NCFr Jack
Male Boxer Owned by Keszi - HR (#1486550)
level 43     agi 1253     cha 1327     int 422     spd 210     stm 2477     str 205
Blessed:Mark of the Phoenix
Doubled experience multiplier, ages twice as fast until retired, cannot be sold.
Full Name:NCFr Jack
What's this? Breed:Boxer (Hunting)
Retired On:August 5th, 2021
Born On:May 19th, 2021
Days Aged:1450 FP Days
Owner:Keszi - HR (#1486550)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KbrKbr EmEm BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cchcch gg uu lla chaint stmstr Hh Hh Hh Hh hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh HH HH hh Hh Hh Hh hh hh Hh
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Flyball, Frisbee
Times Bred:18
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Statistics and Experience

Agility 1253 Major Group Stat
Charisma 1327 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 422 Major Group Stat
Speed 210
Stamina 2477 Major Group Stat
Strength 205
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 43
Experience Earned 11,884,404


None found.

Sports and Training

agix2 chax2 stmx2
National Champion Frisbee
Total Competitions: 1320   
First Places76    Second Places69    Third Places56    Fourth Places76    Fifth Places74    Sixth Places69   
Winnings: $174,176    Experience: 11,884,404   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training




JPnHT StFr 5 -1 1153 Warm Fuzzy Feeling (#6869289)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask15
JPnM StFr 5 -1 1162 Iwan Rheon (#6869287)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask14
NM Keszi 5 -1 1203 Óriásvész Tormund (#6883819)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask11
NFr Keszi 6 0 1205 Rory McCann (#6883823)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask10
NA StFr 6 1 1163 Ramsay Bolton (#6869290)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask13
NFr Keszi 6 1 1192 Szegfü (#6883822)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask10
NFr Keszi 6 1 1198 Avenár (#6883821)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask9
NHT Keszi 6 1 1198 John Bradley-West (#6883825)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask9
NHT StFr 6 2 1155 Sandy's Girl (#6869284)1White14
NHT StFr 6 2 1160 Red Sky at Night (#6869286)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask13
NHu StFr 6 2 1170 O'La La (#6869285)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask13
NHT Keszi 6 3 1195 Sandor Clegane (#6883824)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask9
NM Keszi 6 3 1200 Hannah Murray (#6883820)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask9
NFr Keszi 6 3 1202 Kristofer Hivju (#6883818)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask9
NFr 6 4 1162 Nanni (#6869291)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask13
Keszi 7 5 1192 Julietta (#6883826)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask8
NT StFr 7 7 1162 Valencia (#6869288)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask14
NT Keszi 7 7 1202 Samwell Tarly (#6883827)1Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask10

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Keszi - HR (#1486550)May 31, 2021

Game Time

02:42pm on Mar 27

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