
Energy (100)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
WCSh LiLa Juro * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.443x
Male Chihuahua Owned by Pahatar - DOGS FOR SALE (#1449481)
level 72     agi 514     cha 4524     int 2185     spd 1035     stm 506     str 2022
Full Name:WCSh LiLa Juro * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.443x
What's this? Breed:Registered Chihuahua (Companions)
Born On:August 17th, 2023
Days Aged:103 FP Days
Owner:Pahatar - DOGS FOR SALE (#1449481)
Bred By:Pahatar - DOGS FOR SALE (#1449481)
Color:Black with Cream Points
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl atat Ssi mm rr tt cecw gg uu lala chacha chacha HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Musical Freestyle, Show, Agility, Flyball, Rally-O, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:10 (Can be bred 5 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Stylish Star Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl Stylish Star Bowl Full
Collar Designer White Collar +500 cha, Level 60+ Only
Leash Jewelled White Leash +600 cha, Level 70+ Only
Bed Star Printed Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Purple Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Obsessive Personality Sturdy Rubber Ball
Assigned Food Lacrima Organic Health Formula+30 cha, 75% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 514
Charisma 4524 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 2185 Major Group Stat
Speed 1035 Major Group Stat
Stamina 506
Strength 2022 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 72
Multiplier: 1.443x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
chax2 intx2 strx2
World Champion Show
Total Competitions: 3950    Current Entries: 0
First Places132    Second Places221    Third Places232    Fourth Places224    Fifth Places270    Sixth Places271   
Winnings: $138,706    Experience: 51,957,107    Title In: 150 places
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

No results found.



UCSH LILA STELLA * 24/0 LALA / EEEE / 1.510X ID#6120017

Level 73

Steel Blue

UCSH LILA * 24/0 LALA / EEEE / 1.498X ID#7035486

Level 70

Black with Cream Points


ICSH LILA IINA * 24/0 LLA / EEEE / 1.377X ID#6868120

Level 82

Steel Blue and White (Irish)

WCSH LILA DOLLY * 24/0 LALA / EEEE / 1.430X ID#8209103

Level 65

Black and White (Irish)


WCSh Harry * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.432x (#8817759)74Black with Red Points101
WCSh LiLa * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.435x (#8810936)76Black with Cream Points381
WCSh LiLa * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.435x (#8810937)72Black with Silver Points381
WCSh LiLa * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.438x (#8810944)75Black with Red Points381
WCSh LiLa * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.438x (#8810945)75Black with Silver Points381
WCSh LiLa * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.447x (#8810938)75Black with Cream Points381
WCSh LiLa * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.447x (#8810939)74Black with Cream Points381
WCSh LiLa * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.447x (#8810940)73Steel Blue and White (Irish) with Cream Points381
WCSh LiLa * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.447x (#8810941)74Black with Cream Points381
WCSh LiLa * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.450x (#8810942)72Black with Cream Points381
WCSh LiLa * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.450x (#8810943)72Black with Cream Points381
WCSh Beatte * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.432x (#8817758)74Black with Red Points378
WCSh LiLa Kamomilla * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.463x (#8600423)63Black with Cream Points484
WCSh LiLa Vanilja * 24/0 lala / EEEE / 1.463x (#8600422)62Black with Red Points484

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Pahatar - DOGS FOR SALE (#1449481)Aug 23, 2023

Game Time

04:00pm on Mar 23

Welcome Guest

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