
Energy (100)
Condition (67%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
AFT REINK Dubett's Lord of Misrule [11/3 | 77.08] (mult) lala (1stm)
Male Irish Setter Owned by Rotte (#1284748)
level 17     agi 54     cha 186     int 46     spd 93     stm 279     str 275
Full Name:AFT REINK Dubett's Lord of Misrule [11/3 | 77.08] (mult) lala (1stm)
What's this? Breed:Registered Irish Setter (Pointers/Setters)
Born On:December 25th, 2020
Days Aged:32 FP Days
Owner:Rotte (#1284748)
Bred By:Rotte (#1284748)
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP KK ee bb DD slsl atat SS mm rr tt CC gg uu lala stmcha agiint HH Hh HH Hh HH hh hh Hh HH Hh hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh HH HH HH HH Hh HH
Aptitude:Tracking, Field Trials, Hunting Trials, Dock Diving
Times Bred:27 (Can be bred 18 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Yellow Bowl Empty!
Food Bowl Yellow Bowl Empty
Collar Nylon Green Collar +30 stm, Level 10+ Only
Leash Durable Green Leash +48 stm, Level 15+ Only
Bed Blue Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Rawhide Bone +50 comfort, 25% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Pork & Rice+10 stm, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 54
Charisma 186 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 46
Speed 93 Major Group Stat
Stamina 279 Major Group Stat
Strength 275 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 17
Multiplier: 1.022x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
chax2 stmx2 strx2
Advanced Field Trials
Total Competitions: 1000    Current Entries: 0
First Places13    Second Places32    Third Places42    Fourth Places38    Fifth Places38    Sixth Places43   
Winnings: $13,284    Experience: 983,905    Title In: 144 places
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

No results found.



