Name | Level | Phenotype | Age |
WCHT RaRa BLESSED Puppy 325 (#5678605) | 73 | Isabella and White (Piebald) | 104 |
WCHT ExT Cease Fire (#7127359) | 54 | Black and White (Piebald) | 75 |
CCM NO Coach (#7127361) | 53 | Blue and White (Piebald) | 70 |
AHT skyI Eradicated Earthquake (24HH EEEE lala 4xINT 1.702x) (#5678595) | 26 | Isabella and White (Piebald) | 48 |
UCHT £Päw$ M-HT-100 {1.653X} intx4 Scooby Doo [17-2] (#7127362) | 89 | Blue Merle and White (Piebald) | 101 |
WCHT [*] Maribel*** (#5956043) | 49 | Fawn and White (Piebald) with Blue Sable and Mask | 53 |
WCHT [*] Marta*** (#5956048) | 51 | Blue and White (Piebald) | 53 |
WCHT [*] Mendel*** (#5956044) | 47 | Black and White (Piebald) | 51 |
WCHT [*] Michee*** (#5956047) | 50 | Blue | 53 |
WCHT [*] Mikael*** (#5956046) | 45 | Black and White (Piebald) | 51 |
WCHT [*] Moose*** (#5956045) | 47 | Blue and White (Piebald) | 51 |
GCHT RaRa Popsicles (#5678599) | 32 | Isabella and White (Irish) | 38 |
WCHT RaRa Puppy 325 (#5678597) | 66 | Fawn with Blue Sable and Mask | 81 |
WCHT RaRa Rahkis Blitzkrieg (9,5) (#5960473) | 94 | Black | 101 |
WCHT RaRa Rahkis Dead and Alive, Again (17,0) (#5969265) | 99 | Chocolate Merle | 101 |
UCHT RaRa Rahkis Orphaned (18,0) BOB (#5960469) | 103 | Blue Merle and White (Piebald) | 101 |
WCHT RaRa Rahkis Riders on The Storm (14,2) (#5678594) | 99 | Black and White (Piebald) | 102 |
WCHT RaRa Rahkis Status Asthmaticus (5,4) (#5969264) | 93 | Fawn with Black Sable and Mask | 101 |
WCHT RaRa Rahkis The Beast of Beacon Hills (9,5) (#5960470) | 94 | Black | 101 |
ICHT Xplo *Puppy 5 24 15.3 (#6156438) | 100 | Isabella and White (Piebald) | 1505 |
ICHT Xplo *Puppy 9 24 12.5 (#6156439) | 99 | Fawn and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Sable and Mask | 1505 |
WCHT NTK Black Night 23HH GHOST (#5952658) | 88 | Black | 1519 |
SCHT NTK Blinding Lights 1.647 BOBx5 BOSx2 (#5952657) | 98 | Fawn with Chocolate Sable and Mask | 1170 |
WCHT WCT CLOSE YOUR EYES (#7127360) | 80 | Blue Merle and White (Piebald) | 496 |
UCHT RaRa Firestone 1 (10,1) (#5678601) | 103 | Isabella | 1795 |
ICHT RaRa Firestone 14 (12,1) BOB (#5678603) | 106 | Black and White (Piebald) | 1795 |
ICHT RaRa firestone 21 (5,0) BOB (#5678596) | 103 | Isabella and White (Piebald) | 1507 |
UCHT RaRa firestone 22 (3,1) (#5678598) | 99 | Fawn with Black Sable and Mask | 1507 |
UCHT RaRa firestone 23 (7,2) (#5678604) | 102 | Isabella Merle and White (Piebald) | 1507 |
ICHT RaRa firestone 24 (6,0) (#5678606) | 101 | Chocolate and White (Piebald) | 1507 |
UCHT RaRa firestone 25 (5,1) (#5678607) | 100 | Blue and White (Piebald) | 1507 |
ICHT RaRa Firestone 5 (11,2) (#5678602) | 102 | Chocolate and White (Piebald) | 1795 |
ICHT RaRa Firestone 7 (10,0) BOB (#5678600) | 106 | Fawn Merle and White (Piebald) with Blue Sable and Mask | 1795 |
WCHT RaRa Rahkis A Novel Approach (10,4) (#5960468) | 98 | Fawn and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Sable and Mask | 1320 |
WCHT RaRa Rahkis Codominance (10,3) (#5960471) | 96 | Fawn with Blue Sable and Mask | 1307 |
WCHT RaRa Rahkis Heartless (8,1) (#5960472) | 95 | Blue Merle | 1307 |
None found.