GCSc aak. 24HH lala 4str
Male Doberman Pinscher Owned by Secret (#1286337)
level 49     agi 249     cha 258     int 1374     spd 560     stm 1722     str 2845
Full Name:GCSc aak. 24HH lala 4str
Description:Black with Red Points lala Bb Dd 48 4str
What's this? Breed:Doberman Pinscher (Guardian)
Retired On:December 1st, 2015
Born On:November 12th, 2013
Days Aged:3482 FP Days
Owner:Secret (#1286337)
Bred By:australis (#66771)
Color:Black with Red Points
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE Bb Dd slsl atat SS mm rr tt CC gg uu lala strstr strstr HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Schutzhund, Show, Tracking
Times Bred:98
Boosters Used:3/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 249
Charisma 258
Intelligence 1374 Major Group Stat
Speed 560 Major Group Stat
Stamina 1722 Major Group Stat
Strength 2845 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 49
Experience Earned 17,197,913
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

intx2 stmx2 strx2
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Total Competitions: 3370   
First Places87    Second Places127    Third Places145    Fourth Places141    Fifth Places149    Sixth Places138   
Winnings: $140,476    Experience: 17,197,913   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training



DOBERMAN M - 24HH ID#651265

Level 1

Black with Red Points

DOBERMAN F - 24HH ID#651264

Level 1

Black with Red Points


Level 53

Black with Red Points



Level 60

Isabella with Red Points


Level 18

Blue with Red Points


Level 30

Isabella with Red Points


ExSc SunCK 1.135x 24HH lala 70str 4str cho (#2145873)35Chocolate with Red Points70
ExSc SunCK 1.140x 24HH lala 78str 4str cho (#2147522)35Chocolate with Red Points69
ExSc SunCK 1.157x 24HH lala 92str 4str bla (#2140547)38Black with Red Points72
PnSc 20HH lala 44str 3str cho (#2083116)10Chocolate with Red Points17
JASc 23HH lala 127str 4str isa (#2197866)13Isabella with Red Points30
ExSc 24HH lala 101str 4str bla (#2127440)31Black with Red Points59
MSc 24HH lala 102str 4str blu (#2153257)22Blue with Red Points45
MSc 24HH lala 102str 4str isa (#2142366)26Isabella with Red Points51
MSc 24HH lala 104str 4str isa (#2138440)26Isabella with Red Points53
MSc 24HH lala 106str 4str blu (#2156604)22Blue with Red Points43
ASc 24HH lala 108str 4str bla (#2162449)19Black with Red Points40
MSc 24HH lala 109str 4str blu (#2149233)23Blue with Red Points47
MSc 24HH lala 110str 4str bla (#2145872)25Black with Red Points49
ASc 24HH lala 111str 4str bla (#2170086)16Black with Red Points36
JASc 24HH lala 111str 4str bla (#2197864)13Black with Red Points30
JASc 24HH lala 111str 4str bla (#2197865)13Black with Red Points30
JASc 24HH lala 112str 4str blu (#2197862)13Blue with Red Points30
JASc 24HH lala 114str 4str cho (#2197861)13Chocolate with Red Points30
JASc 24HH lala 115str 4str isa (#2197863)13Isabella with Red Points30
MSc 24HH lala 117str 4str blu (#2156605)21Blue with Red Points43
ASc 24HH lala 119str 4str cho (#2160408)21Chocolate with Red Points45
ChSc 24HH lala 44str 4str isa (#2102833)36Isabella with Red Points72
ChSc 24HH lala 50str 4str bla (#2094009)38Black with Red Points77
ChSc 24HH lala 53str 4str bla (#2095967)36Black with Red Points76
GCSc 24HH lala 54str 4str bla (#2074026)43Black with Red Points89
GCSc 24HH lala 54str 4str cho (#2094012)39Chocolate with Red Points77
GCSc 24HH lala 55str 4str blu (#2084337)43Blue with Red Points83
CCSc 24HH lala 58str 4str bla (#2112402)61Black with Red Points101
ExSc 24HH lala 73str 4str isa (#2120135)31Isabella with Red Points63
ExSc 24HH lala 81str 4str blu (#2116267)32Blue with Red Points65
ExSc 24HH lala 90str 4str bla (#2125391)30Black with Red Points60
ExSc 24HH lala 91str 4str bla (#2118129)32Black with Red Points64
ASc Arabella of the Seven Seas (#2090977)19Isabella with Red Points38
