
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
ExFT [HL] FX 662
Female Labrador Retriever Owned by Jen (#1061907)
level 36     agi 311     cha 427     int 144     spd 144     stm 1604     str 490
Full Name:ExFT [HL] FX 662
Description:FT 614
What's this? Breed:Registered Labrador Retriever (Retrievers)
Born On:July 16th, 2022
Days Aged:41 FP Days
Owner:Jen (#1061907)
Bred By:Jen (#1061907)
Color:Yellow (Cream)
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP KK ee bb DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cece gg uu lala stmstm stmagi HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Agility, Water Work, Tracking, Field Trials, Pulling, Rally-O
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Red Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl Brown Bowl Empty
Collar Leather Green Collar +160 stm, Level 30+ Only
Leash Patterned Green Leash +220 stm, Level 35+ Only
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Blue Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Mischievous Personality Sturdy Squeaky Shark
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Pork+20 stm, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 311 Major Group Stat
Charisma 427 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 144
Speed 144
Stamina 1604 Major Group Stat
Strength 490 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 36
Multiplier: 1.662x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #14,653   Breed Ranking: #265


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
chax2 stmx2 strx2
Excellent Field Trials
Total Competitions: 1450    Current Entries: 0
First Places63    Second Places100    Third Places112    Fourth Places81    Fifth Places80    Sixth Places65   
Winnings: $12,866    Experience: 7,359,753    Title In: 99 places
Overall Ranking: #21,365    Sport Ranking: #1,124
75% Training

Today's Competition Results

23299758Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031769)
Excellent Field Trials
23296658Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031768)
Excellent Field Trials
23335058Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031761)
Excellent Field Trials
23227381Over The Hedge Competition (#266036528)
Excellent Field Trials
23279881Over The Hedge Competition (#266036525)
Excellent Field Trials
23274781Over The Hedge Competition (#266036527)
Excellent Field Trials
23229381Over The Hedge Competition (#266036526)
Excellent Field Trials
24305659Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032844)
Excellent Field Trials
24280459Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032852)
Excellent Field Trials
24313759Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032847)
Excellent Field Trials
24310759Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032843)
Excellent Field Trials
24297559Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032851)
Excellent Field Trials
24313359Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015222)
Excellent Field Trials
25275359Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032850)
Excellent Field Trials
25293559Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032853)
Excellent Field Trials
25289559Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032849)
Excellent Field Trials
25217359Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015225)
Excellent Field Trials
25211359Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015220)
Excellent Field Trials
25290658Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031767)
Excellent Field Trials
25254258Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031765)
Excellent Field Trials
25302758Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031763)
Excellent Field Trials
25208181Over The Hedge Competition (#266036529)
Excellent Field Trials
26246059Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032841)
Excellent Field Trials
26231559Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015229)
Excellent Field Trials
26232559Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015228)
Excellent Field Trials
26255759Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015226)
Excellent Field Trials
26251759Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015223)
Excellent Field Trials
26228459Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015221)
Excellent Field Trials
26258759Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015219)
Excellent Field Trials
26243158Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031762)
Excellent Field Trials
27211759Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032848)
Excellent Field Trials
27225859Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032854)
Excellent Field Trials
27243059Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032845)
Excellent Field Trials
27204659Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032840)
Excellent Field Trials
27244059Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032842)
Excellent Field Trials
27227459Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015224)
Excellent Field Trials
27221459Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015218)
Excellent Field Trials
27191159Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015217)
Excellent Field Trials
27248659Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015215)
Excellent Field Trials
27229058Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031766)
Excellent Field Trials
27205758Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031774)
Excellent Field Trials
27216958Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031770)
Excellent Field Trials
27237159Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031760)
Excellent Field Trials
28193159Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015227)
Excellent Field Trials
28188059Northern Shrike Kennels Competition (#266015216)
Excellent Field Trials
28208859Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031772)
Excellent Field Trials
28204758Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031771)
Excellent Field Trials
28203758Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031764)
Excellent Field Trials
29188559Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#266032846)
Excellent Field Trials
29209859Surveilling Sanctum K9s Competition (#266031773)
Excellent Field Trials



ICFT [HL] *TM 643 5.2 ID#6638440

Level 99

Yellow (Cream)

UCFR [HL] *TF 647 4.5 ID#6638442

Level 96

Yellow (Cream)

UCFT [HL] YP 678 4.2 ID#7444531

Level 100

Yellow (Cream)


UCFT [HL] ET 24 LALA 513 15:4 ID#2038059

Level 86


UCFT [HL] FL 24 LALA 515 13:3 ID#2518993

Level 85

Yellow (Cream)

ICFT [HL] NI 583 15.4 ID#3564295

Level 91



None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Jen (#1061907)Aug 22, 2022

Game Time

02:05am on Mar 4

Welcome Guest

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