WCR Skn's 19 HH Lla Amun I
Male Pharaoh Hound Owned by Domenic (#1292122)
level 60     agi 728     cha 3233     int 383     spd 2239     stm 2069     str 359
Full Name:WCR Skn's 19 HH Lla Amun I
What's this? Breed:Pharaoh Hound (Sight Hounds)
Retired On:May 22nd, 2017
Born On:July 21st, 2016
Days Aged:2962 FP Days
Owner:Domenic (#1292122)
Bred By:~Jackson Scott~ (#1210817)
Color:Red and White (Irish)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK ee BB DD slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt Ccch gg uu Lla stmspd stmstm HH HH HH Hh HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh Hh HH HH Hh HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Agility, Flyball, Racing, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:85
Boosters Used:1/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 728 Major Group Stat
Charisma 3233 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 383
Speed 2239 Major Group Stat
Stamina 2069 Major Group Stat
Strength 359
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 60
Experience Earned 31,153,371
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

chax2 spdx2 stmx2
World Champion Racing
Total Competitions: 3860   
First Places201    Second Places150    Third Places180    Fourth Places159    Fifth Places161    Sixth Places151   
Winnings: $284,504    Experience: 31,153,371   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training




Level 67

Red and White (Irish)


Level 68




Level 86

Red and White (Irish)


Level 41

Red and White (Irish)


Level 44

Fawn and White (Irish)


