
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
ExFT SKI Eng Springer Spaniel M 24HH no
Male English Springer Spaniel Owned by Goldmoon (#91413)
level 36     agi 126     cha 812     int 320     spd 145     stm 880     str 904
Full Name:ExFT SKI Eng Springer Spaniel M 24HH no
Description:lala chacha strstr
What's this? Breed:Registered English Springer Spaniel (Spaniels/Flushers)
Born On:May 31st, 2024
Days Aged:45 FP Days
Owner:Goldmoon (#91413)
Bred By:Goldmoon (#91413)
Color:Roaned Chocolate and White (Irish)
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk EE bb DD slsl atat sisp mm Rr tt cchcch gg uu lala chacha strstr HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Agility, Tracking, Field Trials, Rally-O
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 18 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Green Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Green Bowl Full
Collar Leather Green Collar +160 stm, Level 30+ Only
Leash Patterned Red Leash +220 str, Level 35+ Only
Bed Green Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Green Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Obsessive Personality Green Rubber Ball
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Health Formula+20 cha, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 126
Charisma 812 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 320 Major Group Stat
Speed 145
Stamina 880 Major Group Stat
Strength 904 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 36
Multiplier: 1.487x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #14,831   Breed Ranking: #48


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
chax2 stmx2 strx2
Excellent Field Trials
Total Competitions: 1700    Current Entries: 50
First Places81    Second Places102    Third Places91    Fourth Places78    Fifth Places69    Sixth Places84   
Winnings: $54,240    Experience: 7,163,708    Title In: 95 places
Overall Ranking: #17,658    Sport Ranking: #965
96% Training

Today's Competition Results

18456369Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046068)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18418369Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046072)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19439670Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046055)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19406169Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046059)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19369670Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046066)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19304269Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046067)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19363570Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046061)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19421369Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046035)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19406170Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046057)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20425969Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046078)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20333169Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046077)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20322569Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046075)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20325569Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046082)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20311869Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046081)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20403169Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046080)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20334669Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046079)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20260169Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046065)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20261669Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046058)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20387969Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046071)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20438069Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046054)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20445770Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046049)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20392470Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046051)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20412269Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046041)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20383370Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046044)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20427470Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046047)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20432070Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046042)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21231270Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046045)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21244969Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046076)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21311869Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046083)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21228269Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046074)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21243469Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046073)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21228269Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046070)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21231269Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046069)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21307270Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046063)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21272370Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046064)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21298170Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046056)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21231270Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046062)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21246470Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046060)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21311870Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046048)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21284470Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046040)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21272369Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046053)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21316469Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046050)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21381870Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046046)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21368172Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046039)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21305773Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046084)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22231270Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046052)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22252570Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046043)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22267772Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046037)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22307272Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046038)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22232772Standard Excellent Field Trials (#266046036)
Excellent Field Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association




Level 60

Roaned Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Tan Points


Level 60

Roaned Chocolate and White (Piebald)

WCFT SKI2 M 001 LALA 24 FT, HT ID#2319362

Level 75

Roaned Chocolate and White (Piebald)



Level 60

Roaned Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Tan Points


Level 62

Roaned Black and White (Irish)

WCFT SKI2 F 005 LALA 24 FT, SH ID#2319364

Level 73

Roaned Black and White (Irish)


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Goldmoon (#91413)Jun 6, 2024

Game Time

11:50am on Mar 4

Welcome Guest

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