GCT CSTLE Track and Catch
Male German Shepherd Dog Owned by German Shepherd Girl (#1259252)
level 45     agi 211     cha 214     int 1469     spd 1554     stm 1503     str 570
Full Name:GCT CSTLE Track and Catch
What's this? Breed:German Shepherd Dog (Guardian)
Retired On:July 25th, 2015
Born On:December 23rd, 2013
Days Aged:3631 FP Days
Owner:German Shepherd Girl (#1259252)
Bred By:Sadie (#559234)
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EmEm bb DD slsl aa SS mm rr tt Ccch gg uu lala agispd intstm Hh HH hh HH hh HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH Hh Hh Hh HH
Aptitude:Water Work, Tracking, Frisbee, Herding
Times Bred:47
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 211
Charisma 214
Intelligence 1469 Major Group Stat
Speed 1554 Major Group Stat
Stamina 1503 Major Group Stat
Strength 570 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 45
Experience Earned 13,217,629
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

intx2 spdx2 stmx2
Grand Champion Tracking
Total Competitions: 3140   
First Places79    Second Places129    Third Places128    Fourth Places129    Fifth Places126    Sixth Places147   
Winnings: $19,738    Experience: 13,217,629   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training




Level 28



Level 1

Isabella with Red Points and Mask


Level 42

Chocolate with Red Points and Mask



Level 18


AH MIRNA ID#722809

Level 25

Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask


Level 11



IPnSc Chocolate kk EmE bb DD aa Ccch lala spdagi agiint (#1900410)10Chocolate19
PnSc Chocolate kk EmE bb Dd aa Cce Lla chaspd spdint (#1900398)10Chocolate20
PnSc Chocolate Red Points Mask kk EmEm bb DD ata Ccch lala agispd agistm (#1900396)10Chocolate with Red Points and Mask19
ExSc .PD. Chocolate Rose (#1900409)40Chocolate with Tan Points and Mask105
MSc AEgK Chocolate Truffles (#1900404)34Chocolate with Tan Points and Mask88
ANSc MCD lala stragi intstm Schutzhund (#1900411)4Chocolate with Red Points and Mask10
NSc MCD lala strspd stmint Schutzhund (#1968940)1Chocolate6
NSc MCD Lla Str=2 agiint No Aptitude (#1953987)1Red with Black Sable and Mask6
MSc MCD Red Black Sable and Mask kk EmEm Bb DD Aya Ccch lala spdagi spdint Schutzhund (#1732177)27Red with Black Sable and Mask57
IPnSc Red Black Sable Mask kk EmEm Bb DD Aya Ccch lala agiagi spdint (#1900412)9Red with Black Sable and Mask19
ASc Black kk EmEm Bb DD aa cchce lala intagi spdint (#1905389)22Black3528
ASc MCD Black Red Points Mask kk EmE Bb DD ata CC lala chaagi stmstm (#1900395)24Black with Red Points and Mask3531
ASc MCD Black Red Points Mask kk EmE Bb DD ata Ccch Lla agiagi intstm (#1900407)24Black with Red Points and Mask3531
ASc MCD Black Red Points Mask kk EmE Bb Dd ata Ccch lla strspd spdint (#1900399)24Black with Red Points and Mask3531
ASc MCD Black Red Points Mask kk EmEm Bb DD ata Ccch lala agispd stmint (#1897181)24Black with Red Points and Mask3533
JASc Black Red Points Mask kk EmEm Bb DD ata Ccch lala spdspd stmint EEEE (#2009590)13Black with Red Points and Mask3508
ASc MCD Black Red Points Mask kk EmEm Bb DD ata Cce Lla stragi spdstm (#1900408)25Black with Red Points and Mask3531
ASc MCD Black Red Points Mask kk EmEm Bb Dd ata Ccw lala strspd agistm (#1905390)22Black with Red Points and Mask3528
CCT Carmen (#1692073)58Red with Chocolate Saddle and Mask3682
ASc JAT Cherry Chingle (#1692072)21Red with Chocolate Saddle and Mask3309
JASc MCD Choc. kk EmE bb Dd aa Ccw lala agiagi intstm (#1968941)13Chocolate3510
JASc Choc. kk EmEm bb Dd aa Ccch lala agiagi intint EEEE (#2009589)13Chocolate3508
JASc Choc. kk EmEm bb Dd aa cchcch lala chaagi stmstm GEEG (#2009591)13Chocolate3508
ASc Chocolate Red Points Mask kk EmE bb DD ata Cce Lla intagi spdint (#1900403)23Chocolate with Red Points and Mask3531
ASc Chocolate Red Points Mask kk EmE bb DD ata Cce Lla stmagi spdint (#1900406)24Chocolate with Red Points and Mask3531
ASc Chocolate Tan Points Mask kk EmE bb DD ata cchce lala strspd spdstm (#1900405)23Chocolate with Tan Points and Mask3531
ASc MCD Chocolate Tan Points Mask kk EmE bb DD ata cchce lla stragi spdint (#1900397)24Chocolate with Tan Points and Mask3531
APnSc MCD EmE Bb DD ata Cce lala Int=2 stmspd (#1900402)12Black with Red Points and Mask3393
IPnSc MCD Fawn Choc Sable Mask Lla strspd stmint (#1968938)9Fawn with Chocolate Sable and Mask3387
AP MCD Jelly-Jilly (#1830956)18Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask3593
JPnSc MCD lala Int=2 stragi (#1968939)9Fawn with Chocolate Saddle and Mask3387
PnSc MCD lala Int=2 strspd (#1914037)10Chocolate3389
IPnSc MCD lala Int=3 Agi (#1958879)9Black3388
PnSc MCD lala Int=3 spd (#1905388)10Red with Black Saddle and Mask3390
IPnSc MCD Lla Int=2 agistm (#1958878)10Black3388
IPnSc MCD Lla Int=3 agi (#1953986)9Black3388
ASc Red Black Sable Mask kk EmEm Bb Dd Aya CC lla stmspd spdint (#1900400)23Red with Black Sable and Mask3531
MSc MCD Red Black Saddle and Mask kk EmEm Bb DD asaa Ccch Lla intagi agiint (#1830957)32Red with Black Saddle and Mask3555
ExSc MCD Red Black Saddle and Mask kk EmEm Bb DD asaa Ccch lla spdspd intint (#1732179)37Red with Black Saddle and Mask3568
ASc MCD Red Black Saddle Mask kk EmEm Bb DD asaa Ccch lla stmagi spdint (#1900401)22Red with Black Saddle and Mask3531
PnSc MCD Red Chocolate Sable Mask lala Stm=2 strspd (#1955558)10Red with Chocolate Sable and Mask3389
ASc MCD rogue (#1732178)24Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask3551

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

German Shepherd Girl (#1259252)Mar 13, 2015
Siberian Shepherd Girl (#1259228)Mar 13, 2015
German Shepherd Girl (#1259252)Mar 8, 2015
Siberian Shepherd Girl (#1259228)Mar 8, 2015
Bayou Bandit (#51204)Mar 25, 2014
Bayou Bandit III (#1059098)Feb 8, 2014
Bayou Bandit (#51204)Jan 29, 2014
Jett (#18808)Dec 31, 2013
Sadie (#559234)Dec 30, 2013

Game Time

10:43am on Mar 30

Welcome Guest

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