IPnR WCFl EchLK "R Amun [18HH - 2xspd] 1.172 (#3000685)65Fawn and White (Irish)104
AFr good 12HH Excellent The Feared Pet of Set, The Set Animal of Evil Day, Servant of the Lord Chaos Apophis (#2907622)22Red and White (Irish)70
ExFl *PPK* 18HH Welcome To The Jungle (#3400091)34Red and White (Irish)98
AR EchLK 3377870 (#3377870)20Red and White (Irish)63
PnR AFl 3386430 (#3386430)18Red and White (Irish)61
AR AFl *DE* Abat (19HH EEEE Lla) (#3354685)28Red and White (Irish)81
ExFl ChR EchLK Ahmose 18HH X 3.7. (#3368268)44Red109
JPnR MFl EchLK Amun-Seshat (#2973915)26Red42
AR MFl EchLK Amunsom Son of Hathor (#3344991)31Red and White (Irish)103
AFl PHGSD Barbra (16HH) (#3365692)25Red and White (Irish)69
AFr EchLK Black Rose (#3400092)23Fawn and White (Irish)62
AR EchLK Cinnamon Candle (#3372028)23Red and White (Irish)65
AFl Ll» Cleopatra (#3383796)20Red and White (Irish)31
MFl APnR Commanche (#3402376)32Red and White (Irish)102
CCR JAFl EchLK Tutankhamun (16HH 1.110x) (#2930948)59Red and White (Irish)103
MFl MR Guardian Of The Galaxy (#2948348)34Red78
AR MFl EchLK Hathor III (#3344990)30Red and White (Irish)93
ChFl ~TDK~ Hatshepsut 19HH 1.100x (#2877212)41Red and White (Irish)67
JPnR King (#3049539)5Red and White (Irish)13
WCR SSKD King Of Ancient World spd (#3034481)69Red and White (Irish)102
UCFr SSKD LVL 71/ 1.190x (#3038167)71Red103
WCFl MMP Moondancer 13HH-EEEE stmx2 LL 1.055 (#2876076)65Fawn and White (Irish)100
MR ~TDK~ Oliver 16HH 1.185x (#3024187)32Red and White (Irish)48
JARO Osiris 19HH Excellent (#3000683)13Red and White (Irish)45
AR Puppy 1 stm (#3402374)20Fawn37
PnR Puppy 2 (#3024826)12Red and White (Irish)86
AR Ramesses (#2928576)25Red and White (Irish)50
ChR ~TDK~ Ramses 15HH 1.055x (#2876075)39Fawn and White (Irish)67
ExR ChFl EchLK (PH) Amun II son of Ma'at II 20 HH (#2990154)43Red and White (Irish)2636
AR PnFl (PH) Amunchilde son of Heket III 21 HH (#3396059)26Red and White (Irish)2745
PnR AFl EchLK (PH) Anubis [Lla 21HH EEEE] (#3391364)19Red and White (Irish)2735
MR ExFl EchLK 100 pts Nefertiti I (#2960326)41Fawn and White (Irish)2818
ExR ExFl EchLK 107 pts Seshat II (#2973916)41Red2785
ChR MFl EchLK 111 Benerib (#3010820)41Red and White (Irish)2773
NFl NR 116 Nekhbet III (#3034480)1Red and White (Irish)2972
MR ChFl EchLK 117 Nubia I (#2978108)42Red2784
MR MFl EchLK 117 pts Anuket III (#2945183)35Red and White (Irish)2899
MR ExFl EchLK 117 Wadjet II (#2948347)38Red and White (Irish)2820
MR AHu 12 HH Agathoclea I (#2907621)28Red2916
AA MHu 12 HH Nekhbet II (#2917442)27Red and White (Irish)2913
MR ExFl EchLK 120 Nut III (#2967913)41Fawn and White (Irish)2786
ExFl MR EchLK 120 pts Kebechet III (#2960325)38Fawn and White (Irish)2818
ExR ExFl EchLK 120 pts Neith I (#2967912)39Fawn and White (Irish)2817
MR MFl EchLK 121 pts Isis III (#2936438)35Red and White (Irish)2904
MR ExT EchLK 125 Betrest I (#3017965)41Fawn and White (Irish)2636
MR AFr EchLK 13 HH Abar I (#2907620)29Red2916
ExR MFl EchLK 131 pts Ma'at III (#2942102)34Red and White (Irish)2902
MR ExFl EchLK 133 Beketamun (#3003894)39Red2776
MR AFl 14 HH Aat I (#2902111)28Red and White (Irish)2918
AR MFl 14 HH Ahaneith I (#2917443)29Red2913
GCR Kylo 3359551 (#3359551)45Red and White (Irish)2381
ChR AFl EchLK 3362191 (#3362191)41Red2380
MFl AR EchLK 86 pts Anput III (#2928577)28Red and White (Irish)2909
MFl AR EchLK 92 pts Hathor II (#2930949)29Red and White (Irish)2908
PnR 95 (#3010819)11Fawn and White (Irish)2523
NR NFl Abar II (#3030225)1Red2973
MR ChFl EchLK Ahaneith II (#3038168)43Fawn and White (Irish)2631
MR AT Ahhotep I (#2920324)28Red and White (Irish)2912
MR AT Ahmose I (#2920323)28Red2912