JASc Champ (#2051807)15Blue with Red Points31
APnSc AT IRTY Charming Devil (#2055029)17Black with Red Points31
ASc E.L.'s Bullet In The Chamber (#2060538)21Black with Red Points67
ChSc EEEE 24HH lala STRx4 [1.110x] (#2129136)38Blue with Red Points67
ExSc EEEE 24HH lala STRx4 [1.122x] (#2121948)38Black with Red Points71
ChSc ¤GPS Eos (#2060535)38Blue with Red Points86
CCSc Kill Your Heros (#2060539)54Chocolate with Red Points94
ASc Kobicha (#2038494)23Chocolate with Red Points48
ExSc Lily (#2134224)33Chocolate with Red Points67
MSc MKKS Lulluby (#2102832)33Chocolate with Red Points61
ASc MTK! Military Constellation EEEE (#2094011)16Isabella with Red Points29
APnSc MTK! Military Cornell EEEE (#2106411)11Blue with Red Points22
JASc MTK! Military Coronado EEEE (#2099460)13Black with Red Points26
JASc MTK! Military Corsair EEEE (#2104598)12Blue with Red Points23
ASc MTK! Military Dakota EEEE (#2090975)16Blue with Red Points31
ASc MTK! Military Dauntless EEEE (#2090974)16Chocolate with Red Points31
ASc NonoN Moonshine Hersheys kisses (#2102831)23Chocolate with Red Points38
MSc New Girl on the Block(EEEE 23 HH) (#2099461)27Black with Red Points53
ChSc BSAK Sheez All Teeth der Reisenwolff (#2076033)43Black with Red Points74
ChSc BSAK Sheeza Black Raptor der Reisenwolff (#2076034)43Black with Red Points74
GCSc BSAK Sheeza Bloody Conflict der Reisenwolff (#2074025)46Chocolate with Red Points75
ExSc BSAK Sheeza Charming Face der Reisenwolff (#2095966)37Blue with Red Points61
ExSc BSAK Sheeza Voracious Predator der Reisenwolff (#2095965)37Chocolate with Red Points61
MSc H@M Wintersun (#2134223)30Blue with Red Points56
ExSc ^HH^ X Cocoa X B3 (#2123763)31Chocolate with Red Points58
CCSc BSAK (lala 23HH) Duchess * (#2099458)55Black with Red Points1947
MSc LHKs *DP* Blue RP L29-G77 (#2060537)29Blue with Red Points3443
ASc 11HH lala 2str cho (#2046288)24Chocolate with Red Points3462
ASc .SsS. 20HH lala 40str 2str bla (#2058073)23Black with Red Points2871
ASc 20HH lala 52str 3str isa (#2063352)27Isabella with Red Points3450
MSc BSAK 20HH Miss Jackson (#2083117)30Isabella with Red Points3151
ChSc SSK™ 21HH |EEEE| (#2038493)38Chocolate with Red Points3467
MSc Qriot 22HH Problem Child (#2071047)29Black with Red Points3161
JASc 24HH lala 63int 3str cho (#2090978)15Chocolate with Red Points3433
ExSc 24HH lala 74str 4str bla (#2114345)32Black with Red Points2104
MSc 24HH lala 95str 4str bla (#2140548)26Black with Red Points1877
ASc ROTTI 24HH lala EEEE (#2056583)22Black with Red Points2525
NonoN 24HH Lla 4str bla (#2112404)1Black with Red Points3421
IPnSc .SsS. Blue Baby 22HH lala 52str 4str blu (#2099459)9Blue with Red Points2846
JASc TRDK Chrissy (#2071048)16Chocolate with Red Points3445
JASc Cream (#2099457)17Isabella with Red Points3422
PnSc Dobi (#2038492)12Black with Red Points3467
IPnSc BSAK Dog (#2090976)10Blue with Red Points3403
NCSc exquisite eveline (#2134222)59Isabella with Red Points2105
WCSc Dvn Eyes on Me (#2051806)64Blue with Red Points3352
ASc Felspire (#2102834)17Chocolate with Red Points3366
ChSc WiWoK JuJu EEEE 21HH (#2060536)50Black with Red Points3396
ExSc CREWE Kenna (#2083115)38Isabella with Red Points2059
CCSc LHKs Lolassie's Celestial Dancer (#2063353)58Chocolate with Red Points3432
PnT PeMa Mia EEEE (#2153256)13Black with Red Points2641
MSc JPnP Pinyata (#2094010)28Chocolate with Red Points3370
ASc FS'sK Raptor Charm (#2112403)27Isabella with Red Points3372
ASc Shooting star (#2160409)22Black with Red Points2271
WCSc BSAK Valor In Vain (#2071046)63Black with Red Points1908

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Secret (#1286337)Sep 3, 2015
PBF (#144077)Apr 2, 2015
australis (#66771)Sep 3, 2014
Kerry (#618532)Mar 12, 2014
australis (#66771)Nov 18, 2013

Game Time

03:26am on Mar 7

Welcome Guest

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