
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
MHT [PHOENIX'24|2] 1.667x [HT][stm]
Female Akita Owned by YUNN (#319972)
level 28     agi 190     cha 309     int 396     spd 80     stm 889     str 79
Blessed:Mark of the Phoenix
Doubled experience multiplier, ages twice as fast until retired, cannot be sold.
Full Name:MHT [PHOENIX'24|2] 1.667x [HT][stm]
What's this? Breed:Akita (Hunting)
Born On:August 20th, 2023
Days Aged:30 FP Days
Owner:YUNN (#319972)
Bred By:YUNN (#319972)
Color:Brindle Silver with Chocolate Grizzle and Light Undersides
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP KbrKbr EE bb DD slsl awaw Ssi mm rr tt cwcw gg Uu lala stmstm stmstm HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Musical Freestyle, Tracking, Sledding, Frisbee, Pulling, Hunting Trials
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Green Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Green Bowl Full
Collar Durable Green Collar +80 stm, Level 20+ Only
Leash Leather Green Leash +120 stm, Level 25+ Only
Bed White Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Green Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Determined Personality Sturdy Tugtoy
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Pork & Rice+10 stm, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 190 Major Group Stat
Charisma 309 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 396 Major Group Stat
Speed 80
Stamina 889 Major Group Stat
Strength 79
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 28
Multiplier: 3.333x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #19,072   Breed Ranking: #120


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
chax2 intx2 stmx2
Masters Hunting Trials
Total Competitions: 500    Current Entries: 49
First Places66    Second Places39    Third Places13    Fourth Places13    Fifth Places21    Sixth Places24   
Winnings: $15,627    Experience: 3,443,206    Title In: 148 places
Overall Ranking: #18,819    Sport Ranking: #882
88% Training

Today's Competition Results

Second!4676201MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957555)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4500195MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957557)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4724195MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957559)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4788201MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957569)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4708130Svear Competition (#265950917)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4437130Svear Competition (#265950923)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4628131Svear Competition (#265950925)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4532123K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971592)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4644123K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971593)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4612123K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971594)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4772123Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#265971660)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Second!4756123Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#265971661)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Third!4293195MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957560)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Third!4596195MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957564)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Third!4357130Svear Competition (#265950915)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Third!4516131Svear Competition (#265950919)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Third!4245131Svear Competition (#265950928)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Third!4772117K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971589)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Fourth!4341116K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971583)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Fifth!3925131Svear Competition (#265950927)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Fifth!3877123Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#265971664)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Sixth!3957195MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957556)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Sixth!3526195MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957562)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Sixth!3670195MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957563)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Sixth!4101116K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971587)
Advanced Hunting Trials
Sixth!3574123Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#265971663)
Advanced Hunting Trials
73701131Svear Competition (#265950916)
Advanced Hunting Trials
73222130Svear Competition (#265950922)
Advanced Hunting Trials
73638116K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971586)
Advanced Hunting Trials
73542122K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971590)
Advanced Hunting Trials
73414123K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971591)
Advanced Hunting Trials
83526201MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957567)
Advanced Hunting Trials
83398130Svear Competition (#265950918)
Advanced Hunting Trials
83526116K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971581)
Advanced Hunting Trials
83446116K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971582)
Advanced Hunting Trials
93318195MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957565)
Advanced Hunting Trials
93062131Svear Competition (#265950920)
Advanced Hunting Trials
93558116K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971585)
Advanced Hunting Trials
93366116K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971588)
Advanced Hunting Trials
103366195MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957561)
Advanced Hunting Trials
103094130Svear Competition (#265950921)
Advanced Hunting Trials
103046130Svear Competition (#265950924)
Advanced Hunting Trials
113078201MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957568)
Advanced Hunting Trials
112966131Svear Competition (#265950926)
Advanced Hunting Trials
113046130Svear Competition (#265950929)
Advanced Hunting Trials
112807123Wagging Woods Kennels Competition (#265971662)
Advanced Hunting Trials
122934195MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957558)
Advanced Hunting Trials
122982201MeadowLark Kennels Competition (#265957566)
Advanced Hunting Trials
133142116K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971580)
Advanced Hunting Trials
142839116K9 Kingdom Kennels Competition (#265971584)
Advanced Hunting Trials



ICHT [PHOENIX'22|2] PUPPY 2 1.575X/1.825X [HT][STM] / 5+5 ID#6867594

Level 104

Brindle Silver with Chocolate Grizzle and Light Undersides

WCHT [PHOENIX'22|2] PUPPY 5 1.575X [HT][STM] ID#6867595

Level 88

Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Chocolate Grizzle and Light Undersides

UCHT [PHOENIX'23] 1.667X 665.75 [HT][STM] ID#7947663

Level 99

Brindle Silver with Chocolate Grizzle and Light Undersides


ICHT [PHOENIX'22|2] PUPPY 2 1.575X/1.825X [HT][STM] / 5+5 ID#6867594

Level 104

Brindle Silver with Chocolate Grizzle and Light Undersides

WCHT [PHOENIX'22|2] PUPPY 2 1.573X [HT][STM] ID#6867596

Level 86

Brindle Cream and White (Irish) with Chocolate Grizzle and Light Undersides

WCHT [PHOENIX'23] 1.658X 662 [HT][STM] ID#7947658

Level 94

Brindle Silver with Chocolate Grizzle and Light Undersides


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

YUNN (#319972)Dec 29, 2023

Game Time

11:56pm on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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