
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
PnFl StFr 1000 -4 Be black with cream extreme piebald Vaemys Qareneos
Female Beagle Owned by Odie - The Gold Dragon (#1479133)
level 10     agi 107     cha 57     int 55     spd 247     stm 99     str 23
Full Name:PnFl StFr 1000 -4 Be black with cream extreme piebald Vaemys Qareneos
What's this? Breed:Registered Beagle (Scent Hounds)
Born On:January 7th, 2024
Days Aged:20 FP Days
Owner:Odie - The Gold Dragon (#1479133)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Black and White (Irish) with Ticking
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk Ee BB DD slsl atasa sisi mm rr Tt cece gg uu lla intint agicha Hh Hh Hh hh Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh hh hh Hh Hh hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh hh hh Hh Hh
Aptitude:Flyball, Field Trials, Rally-O
Times Bred:1 (Can be bred again in 6 days)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Pink Bowl Servings Left: 1
Food Bowl Pink Bowl Empty
Collar Nylon Yellow Collar +30 spd, Level 10+ Only
Leash Nylon Yellow Leash +22 spd, Level 5+ Only
Bed Green Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Green Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Meek Personality Sturdy Plushie Hippo
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Chicken & Rice+10 spd, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 107
Charisma 57 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 55 Major Group Stat
Speed 247 Major Group Stat
Stamina 99 Major Group Stat
Strength 23
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 10
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #42,749   Breed Ranking: #312


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 spdx2 stmx2
Pro-Novice Flyball
Total Competitions: 400    Current Entries: 0
First Places23    Second Places8    Third Places32    Fourth Places13    Fifth Places10    Sixth Places24   
Winnings: $6,369    Experience: 229,645    Title In: 10 places
Overall Ranking: #35,927    Sport Ranking: #2,375
75% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!123610Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688116)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
First!108910Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688114)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
First!121910Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688125)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Second!100610Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688121)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Second!109810Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688117)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Second!112311Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688120)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Third!90910Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688115)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Third!122313Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681796)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Third!121513Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681789)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Third!113513Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681785)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Third!93911Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688123)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Third!89211Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688119)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Third!120323Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball (#266727360)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!88410Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688118)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!76710Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688113)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!84610Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688112)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!124413Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681782)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!99713Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681788)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!108113Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681787)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!108913Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681784)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!90911Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688122)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!118215Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681794)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!109317Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266708007)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!106817Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266708001)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fourth!114423Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball (#266727364)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!72510Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688126)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fifth!112217Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266707998)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fifth!101717Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266707999)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Fifth!100123Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball (#266727361)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!104323Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball (#266727363)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!64513Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681791)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Sixth!85513Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681783)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Sixth!92611Sheba Kennel Competition (#266688124)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Sixth!115117Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266707997)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Sixth!110517Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266708005)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Sixth!98817Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266708000)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
870413Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681795)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
871213Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681792)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
881715Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681793)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
881323Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball (#266727362)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
970413Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681790)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
964113Jan's Sweet Puppies Kennel and Rescue Competition (#266681786)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
1085417Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266708002)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
1173717Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266707993)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
1176217Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266708003)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
1280417Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266708006)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
1271623Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball (#266727365)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1369517Mt. Bachelor Kennel Competition (#266708004)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
1371624Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball (#266727346)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1762923Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball (#266727366)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association




NFT StFr 1158 2 be black with cream extreme piebald Viselon (#9119795)1Black and White (Irish)9
NM StFr 1158 8 be black with cream extreme piebald Rhaesys (#9119794)1Black and White (Irish) with Cream Points9

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Odie - The Gold Dragon (#1479133)Jan 13, 2024

Game Time

12:48am on Mar 15

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