
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
MFr MRTK Algiers Anastasia
Female Azawakh Hound Owned by altheras3 (#75734)
level 30     agi 508     cha 670     int 106     spd 224     stm 1121     str 107
Full Name:MFr MRTK Algiers Anastasia
What's this? Breed:Registered Azawakh Hound (Sight Hounds)
Born On:June 30th, 2021
Days Aged:54 FP Days
Owner:altheras3 (#75734)
Bred By:Heptastadion (#1356339)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP Kbrk ee Bb DD slsl atasa Ssp mm rr tt Ccch gg uu Lla agiagi stmstm Hh Hh HH HH Hh hh HH Hh Hh HH Hh HH hh HH HH Hh Hh Hh HH HH Hh Hh HH Hh
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Agility, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:3 (Can be bred again in 10 days)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Good   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Red Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Red Bowl Full
Collar Leather Green Collar +160 stm, Level 30+ Only
Leash Leather Green Leash +120 stm, Level 25+ Only
Bed Red Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Red Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Meek Personality Sturdy Plushie Hippo
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Pork & Rice+10 stm, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 508 Major Group Stat
Charisma 670 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 106
Speed 224 Major Group Stat
Stamina 1121 Major Group Stat
Strength 107
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 30
Multiplier: 0.998x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #17,813   Breed Ranking: #113


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 chax2 stmx2
Masters Frisbee
Total Competitions: 1840    Current Entries: 50
First Places30    Second Places59    Third Places67    Fourth Places73    Fifth Places77    Sixth Places85   
Winnings: $29,421    Experience: 4,026,088    Title In: 109 places
Overall Ranking: #29,186    Sport Ranking: #1,330
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

Fifth!562396Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359482)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!570295Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359491)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!564397Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359481)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!5623145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359465)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!5623145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359469)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!5920145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359470)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!568396Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359483)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!534695Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359492)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!536695Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359490)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!5485145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359477)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!584197Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359475)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!5584146Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359501)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
75938176Laurito Dorito's Kennel Competition (#266334174)
Masters Frisbee
7544596Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359480)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7540596Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359484)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
75306145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359473)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7532695Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359488)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
75742145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359452)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7516895Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359489)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
75584145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359466)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
85482176Laurito Dorito's Kennel Competition (#266334175)
Masters Frisbee
85128145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359462)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
85069145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359468)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9497096Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359487)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9479295Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359494)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
95029145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359476)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9455495Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359497)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
104811145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359455)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
104990144Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359459)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
104851145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359464)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
10451496Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359486)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
105128145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359467)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
11427796Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359485)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
114752145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359472)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
11425795Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359493)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
124693145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359454)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
134514145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359457)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
134435145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359458)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13396097Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359479)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14398095Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359498)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
144356145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359471)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
144574146Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359453)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14398095Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359496)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
153960145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359460)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
154099144Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359463)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
154257145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359478)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
164433176Laurito Dorito's Kennel Competition (#266334173)
Masters Frisbee
164257145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359461)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
174000145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359474)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
174039145Standard Masters Frisbee (#266359456)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association




Level 14

Fawn with Light Undersides



Level 13

Roaned Red and White (Piebald)


JPnFr MRTK Sirloin's Maggie (#9427377)7Brindle Red with Black Saddle15
IPnFr MRTK Sirloin's Miss Spots (#9427378)7Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points and Light Undersides15
APnFr Salem (#6864384)11Red56

Current Litters

WCFl LUKA Dylan x MFr MRTK Algiers Anastasia (#5814297)228

Previous Owners

altheras3 (#75734)Dec 31, 2024
altheras (#1679398)Sep 14, 2023
Heptastadion (#1356339)Jul 6, 2021

Game Time

04:33pm on Mar 9

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