
Minimum Level: 25
Request Breeding


Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
NCE |\/|G Prisoner's Ace 24HH lala (1.525x)
Accepting Breeding Requests
Male Norwich Terrier Owned by |\/|oonglade (#1410016)
level 40     agi 382     cha 165     int 1295     spd 784     stm 180     str 1220
Full Name:NCE |\/|G Prisoner's Ace 24HH lala (1.525x)
What's this? Breed:Registered Norwich Terrier (Terriers)
Born On:September 20th, 2024
Days Aged:53 FP Days
Owner:|\/|oonglade (#1410016)
Bred By:|\/|oonglade (#1410016)
Color:Fawn with Black Sable
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cchce gg uu lala spdstr strstr HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Flyball, Tracking, Pulling
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 12 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Black Bowl Servings Left: 3
Food Bowl Grey Bowl Empty
Collar Patterned Purple Collar +280 int, Level 40+ Only
Leash Patterned Purple Leash +220 int, Level 35+ Only
Bed Green Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Yellow Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Beef Dinner+20 str, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 382 Major Group Stat
Charisma 165
Intelligence 1295 Major Group Stat
Speed 784 Major Group Stat
Stamina 180
Strength 1220 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 40
Multiplier: 1.525x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #10,982   Breed Ranking: #32


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
intx2 spdx2 strx2
National Champion Earthdog Trials
Total Competitions: 2050    Current Entries: 0
First Places136    Second Places189    Third Places135    Fourth Places142    Fifth Places120    Sixth Places102   
Winnings: $96,229    Experience: 10,270,420    Title In: 76 places
Overall Ranking: #9,275    Sport Ranking: #344
75% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!848810Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975749)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
First!942910Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975754)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
First!1023011Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975741)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
First!1072211Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955896)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
First!887611Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955891)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!924310Andromeda Competition (#265951886)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!980010Andromeda Competition (#265951882)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!949810Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975752)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!855811Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975744)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!998610Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975750)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!859211Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975742)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!817410Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975745)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!995111Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975743)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!960711Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955899)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!1020011Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955888)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!880611Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955892)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!992111Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955893)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!797011Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955890)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!762111Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955898)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!1045211Hummingbird Hollow Competition (#265945750)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Second!946312Hummingbird Hollow Competition (#265945963)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Third!771010Andromeda Competition (#265951883)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Third!796511Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975740)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Third!720311Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955897)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Third!1051311Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955886)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Third!887112Hummingbird Hollow Competition (#265945962)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!603810Andromeda Competition (#265951880)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!847710Andromeda Competition (#265951881)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!685010Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975751)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!636310Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975747)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!754710Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975748)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!685511Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955894)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!668111Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955895)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!640211Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955889)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!793511Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955885)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!817412Hummingbird Hollow Competition (#265945965)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!675911Hummingbird Hollow Competition (#265945756)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!581811Hummingbird Hollow Competition (#265945749)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fourth!735111Hummingbird Hollow Competition (#265945757)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fifth!687410Andromeda Competition (#265951885)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fifth!751210Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975746)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fifth!650212Hummingbird Hollow Competition (#265945967)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Fifth!594512Hummingbird Hollow Competition (#265945966)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Sixth!624710Andromeda Competition (#265951888)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Sixth!697810Andromeda Competition (#265951889)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Sixth!601410Zippys Kennel Competition (#265975753)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
Sixth!737312Hummingbird Hollow Competition (#265945968)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
7683910Andromeda Competition (#265951887)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
7582910Andromeda Competition (#265951884)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials
7601911Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#265955887)
Grand Champion Earthdog Trials



WCO .OM. LALA 4STR 22HH 1.577X ID#5811527

Level 82

Fawn with Black Sable

WCO .OM. LALA 4STR 21HH 1.583X ID#5811529

Level 79

Fawn with Black Sable


Level 78

Fawn with Black Sable


WCO .OM. LALA 4STR 22HH 1.577X ID#5811527

Level 82

Fawn with Black Sable


Level 70

Fawn with Black Sable

ICE |\/|G NEAR PERFECT 21HH LALA (1.510X) ID#7206764

Level 78

Fawn with Black Sable


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

|\/|oonglade (#1410016)Sep 26, 2024

Game Time

04:48am on Mar 3

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