AFl MR EchLK Amenemopet I (#2923688)29Red and White (Irish)2911
APnR AFl EchLK Amenemopet II (#3374753)24Red and White (Irish)2649
ChFl MR EchLK Amenia I (#2990153)42Red and White (Irish)2782
ANFl Amun Camie (#3021037)4Red1362
APnFl JPnR EchLK Amun-Anput (#2978107)14Red and White (Irish)3004
GCR GCFl EchLK Amun-Isis (#2986347)48Red and White (Irish)2994
JPnR AFl EchLK Amun-Menhit (#2939417)17Fawn and White (Irish)2540
CCR Amunet (#3043686)53Red and White (Irish)2961
MR ChFl EchLK Anput IV (#3342066)41Red and White (Irish)2622
CCR Anuket (#3043687)51Red2961
ExFl EchLK Arizona (#3021164)38Red and White (Irish)2449
ChR MFl EchLK Ashanti I (#2986346)43Red2783
ChR MFl EchLK Ayana I (#2982933)41Red and White (Irish)2784
CCR Bastet (#3043684)50Red2961
MR ChFl EchLK Beketaten I (#3007668)43Red and White (Irish)2774
GCR EchLK Berenice Syra I (#3014518)43Fawn2772
JAR AFl EchLK BREEDER 10 HH Menhit I (#2865343)23Fawn3038
AR BREEDER 12 HH Seshat I (#2893228)22Red3028
MR BREEDER 12 HH Wadjet I (#2873788)24Red3035
MR BREEDER 13 HH Anuket II (#2871348)23Red and White (Irish)3036
AR BREEDER 13 HH Isis II (#2865344)21Fawn3038
AM BREEDER 13 HH Nut II (#2884386)23Red and White (Irish)3031
JAR AFl BREEDER 14 HH Heket II (#2873789)24Red3035
AR APnFr BREEDER 14 HH Ma'at II (#2868569)22Red and White (Irish)3037
AFl BREEDER EEEG Anput II (#2859829)22Fawn3040
APnR AFl BREEDER EEEG Hathor I (#2859828)22Red and White (Irish)3040
AFl AR BREEDER GEEE Lla Kebechet II (#2878818)21Red and White (Irish)3033
AR ExFl EchLK Cheyenne (#2997461)39Red and White (Irish)2779
PnR AFl EchLK Cleopatra (#3380829)24Red and White (Irish)2747
ExR MFl EchLK Cleopatra (22HH) (#3000684)38Red2750
ANM JPnO Duke (#2893229)7Red and White (Irish)3028
WCR Echoing Legacy Mut (16HH 13:2) (#3354686)67Red and White (Irish)2814
MR AFl EchLK EEEG Tawaret I (#2899747)27Red and White (Irish)2919
NCR Any Europe (#3362192)52Fawn2780
ChFl ExR EchLK Exp Dog (#2896414)44Red2838
GCFl ChR EchLK Exp Dog 2 (#2896415)45Red2838
IPnR AFl EchLK forestfloor (#3391365)23Red and White (Irish)2745
APnFl EchLK Harlem (#2868568)14Red and White (Irish)3024
ChR EchLK Hatsheput (#3000686)42Red and White (Irish)2777
ExR MFl EchLK Heket III (#2948349)36Red2820
AR MFl EchLK Helena (#3027569)37Red2449
ExR MFl EchLK Hemetre (#3383795)37Red and White (Irish)2374
AR MFl Iswa (#3347374)31Fawn and White (Irish)2718
ChR MFl Ma'at IV (19HH 1hh R6:1) (#3388562)42Fawn and White (Irish)2663
ChFl MR EchLK Menhit II (#2993541)44Fawn2781
MFl AR EchLK Miami (#3024188)37Red and White (Irish)2447
ChR Neke 16HH (#3365693)41Red and White (Irish)2753
AR BlMK Pharaoh Seti (#2902112)15Red and White (Irish)3025
AR MFl EchLK Pheonix [16HH EEEE Lla 1.188x] (#3017964)37Red2449
IPnFr Puppy 4 (#3342065)9Red and White (Irish)2875
CCR Raamzes (#3043685)52Red and White (Irish)2948
AR ~WSD~ Rufus (#2899748)17Fawn and White (Irish)2703
GCR MHu SLGH Sarah's Sangria (#3030226)43Red and White (Irish)2989
ExR Sekhmet II (#2923689)31Red and White (Irish)2911
GCR MFl EchLK Sekhmet III (#3331789)44Red and White (Irish)2628
MR ExFl EchLK Serqet II (#2967911)41Fawn2786
MR ExFl EchLK Shawnee (#2997462)40Red and White (Irish)2778
APnR ExFl SYSEL Tipped Pyramid (#3396060)37Red and White (Irish)1294
ExR MFl Wadjet III (20HH 2hh) R3.1 (#3397974)41Red and White (Irish)2663
JPnR WCFl EchLK Zinfandel (#3402375)68Red and White (Irish)1450

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Domenic (#1292122)Nov 5, 2016
Rita (#1357981)Nov 3, 2016
~Jackson Scott~ (#1210817)Jul 27, 2016

Game Time

10:25am on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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