For Sale!

Reach Level 2 to purchase dogs from other players!


Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
NCM UnDu United Dutch Push 24HH
For Private Sale
Female Dogo Argentino Owned by PBF (#144077)
level 59     agi 1611     cha 1739     int 2233     spd 338     stm 749     str 345
Full Name:NCM UnDu United Dutch Push 24HH
Description:24HH 211 4
What's this? Breed:Registered Dogo Argentino (Hunting)
Born On:March 17th, 2022
Days Aged:65 FP Days
Owner:PBF (#144077)
Bred By:PBF (#144077)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK EE BB DD SlSl AyAy SS mm rr tt CC gg uu lala intint intint HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Show, Agility, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Grey Bowl Servings Left: 1
Food Bowl Grey Bowl Full
Collar Patterned White Collar +280 cha, Level 40+ Only
Leash Designer Blue Leash +390 agi, Level 50+ Only
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Blue Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Obsessive Personality Sturdy Rubber Ball
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Salmon Dinner+20 int, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 1611 Major Group Stat
Charisma 1739 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 2233 Major Group Stat
Speed 338
Stamina 749 Major Group Stat
Strength 345
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 59
Multiplier: 1.630x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #6,083   Breed Ranking: #55


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 chax2 intx2
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Total Competitions: 2700    Current Entries: 50
First Places129    Second Places177    Third Places173    Fourth Places152    Fifth Places144    Sixth Places116   
Winnings: $221,426    Experience: 28,811,106    Title In: 9 places
Overall Ranking: #11,659    Sport Ranking: #668
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!1967851Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793259)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1890547Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793246)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2108450Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793227)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!2073350Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793233)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1953847Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793256)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1785147Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793254)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1925751Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793210)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1925751Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793212)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1996051Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793238)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!2094350Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793221)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1827351Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793217)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1960851Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793231)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1820348Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793211)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1855449Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793240)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1750047Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793247)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1785147Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793255)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1813249Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793244)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1897651Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793229)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!1735948Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793250)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!1672751Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793213)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!1799251Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793215)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!1700847Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793251)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!1602451Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793214)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!1574347Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793258)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!1553251Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793234)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81553247Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793252)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81447850Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793225)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
91461850Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793226)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
91637551Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793222)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
91581348Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793242)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
91419748Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793245)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
101377548Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793248)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
101321348Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793241)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
101321351Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793235)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
111363448Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793249)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
141215851Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793237)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
141349450Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793228)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
141229947Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793257)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
151321351Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793219)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
151180750Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793236)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
171208851Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793223)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
171222950Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793239)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
171124551Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793230)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
181040148Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793253)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
191047251Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793216)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
191068349Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793243)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
191096451Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793218)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
191089351Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793224)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20990950Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793232)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
201061251Standard National Champion Musical Freestyle (#266793220)
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association



None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

PBF (#144077)May 1, 2022

Game Time

02:59pm on Mar 16

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