UCH MLDK Jane 1.623
Male Miniature Australian Shepherd Owned by reddogheidi (#1120577)
level 91     agi 5044     cha 791     int 2553     spd 1689     stm 4326     str 779
Full Name:UCH MLDK Jane 1.623
What's this? Breed:Miniature Australian Shepherd (Drovers)
Retired On:February 4th, 2023
Born On:January 6th, 2022
Days Aged:875 FP Days
Owner:reddogheidi (#1120577)
Bred By:reddogheidi (#1120577)
Color:Chocolate and White (Irish)
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk EE bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu lala agiagi agiagi HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Show, Tracking, Pulling, Herding, Rally-O
Times Bred:10
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 5044 Major Group Stat
Charisma 791
Intelligence 2553 Major Group Stat
Speed 1689 Major Group Stat
Stamina 4326 Major Group Stat
Strength 779
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 91
Experience Earned 103,016,917
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


Best of Breed - Experienced
Won $250 13x
Last Win: Apr 23, 2022

Sports and Training

agix2 intx2 stmx2
Universal Champion Herding
Total Competitions: 4450   
First Places440    Second Places289    Third Places258    Fourth Places266    Fifth Places249    Sixth Places244   
Winnings: $244,941    Experience: 103,016,917   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training



ICH MLDK TROUBLE 234 1.693 ID#6138709

Level 97

Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points

ICA MLDK 236 1.693 ID#6138710

Level 97

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points and Ticking

UCH MLDK TRUST 1.658 ID#6667034

Level 92

Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points and Ticking



Level 93

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Ticking

UCH MLDK FOX 1.627 ID#6752986

Level 90

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Ticking

UCH MLDK NEXUS 1.630 ID#7010796

Level 89

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Ticking


AH MLDK 24HH lala 4agi (#7576171)30Chocolate and White (Irish)37
JAH MLDK 24HH lala 4agi (#8043515)21Chocolate and White (Irish)28
MLDK 24HH lala 4agi (#8043516)1Chocolate and White (Irish)6
NCH MLDK 607 Swing for the Fence (#7794592)55Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points70
MH MLDK Angel of Glass EEEE 24HH lala agiagi agiagi 1.607x(Herd) (#7541741)32Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points41
WCH GLIM Nikolas 1.568x | 24HH | lala (#7657758)83Chocolate and White (Irish)105
AH MLDK Princess Of Fire (#7794591)23Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points39
AH MLDK Princess Of Sunset (#7825882)21Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points35
NH MLDK The Highwayman EEEE 24HH lala agiagi agiagi 1.600x(Herding) (#7647363)1Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points12
NA MLDK 24HH lala 4agi (#7541740)1Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points996
NA MLDK Ayla (#7876260)1Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points843
WCH MLDK Eucalyptus (#7647364)85Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points816
UCO MLDK Jane 1.618 (#7825883)87Chocolate and White (Irish)863
UCH MLDK MJ 1.618 (#7451155)89Chocolate and White (Irish)1044
WCH GLIM Nicole 1.568x | 24HH | lala B-110 (#7657757)83Chocolate and White (Irish)441
WCH MLDK Nicolette 1.618x | 24HH | lala B-110 (#7451154)82Chocolate and White (Irish)496
WCH MLDK Penny 1.627 (#7645567)89Chocolate and White (Irish)943
UCH MLDK Swing 1.618 (#7576170)89Brindle Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points973
WCH MLDK To The Red Point (#7645568)62Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points809

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

reddogheidi (#1120577)Jan 12, 2022

Game Time

09:29am on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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