
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
PnA Zarah
Female Dutch Smoushond Owned by Silkylola (#1683281)
level 11     agi 279     cha 24     int 173     spd 117     stm 31     str 51
Full Name:PnA Zarah
Description:Zarah sleepily lifts her head when you approach, gives a little woof and goes back to sleep.
What's this? Breed:Registered Dutch Smoushond (Terriers)
Born On:September 10th, 2024
Days Aged:28 FP Days
Owner:Silkylola (#1683281)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Fawn with Black Sable
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cchce gg uu ll agiagi intstm Hh Hh hh Hh hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh hh
Aptitude:Obedience, Agility, Tracking
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Pink Bowl Servings Left: 1
Food Bowl Pink Bowl Empty
Collar Plain Blue Collar +14 agi
Leash Plain Blue Leash +14 agi
Bed Yellow Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Rawhide Bone +50 comfort, 25% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Determined Personality Sturdy Tugtoy
Assigned Food Barky Bites


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 279 Major Group Stat
Charisma 24
Intelligence 173 Major Group Stat
Speed 117 Major Group Stat
Stamina 31
Strength 51 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 11
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #41,824   Breed Ranking: #61


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 intx2 spdx2
Pro-Novice Agility
Total Competitions: 420    Current Entries: 0
First Places25    Second Places20    Third Places18    Fourth Places15    Fifth Places10    Sixth Places12   
Winnings: $3,759    Experience: 265,226    Title In: 20 places
Overall Ranking: #34,189    Sport Ranking: #2,718
86% Training

Today's Competition Results

1473996Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042938)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1671996Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042944)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1666093Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042948)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1676496Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042940)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17853143CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000528)
Pro-Novice Agility
17850146CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000526)
Pro-Novice Agility
17862143CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000522)
Pro-Novice Agility
1764994Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042945)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1766396Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042937)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1875385Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042935)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1870396Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042943)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1861096Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042949)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20769146CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000520)
Pro-Novice Agility
2051793Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042939)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21710143CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000516)
Pro-Novice Agility
21752143CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000523)
Pro-Novice Agility
21721143CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000517)
Pro-Novice Agility
22693143CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000529)
Pro-Novice Agility
22685143CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000524)
Pro-Novice Agility
22645146CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000519)
Pro-Novice Agility
22640143CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000518)
Pro-Novice Agility
2245895Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042946)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
23679143CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000515)
Pro-Novice Agility
2337495Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042984)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2338296Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042947)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2339196Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042941)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
27474143CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000521)
Pro-Novice Agility
2739684Standard Pro-Novice Agility (#266042936)
Pro-Novice Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
28468146CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000527)
Pro-Novice Agility
29412146CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000525)
Pro-Novice Agility




None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Silkylola (#1683281)Oct 6, 2024
Collar Kennel Club (#1116876)Sep 16, 2024

Game Time

08:37am on Mar 4

Welcome Guest

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