86,
What's this? Breed:Registered Bouvier des Flandres (Guardian)
Born On:January 9th, 2016
Days Aged:89 FP Days
Owner:FL*Kitdragon2000 (#1306150)
Bred By:FL*Kitdragon2000 (#1306150)
Color:Silver with Steel Blue Sable and Mask
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EmEm BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cwcw GG uu Lla stragi stmstr Hh HH hh HH HH hh HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh Hh Hh HH HH HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh hh
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Tracking, Pulling, Herding, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:1
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Grey Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl Grey Bowl Empty
Collar None Equipped
Leash None Equipped
Bed White Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Red Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Mischievous Personality Sturdy Squeaky Shark
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Beef Dinner+20 str, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 220
Charisma 222
Intelligence 1111 Major Group Stat
Speed 492 Major Group Stat
Stamina 1157 Major Group Stat
Strength 1863 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 46
Multiplier: 0.950x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #9,434   Breed Ranking: #34


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
intx2 stmx2 strx2
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Total Competitions: 3660    Current Entries: 0
First Places24    Second Places78    Third Places103    Fourth Places156    Fifth Places170    Sixth Places209   
Winnings: $32,608    Experience: 14,634,171    Title In: 60 places
Overall Ranking: #34,140    Sport Ranking: #2,293
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

Fourth!1366922Perfect Canine Kennel Club Competition (#266146443)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Fourth!1332321Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167906)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Fourth!1423421Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167984)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Fourth!1423421Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167902)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Fifth!1280522Standard Bred Kennels Competition (#266139553)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Fifth!1323722Standard Bred Kennels Competition (#266139555)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Sixth!1327521Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167907)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Sixth!1356321Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167911)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Sixth!1389921Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167973)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Sixth!1293921Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167977)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Sixth!1346721Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167976)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
71151322Kyra's Kennel Competition (#266145353)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
71199221Kyra's Kennel Competition (#266145354)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
7997622Standard Bred Kennels Competition (#266139552)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
71131922Standard Bred Kennels Competition (#266139559)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
71270922Standard Bred Kennels Competition (#266139560)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
71289121Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167974)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
81140521Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167901)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
81212421Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167905)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
91150121Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167897)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
91246021Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167899)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
91145321Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167898)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
91106921Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167908)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
91082921Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167972)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
91184822Kyra's Kennel Competition (#266145357)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
91175222Kyra's Kennel Competition (#266145356)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
91064722Standard Bred Kennels Competition (#266139557)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
10953421Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167903)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
101135721Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167904)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
111145321Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167985)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
111120922Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266130520)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
11978422Standard Bred Kennels Competition (#266139558)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
12987021Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167910)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
12906722Kyra's Kennel Competition (#266145358)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
121092521Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167909)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
12978621Kyra's Kennel Competition (#266145352)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
12963021Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167986)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
121044621Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167979)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
131226422Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266130526)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
13935222Standard Bred Kennels Competition (#266139554)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
131079122Standard Bred Kennels Competition (#266139556)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
14919921Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167978)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
14924721Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167982)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
151116521Wild'n'Free Competition (#266167900)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
15929421Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167975)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
15987021Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167981)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
15843121Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167983)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
151173722Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266130523)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
151001421Atomic Altitude Competition (#266167980)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
151072921Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266130517)
Grand Champion Schutzhund



MT GK'S 1.2025 - CONF - ~*~ 4 SALE ~*~ ID#2215511

Level 30

Steel Blue


Level 47

Red with Steel Blue Sable and Mask

MT FL*K 1.2025 - CONF - SABLE, MASK - CREAM, S. BLUE - E4 - 12H - LL ID#2268167

Level 27

Cream with Steel Blue Sable and Mask


MT GK'S 1.2025 - CONF - ~*~ 4 SALE ~*~ ID#2215511

Level 30

Steel Blue


Level 47

Red with Steel Blue Sable and Mask


Level 41

Steel Blue


IPnSc FL*K 1.2025 - CONF - Sable, Mask - Cream, Steel Blue - E4 - 18H - Lla (#2364153)10Cream with Steel Blue Sable and Mask22
CCSc (E4_20H) (#2364154)58Steel Blue2798

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

FL*Kitdragon2000 (#1306150)Jan 15, 2016

Game Time

06:05pm on Mar 6

Welcome Guest

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