
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
WCM 24 agiagi agispd Ll
Male American Pit Bull Terrier Owned by Lillan (#506006)
level 88     agi 6059     cha 3014     int 2824     spd 1413     stm 1425     str 2288
Full Name:WCM 24 agiagi agispd Ll
What's this? Breed:Registered American Pit Bull Terrier (Bull-Type Terriers)
Born On:July 29th, 2020
Days Aged:95 FP Days
Owner:Lillan (#506006)
Bred By:Lillan (#506006)
Color:Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Mask
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EmEm BB DD slsl Ayat sisw mm rr tt cchce gg uu Ll agiagi agispd HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Musical Freestyle, Show, Flyball, Tracking, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 12 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Stylish Star Bowl Servings Left: 1
Food Bowl Stylish Star Bowl Full
Collar Superior Jewelled Collar +350 agi, +350 cha, +350 int, +350 spd, +350 stm, +350 str, Level 80+ Only
Leash Superior Jewelled Leash +300 agi, +300 cha, +300 int, +300 spd, +300 stm, +300 str, Level 70+ Only
Bed Yellow Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Yellow Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Obsessive Personality Sturdy Rubber Ball
Assigned Food Lacrima Organic Lamb+30 agi, 75% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 6059 Major Group Stat
Charisma 3014 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 2824 Major Group Stat
Speed 1413
Stamina 1425
Strength 2288 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 88
Multiplier: 1.615x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #229   Breed Ranking: #6


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 chax2 intx2
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Total Competitions: 4200    Current Entries: 50
First Places213    Second Places276    Third Places250    Fourth Places239    Fifth Places216    Sixth Places197   
Winnings: $18,862    Experience: 93,477,788    Title In: 109 places
Overall Ranking: #4,428    Sport Ranking: #311
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!47119137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822192)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!48400137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822193)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!47439137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822190)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!46479137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822202)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!48560137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822196)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!46362131Borders loving home Competition (#266824048)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!46682131Borders loving home Competition (#266824053)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!44702133Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829293)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!47102132Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829297)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!44381132Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#266829662)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!43581133Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829286)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!47743132Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829299)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Third!44878137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822203)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Fourth!41660133Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829287)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Fifth!39319131Borders loving home Competition (#266824044)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
735578133Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829285)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
837035137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822198)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
835638131Borders loving home Competition (#266824051)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
934154137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822197)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1032874137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822191)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1231477131Borders loving home Competition (#266824049)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1230036131Borders loving home Competition (#266824054)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1231577133Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829289)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1329556131Borders loving home Competition (#266824046)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1329016132Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#266829664)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1429352137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822199)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1428392137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822194)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1428856133Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829288)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1429816132Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829296)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1528916131Borders loving home Competition (#266824047)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1626675131Borders loving home Competition (#266824043)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1625654133Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829292)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1626775133Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829290)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1726935133Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829294)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1726135132Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829298)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1726615133Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829291)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1825991137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822201)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1824914131Borders loving home Competition (#266824052)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1824054132Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#266829663)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1924754131Borders loving home Competition (#266824050)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1924754131Borders loving home Competition (#266824045)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
1922933132Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#266829295)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
2023430137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822204)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
2023634131Borders loving home Competition (#266824042)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
2022193131Borders loving home Competition (#266824040)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
2022353131Borders loving home Competition (#266824041)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
2021653132Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#266829660)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
2022613132Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#266829661)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
2122950137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822200)
World Champion Musical Freestyle
2122630137Six Rings Kennel Competition (#266822195)
World Champion Musical Freestyle



UCRO STBE 24 PURE ID#3558284

Level 79

Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Ticking

WCHU PURE ID#4167820

Level 82

Brindle Black and White (Irish) with Cream Points

UCSH PURE ID#5830910

Level 90

Brindle Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Ticking


UCRO STBE 24 PURE ID#3558284

Level 79

Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Ticking

WCSH PURE ID#4167921

Level 82

Black and White (Extreme Piebald)

WCA PURE ID#5830912

Level 89

Fawn and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and Ticking


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Lillan (#506006)Oct 30, 2020

Game Time

11:45am on Mar 17

Welcome Guest

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