
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
ExFl NRVR Frozen Pond
Female Border Collie Owned by ragtoplark (#1579571)
level 37     agi 707     cha 149     int 910     spd 828     stm 2190     str 154
Full Name:ExFl NRVR Frozen Pond
Description:6HH 4hh / ll / intint chaspd
What's this? Breed:Registered Border Collie (Drovers)
Born On:October 4th, 2024
Days Aged:91 FP Days
Owner:ragtoplark (#1579571)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Black and White (Irish)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK Ee BB DD slsl atat sisw mm rr tt CC gg uu ll intint chaspd Hh Hh HH HH Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh HH hh hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh hh hh HH HH
Aptitude:Flyball, Rally-O, Dock Diving
Times Bred:1 (Can be bred again in 5 days)
Boosters Used:0/5
Temporary: Ghost
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Brown Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Brown Bowl Full
Collar Durable Green Collar +80 stm, Level 20+ Only
Leash Patterned Green Leash +220 stm, Level 35+ Only
Bed Blue Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Purple Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Salmon Dinner+20 int, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 707 Major Group Stat
Charisma 149
Intelligence 910 Major Group Stat
Speed 828 Major Group Stat
Stamina 2190 Major Group Stat
Strength 154
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 37
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #15,305   Breed Ranking: #669


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 spdx2 stmx2
Excellent Flyball
Total Competitions: 2310    Current Entries: 30
First Places67    Second Places114    Third Places111    Fourth Places92    Fifth Places102    Sixth Places108   
Winnings: $30,074    Experience: 7,775,243    Title In: 6 places
Overall Ranking: #21,626    Sport Ranking: #1,428
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

145465121Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286689)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
145465122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286685)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
155080122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286719)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
155374122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286688)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
155245122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286687)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
165429111Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286696)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
165484111Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286694)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
164530122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286671)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
164567122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286680)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
173778122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286676)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
174640122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286684)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
174805122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286673)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
174347122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286677)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
183888122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286686)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
184915111Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286693)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
183301122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286679)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
184071122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286675)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
194842111Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286670)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
194420108Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286695)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
194548111Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286692)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
194933111Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286691)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
192824122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286681)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
202714122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286683)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
202788122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286672)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
202733122Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286674)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
213796112Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286690)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
213925120Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286678)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
222751111Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286699)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
223173111Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286697)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
232641111Standard Excellent Flyball (#267286698)
Excellent Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association




NT NRVR Icy Lakes (#9459784)1Roaned Black and White (Irish)6

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

ragtoplark (#1579571)Oct 10, 2024

Game Time

05:44pm on Mar 24

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