
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
NCM 17 HH agistm chacha
Female Black and Tan Coonhound Owned by Tyra (#1681292)
level 53     agi 1032     cha 2536     int 1246     spd 601     stm 645     str 284
Full Name:NCM 17 HH agistm chacha
What's this? Breed:Black and Tan Coonhound (Scent Hounds)
Born On:September 26th, 2024
Days Aged:74 FP Days
Owner:Tyra (#1681292)
Bred By:Tyra (#1681292)
Color:Black with Rich Tan Points
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl atat SS mm rr tt CC gg uu lala agistm chacha HH HH HH HH Hh Hh HH HH Hh Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH Hh HH Hh HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Musical Freestyle, Show, Agility, Tracking, Field Trials
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Yellow Bowl Servings Left: 2
Food Bowl Pink Bowl Empty
Collar Patterned White Collar +280 cha, Level 40+ Only
Leash Designer White Leash +390 cha, Level 50+ Only
Bed White Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Rawhide Bone +50 comfort, 25% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Gregarious Personality Sturdy Frisbee
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Health Formula+20 cha, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 1032
Charisma 2536 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 1246 Major Group Stat
Speed 601 Major Group Stat
Stamina 645 Major Group Stat
Strength 284
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 53
Multiplier: 1.330x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #6,441   Breed Ranking: #8


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 chax2 intx2
National Champion Musical Freestyle
Total Competitions: 3050    Current Entries: 0
First Places204    Second Places90    Third Places115    Fourth Places127    Fifth Places129    Sixth Places142   
Winnings: $243,200    Experience: 22,121,722    Title In: 93 places
Overall Ranking: #4,018    Sport Ranking: #187
75% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!1793122Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924173)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2043642Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924174)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2349041Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924125)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2153341Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924126)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1996724Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924127)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2051541Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924128)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1800941Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924129)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1902741Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924130)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2176741Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924131)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2325541Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924132)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1934041Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924133)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2106342Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924141)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1996742Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924142)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2278542Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924143)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1902723Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924154)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1894922Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924156)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2349024Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924152)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1988824Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924150)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1902722Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924157)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1941824Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924148)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2028024Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924151)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2129824Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924147)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2129822Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924155)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1996722Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924160)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1879224Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924146)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2090622Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924161)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2286422Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924162)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2059322Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924164)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2223722Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924165)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!1840122Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924166)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2137622Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924168)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!2090622Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924169)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1769641Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924134)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1644322Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924172)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1785241Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924135)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1746141Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924136)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1934041Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924137)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!2012341Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924139)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1566041Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924140)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1620822Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924167)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1589522Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924171)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1597341Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924138)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1589542Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924144)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1589522Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924159)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1605222Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924170)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1628624Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924153)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1566022Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924158)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1652124Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924149)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1699122Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924163)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!1683524Standard Grand Champion Musical Freestyle (#265924145)
Grand Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association




Level 47

Black with Rich Tan Points


Level 57

Black with Rich Tan Points

WCT 23-0 LALA 3C 1.028 ID#8812688

Level 62

Black with Rich Tan Points



Level 64

Black with Rich Tan Points


Level 55

Black with Rich Tan Points


Level 73

Black with Rich Tan Points


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Tyra (#1681292)Oct 2, 2024

Game Time

07:05pm on Mar 2

Welcome Guest

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