
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
PnH Distress signal - 1EGGG LL Kk Ee Bb Ayat sisp Mm Ccch
Female Australian Shepherd Owned by MapleSprings (#1543117)
level 12     agi 262     cha 33     int 187     spd 71     stm 190     str 27
Full Name:PnH Distress signal - 1EGGG LL Kk Ee Bb Ayat sisp Mm Ccch
What's this? Breed:Registered Australian Shepherd (Drovers)
Born On:September 8th, 2023
Days Aged:30 FP Days
Owner:MapleSprings (#1543117)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Blue Merle and White (Irish)
Eye Color:Blue
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk Ee Bb DD slsl Ayat sisp Mm rr tt Ccch gg uu LL spdstr agispd Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh hh Hh hh Hh Hh Hh Hh hh Hh hh Hh Hh HH hh HH HH
Aptitude:Tracking, Frisbee, Herding
Times Bred:1 (Can be bred again in 6 days)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl White Bowl Servings Left: 2
Food Bowl White Bowl Empty
Collar Nylon Blue Collar +30 agi, Level 10+ Only
Leash Nylon Blue Leash +22 agi, Level 5+ Only
Bed White Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Red Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Mischievous Personality Sturdy Squeaky Shark
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Lamb & Rice+10 agi, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 262 Major Group Stat
Charisma 33
Intelligence 187 Major Group Stat
Speed 71 Major Group Stat
Stamina 190 Major Group Stat
Strength 27
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 12
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #38,603   Breed Ranking: #666


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 intx2 stmx2
Pro-Novice Herding
Total Competitions: 540    Current Entries: 0
First Places4    Second Places11    Third Places21    Fourth Places14    Fifth Places16    Sixth Places25   
Winnings: $2,721    Experience: 377,964    Title In: 29 places
Overall Ranking: #48,386    Sport Ranking: #4,316
89% Training

Today's Competition Results

13113591Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007773)
Pro-Novice Herding
1598091Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007777)
Pro-Novice Herding
151071152Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007764)
Pro-Novice Herding
16115790Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007784)
Pro-Novice Herding
16105999Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007768)
Pro-Novice Herding
161074153Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007756)
Pro-Novice Herding
18102990Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007775)
Pro-Novice Herding
18113190Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007776)
Pro-Novice Herding
1886491Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007771)
Pro-Novice Herding
18962153Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007753)
Pro-Novice Herding
18962153Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007755)
Pro-Novice Herding
19109390Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007783)
Pro-Novice Herding
1982691Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007781)
Pro-Novice Herding
1983091Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007778)
Pro-Novice Herding
1994799Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007769)
Pro-Novice Herding
19905153Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007759)
Pro-Novice Herding
2080091Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007779)
Pro-Novice Herding
2084991Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007770)
Pro-Novice Herding
20871153Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007750)
Pro-Novice Herding
2261291Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007782)
Pro-Novice Herding
2257491Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007774)
Pro-Novice Herding
2259391Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007772)
Pro-Novice Herding
22759153Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007754)
Pro-Novice Herding
2370699Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007765)
Pro-Novice Herding
2368799Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007767)
Pro-Novice Herding
2470299Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007766)
Pro-Novice Herding
24612152Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007751)
Pro-Novice Herding
25608152Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007752)
Pro-Novice Herding
25586152Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007763)
Pro-Novice Herding
2871790Kip Border Collies Competition (#266007780)
Pro-Novice Herding




Surrenderin with white - 2EGGG Lla Pp Kk ee Bb Ayat spsw (#9434036)1Red and White (Piebald)6

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

MapleSprings (#1543117)Sep 20, 2023

Game Time

12:14pm on Mar 4

Welcome Guest

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