WCFT Burley nee Bidyoliel
Male Pointer Owned by (#1019371)
level 41     agi 178     cha 772     int 186     spd 377     stm 2356     str 721
Full Name:WCFT Burley nee Bidyoliel
What's this? Breed:Pointer (Pointers/Setters)
Retired On:March 11th, 2013
Born On:August 6th, 2012
Days Aged:4483 FP Days
Owner: (#1019371)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Fawn and White (Irish)
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP KK ee bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt cchcch gg uu Lla stmstm stmspd HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Times Bred:89
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 178
Charisma 772 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 186
Speed 377 Major Group Stat
Stamina 2356 Major Group Stat
Strength 721 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 41
Experience Earned 11,102,496
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

chax2 stmx2 strx2
World Champion Field Trials
Total Competitions: 3570   
First Places215    Second Places151    Third Places160    Fourth Places160    Fifth Places149    Sixth Places173   
Winnings: $148,664    Experience: 11,102,496   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training


Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog


BOK 12HH EEEE Red and White (Irish) (#322340)1Red and White (Irish)6
NRO Ben (#460753)2Fawn and White (Irish)61
NRO NFT BOK Burton (#315708)1Red and White (Irish)5
PnFT BOK Clay (#325934)4Red and White (Irish)15
BOK nee BurleySabina 4E 12HH stmstm stmspd RedWhiteIrish tt Ccch (#322368)1Red and White (Irish)6
MFT BOK Red River (#439099)26Red54
AFT IPnA BOK Revel in the Rebel (#439100)19Red41
10HH EEEE Red and White (Irish) (#325932)1Red and White (Irish) 4242
15HH EEEE Red (#419479)1Red 4242
MT BSAK ACH L30 - POINTER [STM] (#460755)25Fawn and White (Irish)3085
CCFT BOK Adanion nee BurleySana (#243955)45Chocolate3961
ANFT Agda (#410638)6Chocolate and White (Irish)4027
NCFT BOK Alya nee BurleyCassandra (#223234)43Red and White (Irish)3989
JPnFT Andrus (#420929)6Black2961
WCFT Bastian Boy EEEE (#152444)43Black and White (Irish) 4210
NCFT BOK Calanon nee BurleySana (#243956)45Black and White (Irish)3960
JPnFT Cille (#312555)7Fawn and White (Irish)4027
IPnFT Dagfinn (#314315)10Fawn and White (Irish)3970
APnFT Dardana (#312438)12Black and White (Irish)3817
IPnFT BSAK Dog (#314317)10Fawn and White (Irish)3484
ANFl BSAK Dog (#325938)6Black and White (Irish)2946
IPnHT BSAK Dog (#410639)10Fawn and White (Irish)3484
AFT Eguzkiñe (#324153)12Black and White (Irish)3817
MFl BSAK Goldie 13HH 0.988x (#460752)27Fawn and White (Irish)2021
ChFT Gummy Worm (#325937)31Red 4233
NRO Honey (#419478)2Black and White (Irish)4027
ARO Jehona (#324154)13Black3819
MFT Margh (#312557)21Fawn and White (Irish)3977
nee BurleyPersea 4E stmstm spdstm RedWhiteIrish tt Ccch (#325933)1Red and White (Irish) 4242
WCFT BOK Night's Parade (24HH) (#216051)58Chocolate and White (Irish) with Ticking1957
ExRO BOK Nostariel nee BurleyDee (#216050)37Chocolate and White (Irish)4009
PnFT vC One Time Deal (#314313)9Fawn and White (Irish)4027
JAFT Osana (#314312)11Chocolate and White (Irish)3815
AFl Ovestin (x) (#410637)24Chocolate3964
IPnFT Patrik (#312556)10Fawn and White (Irish)3975
NFr Poseidon (#460754)1Fawn and White (Irish)4014
WCFT Princess Z EEEE (#152445)43Black and White (Irish) 4210
GCFT BOK Rimedur nee BurleyDee (#214247)38Chocolate and White (Irish)3970
ANFT Chery SALE [EEEE 18HH] (#314316)6Black and White (Irish)3899
JAHT Magic Sandy Desert (#325935)15Fawn and White (Irish)3084
ChFT BOK Sanya nee BurleyDee (#214246)37Chocolate and White (Irish)4009
ASh BSAK Supernatural's Gholandria (#312834)19Chocolate and White (Irish)3266
IPnFT Tessa (#325936)8Fawn and White (Irish)4027
NCFT BOK Valdaglerion nee BurleyCassandra (#223235)40Red and White (Irish)3968
JPnFT Venetia (#312454)8Fawn and White (Irish)4027
PnFl Wilma (#420930)11Black3814
JAFT BSAK Wilson (#312437)13Chocolate and White (Irish)2828
JPnFT Yllka (#315709)6Chocolate and White (Irish)4026

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Humane Society (#1019371)Nov 12, 2012

Game Time

08:46pm on Mar 17

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