
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
MFl *WRS* Brittania
Female Puli Owned by Winter Rose (#1142023)
level 29     agi 690     cha 99     int 224     spd 585     stm 677     str 99
Full Name:MFl *WRS* Brittania
Description:5 Hh lala stm x3
What's this? Breed:Registered Puli (Drovers)
Born On:September 20th, 2023
Days Aged:44 FP Days
Owner:Winter Rose (#1142023)
Bred By:Winter Rose (#1142023)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK EE BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lala agistm stmstm HH HH HH HH Hh Hh HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Tracking, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Purple Bowl Servings Left: 2
Food Bowl Purple Bowl Empty
Collar Durable Yellow Collar +80 spd, Level 20+ Only
Leash Leather Blue Leash +120 agi, Level 25+ Only
Bed Purple Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Black Krong Chew +50 comfort, 0% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Meek Personality Sturdy Plushie Hippo
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Pork & Rice+10 stm, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 690 Major Group Stat
Charisma 99
Intelligence 224 Major Group Stat
Speed 585 Major Group Stat
Stamina 677 Major Group Stat
Strength 99
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 29
Multiplier: 1.197x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #19,478   Breed Ranking: #88


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 spdx2 stmx2
Masters Flyball
Total Competitions: 1600    Current Entries: 0
First Places63    Second Places73    Third Places61    Fourth Places58    Fifth Places61    Sixth Places69   
Winnings: $13,792    Experience: 4,185,341    Title In: 115 places
Overall Ranking: #21,812    Sport Ranking: #1,247
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

Fifth!6444150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603360)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!6138220Standard Masters Flyball (#266603332)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!6094150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603352)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!6423151Standard Masters Flyball (#266603350)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!6160148Standard Masters Flyball (#266603365)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!6181150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603357)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
76591238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566105)
Masters Flyball
76072148Standard Masters Flyball (#266603363)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
76313205Standard Masters Flyball (#266603345)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
86416238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566097)
Masters Flyball
86438238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566108)
Masters Flyball
86028220Standard Masters Flyball (#266603334)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
85896150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603351)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
96285238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566109)
Masters Flyball
95370156Standard Masters Flyball (#266603381)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
105655150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603347)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
105655220Standard Masters Flyball (#266603333)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
115956238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566103)
Masters Flyball
115239211Standard Masters Flyball (#266603338)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
115524210Standard Masters Flyball (#266603346)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
115195211Standard Masters Flyball (#266603340)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
135064150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603349)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
155123238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566104)
Masters Flyball
155211238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566106)
Masters Flyball
164822150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603358)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
174472211Standard Masters Flyball (#266603339)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
174362211Standard Masters Flyball (#266603337)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
184406150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603354)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
184252217Standard Masters Flyball (#266603335)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
194252150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603355)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
204318150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603348)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
213551211Standard Masters Flyball (#266603342)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
213770150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603361)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
224049238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566101)
Masters Flyball
223441220Standard Masters Flyball (#266603336)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
223200211Standard Masters Flyball (#266603341)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
223770148Standard Masters Flyball (#266603366)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
233961238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566107)
Masters Flyball
232915211Standard Masters Flyball (#266603343)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
243830238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566110)
Masters Flyball
243698238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566100)
Masters Flyball
243332205Standard Masters Flyball (#266603344)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
243354148Standard Masters Flyball (#266603364)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
243398150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603359)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
253303238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566111)
Masters Flyball
253172238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566102)
Masters Flyball
253391238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566098)
Masters Flyball
253266150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603353)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
263194238Kuunvalo Competition (#266566099)
Masters Flyball
263069150Standard Masters Flyball (#266603356)
Masters Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association



UCH KOWW [24] LALA 1.470 * ID#8060702

Level 84


UCH KOWW [24] LALA 1.320 ID#8122057

Level 78


UCH KOWW [24] LALA 1.548 ID#8383555

Level 84




Level 9


NA SANDY ID#7218105

Level 4



Level 46



None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Winter Rose (#1142023)Oct 25, 2023

Game Time

08:55am on Mar 13

Welcome Guest

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