AFT ROTTE *Dubett's Changeling [10/2 | 79.12] 1.010x (stm1) (#7046217)15Red26
AFT ROTTE *Dubett's Death Becomes Her [11/3 | 77.08] 1.008x (stm1) (#7046211)16Red26
AFT ROTTE *Dubett's Demonic Toys [9/2 | 78.12] 1.013x (stm1) (#7046199)16Red26
AFT ROTTE *Dubett's Gremlins [12/3 | 78.12] 1.008x (stm2) (#7046212)16Red26
AFT ROTTE *Dubett's Haunted Honeymoon [13/4 | 76.04] 1.010x (stm2) (#7046253)16Red26
AFT ROTTE *Dubett's House of 1000 Corpses [11/0 | 86.45] 1.020x (stm1) (#7046205)16Red26
AFT ROTTE *Dubett's Lady in White [10/5 | 69.79] 1.002x (stm1) (#7046201)15Red26
AFT ROTTE *Dubett's Midsommar [12/5 | 71.87] 1.007x (stm2) (#7048468)16Red26
AFT ROTTE *Dubett's Sinister [7/5 | 66.66] Lla 1.002x (stm1) (#7046204)15Red26
JAFT ROTTE *Dubett's The Collection [8/4 | 70.83] 1.007x (stm1) (#7046210)16Red26
JAFT ROTTE *Dubett's The Hollow [7/5 | 66.66] 1.002x (stm1) (#7046202)15Red26
JAFT REINK Dubett's A Dead Red Heart [13/2 | 82.29] 1.047x (stm2) (#7880080)12Red20
APnFT REINK Dubett's A Story of Yesterday [8/4 | 70.84] 1.040x (stm1) (#7880092)13Red20
JAFT ROTTE Dubett's Alien [10/5 | 69.79] 1.007x (stm1) (#7048467)16Red26
JAFT REINK Dubett's American Midnight [9/4 | 71.87] 1.043x (stm2) (#7880083)12Red20
JAFT REINK Dubett's Angelfall [6/2 | 75.00] 1.038x (stm2) (#7880095)12Red20
AFT ROTTE Dubett's Bewitched [11/1 | 83.33] 1.013x (stm3) (#7046195)16Red26
APnFT REINK Dubett's Born at Midnight [11/4 | 73.95] 1.042x (stm2) (#7880093)12Red20
AFT ROTTE Dubett's Cemetery of Terror [7/2 | 76.04] 1.010x (stm2) (#7046216)16Red26
JAFT ROTTE Dubett's Clown Murders [6/2 | 75.00] 1.010x (stm2) (#7046215)16Red26
JAFT ROTTE Dubett's Clownhouse [10/1 | 82.91] 1.015x (stm1) (#7046214)16Red26
AFT ROTTE Dubett's Coraline [11/2 | 80.20] 1.013x (stm1) (#7046208)16Red26
AFT ROTTE Dubett's Dark Night Scarecrow [11/5 | 70.83] 1.007x (stm2) (#7046209)16Red26
APnFT REINK Dubett's Divorce Hotel [9/4 | 71.87] 1.042x (stm2) (#7880088)12Red20
JAFT REINK Dubett's Fantacia [8/2 | 77.08] 1.050x (stm2) (#7880074)12Red20
APnFT REINK Dubett's Fatal Verdict [12/3 | 78.12] 1.047x (stm2) (#7880072)12Red20
APnFT REINK Dubett's Fate in Motion [8/1 | 80.20] 1.047x (stm2) (#7880073)12Red20
AFT ROTTE Dubett's Ginger Snaps [13/2 | 82.29] 1.013x (stm1) (#7046200)16Red26
JAFT ROTTE Dubett's Hellbent [8/3 | 73.95] 1.012x (stm2) (#7046198)15Red26
AFT ROTTE Dubett's Hellfire [8/2 | 77.08] 1.012x (stm2) (#7046197)15Red26
APnFT REINK Dubett's Here Lies Death [7/1 | 79.16] 1.040x (stm2) (#7880077)12Red20
APnFT REINK Dubett's Homecoming Blues [7/2 | 76.04] 1.045x (stm2) (#7880079)12Red20
JAFT REINK Dubett's Immortal Rules [8/5 | 67.70] 1.038x (stm2) (#7880096)12Red20
AFT ROTTE Dubett's Jigsaw [12/1 | 84.37] 1.013x (stm2) (#7046207)15Red26
APnFT REINK Dubett's Just Add Salt [11/1 | 83.33] 1.042x (stm2) (#7880087)12Red20
AFT ROTTE Dubett's Little Shop of Horrors [12/2 | 81.25] 1.010x (stm3) (#7046254)15Red26
JAFT REINK Dubett's New Yesterdays [8/2 | 77.08] 1.047x (stm2) (#7880082)13Red20
JAFT ROTTE Dubett's Once Bitten [11/3 | 77.08] 1.010x (stm2) (#7046218)15Red26
JAFT REINK Dubett's Once Burned [6/4 | 68.75] 1.040x (stm1) (#7880091)12Red20
JAFT REINK Dubett's Pyramid of the Moon [16/3 |82.29] 1.047x (stm3) (#7880081)12Red20
JAFT REINK Dubett's Sharp Change [12/2 | 81.25] 1.047x (stm2) (#7880090)12Red20
APnFT REINK Dubett's Sheer Purgatory [11/2 | 80.20] 1.045x (stm2) (#7880078)11Red20
JAFT ROTTE Dubett's Silver Bullet [13/2 | 82.29] 1.020x (stm2) (#7046206)15Red26
APnFT REINK Dubett's Switched [11/2 | 80.020] 1.042x (stm2) (#7880094)11Red20
JAFT ROTTE Dubett's The Chilling [10/2 | 79.16] 1.015x (stm1) (#7046213)15Red26
APnFT REINK Dubett's The Eighth Day [6/4 | 68.75] 1.040x (stm2) (#7880076)11Red20
APnFT REINK Dubett's The Sail Weaver [12/3 | 78.12] 1.047x (stm2) (#7880089)11Red20
APnFT REINK Dubett's The Stone of Andarus [10/2 | 79.16] 1.050x (stm2) (#7880075)12Red20
PnFT REINK Dubett's The Sunshine Stone [8/2 | 77.08] 1.048x (stm2) (#7880086)11Red20
APnFT REINK Dubett's Throne of Novoxos [10/3 | 76.04] 1.043x (stm2) (#7880084)11Red20
JAFT ROTTE Dubett's Transylvania [7/2 | 76.04] Lla 1.002x (stm1) (#7046203)15Red26
JAFT ROTTE Dubett's Twitches [10/4 | 72.91] 1.013x (stm3) (#7046196)15Red26
JAFT REINK Dubett's Wander Dust [7/1 | 7.12] 1.048x (stm1) (#7880085)11Red20

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Rotte (#1284748)Jun 14, 2021

Game Time

01:09pm on Mar 9

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