CCSh IMYS Light As Cotton
Male Toy Poodle Owned by Sirius (#1450578)
level 59     agi 349     cha 2215     int 1655     spd 717     stm 383     str 2128
Full Name:CCSh IMYS Light As Cotton
What's this? Breed:Toy Poodle (Companions)
Retired On:June 12th, 2019
Born On:November 20th, 2017
Days Aged:2189 FP Days
Owner:Sirius (#1450578)
Bred By:Imys (#1383063)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk EmE Bb DD Slsl AyAy Ssi mm rr tt cecw gg uu lala strcha chacha HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Show, Agility, Tracking, Pulling
Times Bred:30
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 349
Charisma 2215 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 1655 Major Group Stat
Speed 717 Major Group Stat
Stamina 383
Strength 2128 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 59
Experience Earned 28,553,634
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


Best of Breed - Experienced
Won $250 1x
Last Win: Jun 11, 2019

Sports and Training

chax2 intx2 strx2
Continental Champion Show
Total Competitions: 3250   
First Places172    Second Places158    Third Places164    Fourth Places154    Fifth Places122    Sixth Places143   
Winnings: $132,859    Experience: 28,553,634   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training



WCSH MYV THE BIG BANG (15HH/2) 4.1 ID#2210517

Level 64



Level 61

Silver and White (Irish)


Level 74



ASh 15HH//0hh lala chax4 SHOW (#5099652)16White22
ASh 16 HH (#5080343)20White35
AHu 16HH//0hh lala chax4 SILVER/WHITE (#5099673)15Silver and White (Irish) with Steel Blue Sable22
JASh 16HH//1hh lala chax4 SHOW (#5099658)16White22
ASh 17HH//0hh lala chax3 SHOW (#5099649)14White22
ARO 17HH//0hh lala chax4 (#5099648)14Steel Blue22
JASh 17HH//0hh lala chax4 BLACK SHOW (#5099668)16Black22
JASh 17HH//0hh lala chax4 CHOCOLATE SHOW (#5099678)14Chocolate22
JARO 17HH//0hh lala chax4 COAT (#5099660)14Steel Blue22
JAM 17HH//0hh lala chax4 FAWN w/CHOC MASK (#5099669)14Fawn and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask22
JASh 17HH//0hh lala chax4 SHOW (#5099656)16Steel Blue and White (Irish)22
JASh 17HH//0hh lala chax4 STEEL BLUE and WHITE SHOW (#5099677)15Steel Blue and White (Irish)22
JAM 17HH//1hh lala chax3 CHOCOLATE (#5099657)14Chocolate22
JARO 18HH//0hh lala chax3 (#5099661)14White22
AM 18HH//0hh lala chax3 (#5099757)16White22
AM 18HH//0hh lala chax3 (#5114124)16White22
JARO 18HH//0hh lala chax3 COOL COAT (#5099666)14Silver with Chocolate Sable and Mask22
ARO 18HH//0hh lala chax4 (#5099647)15White22
ARO 18HH//0hh lala chax4 (#5099651)16Steel Blue22
JARO 18HH//0hh lala chax4 CHOCOLATE (#5099667)14Chocolate22
JASh 18HH//0hh lala chax4 CREAM w/BL SHOW (#5099664)13Silver with Black Sable and Mask22
JARO 18HH//0hh lala chax4 FAWN w/SBS (#5099676)14Fawn with Steel Blue Sable and Mask22
JASh 18HH//0hh lala chax4 SHOW (#5099654)16Fawn with Black Sable22
ARO 18HH//0hh lala chax4 STEEL BLUE (#5099670)15Steel Blue22
JARO 18HH//0hh lala chax4 WHITE (#5099672)14White22
JASh 18HH//0hh lala chax4 WHITE SHOW (#5099671)16White22
JARO 19HH//0hh lala chax3 (#5099674)14White22
JASh 19HH//0hh lala chax3 SHOW (#5099650)16White22
JARO 19HH//0hh lala chax4 Cream w/BlSbl (#5114123)15Cream with Black Sable and Mask22
JAHu 20HH//0hh lala chax4 (#5099655)14Black22
JASh 20HH//0hh lala chax4 CREAM SHOW (#5099662)15Cream with Faded Brown Sable22
JASh 20HH//0hh lala chax4 SHOW (#5099659)15Steel Blue and White (Irish)22
JARO 20HH//1hh lala chax4 COAT (#5099653)15Silver with Steel Blue Sable and Mask22
JASh 21HH//0hh lala chax4 CHOC/W (#5114122)15Chocolate and White (Irish)22
JARO 21HH//0hh lala chax4 STEEL BLUE (#5099675)14Steel Blue22
JASh 21HH//0hh lala chax4 WHITE SHOW (#5099663)15White22
JASh 22HH//0hh lala chax4 SILVER SHOW (#5099665)15Silver with Steel Blue Sable22
CCRO Chocolate Chip (#5078240)52White88
WCRO CoW Cotton Candy (#5047959)58Black and White (Irish)107
MRO HcZ Parthenia /14HH/ /EEEE/ (#5076036)25White48
ExO SJE Chocolate Wonder (#4825292)33Chocolate2162
APnHu Darkspell Fluttershy (#5086156)13Black and White (Irish)2061
AA Darkspell Perfect Shot (#5044558)23Black1663
UCHu -BLD- Dreamlight BoBx1 (#5059709)83White1739
WCHu I'm Not America's Sweetheart (#5059708)68Steel Blue1289
MPB Puppy 1 (#5033040)1Black2118

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Sirius (#1450578)Jan 7, 2019
Jennifer (#1323834)Nov 26, 2017

Game Time

06:00pm on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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