
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
ChE *RJK* Flynt (24HH)
Male Wire Fox Terrier Owned by Charlie (#2417)
level 41     agi 412     cha 176     int 629     spd 1836     stm 179     str 634
Full Name:ChE *RJK* Flynt (24HH)
Description:F - 2
U - 0
What's this? Breed:Wire Fox Terrier (Terriers)
Born On:May 21st, 2024
Days Aged:47 FP Days
Owner:Charlie (#2417)
Bred By:Charlie (#2417)
Color:Red and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl asaasa spsp mm rr tt CC gg uu lala spdspd spdspd HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Flyball, Tracking, Pulling, Earthdog Trials, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 18 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Red Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl Red Bowl Full
Collar Patterned Yellow Collar +280 spd, Level 40+ Only
Leash Patterned Yellow Leash +220 spd, Level 35+ Only
Bed Red Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew White Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Determined Personality Sturdy Tugtoy
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Chicken & Veggies+20 spd, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 412 Major Group Stat
Charisma 176
Intelligence 629 Major Group Stat
Speed 1836 Major Group Stat
Stamina 179
Strength 634 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 41
Multiplier: 1.603x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #10,970   Breed Ranking: #16


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
intx2 spdx2 strx2
Champion Earthdog Trials
Total Competitions: 1800    Current Entries: 50
First Places129    Second Places112    Third Places110    Fourth Places102    Fifth Places86    Sixth Places86   
Winnings: $127,638    Experience: 10,222,915    Title In: 75 places
Overall Ranking: #10,064    Sport Ranking: #367
89% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!1067066Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906977)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
First!1146866Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906970)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
First!1063266Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906973)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
First!1127866Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906976)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
First!1146866Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906968)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
First!1044366Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906971)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
First!1044555Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918330)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1131857Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918327)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1006366Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906975)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Second!1036957Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918326)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1093855Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918336)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1055857Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918328)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1055855Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918338)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!941766Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906967)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Third!1006366Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906979)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Third!964566Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906974)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Third!957155Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918337)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!987555Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918341)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!945757Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918329)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!858355Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918343)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!896960Cute & Courageous Kennel Competition (#265895239)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Fifth!850855Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918345)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!953355Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918349)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!809660Cute & Courageous Kennel Competition (#265895238)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Sixth!770866Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906972)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Sixth!778656Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918325)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7755666Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906966)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
7729255Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918333)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7831855Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918332)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
8798260Cute & Courageous Kennel Competition (#265895231)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
8855260Cute & Courageous Kennel Competition (#265895232)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
9676056Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918374)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9702655Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918340)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
10840060Cute & Courageous Kennel Competition (#265895235)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
10630367Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906965)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
11745060Cute & Courageous Kennel Competition (#265895230)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
11706266Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906969)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
11619155Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918347)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
12641766Mule Deer Valley Alley Competition (#265906978)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
12687455Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918339)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
12657155Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918331)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13718460Cute & Courageous Kennel Competition (#265895233)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
13622955Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918342)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14688060Cute & Courageous Kennel Competition (#265895234)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
14569755Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918334)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
15607755Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918346)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18513360Cute & Courageous Kennel Competition (#265895237)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
18570360Cute & Courageous Kennel Competition (#265895236)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
18554555Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918348)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18527955Standard Excellent Earthdog Trials (#265918335)
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association



UCE *RJK* PETER PAN 13:4 (24HH) ID#8205402

Level 88

Red and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle

UCE *RJK* THE EVIL QUEEN 8:6 (24HH) ID#8205406

Level 85

Red and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle

UCE *RJK* CHIP (24HH) ID#8622241

Level 88

Red and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle


UCE *RJK* PETER PAN 13:4 (24HH) ID#8205402

Level 88

Red and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle

UCE *RJK* THE EVIL QUEEN 8:6 (24HH) ID#8205406

Level 85

Red and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle

UCE *RJK* PIGLET (24HH) ID#8622242

Level 88

Red and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Charlie (#2417)May 27, 2024

Game Time

03:14pm on Mar 2

Welcome Guest

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