
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
IPnD Bulletproof lala (6HH/6hh) 62.5
Male English Cocker Spaniel Owned by Windstorm (#1216768)
level 8     agi 90     cha 148     int 40     spd 22     stm 45     str 212
Full Name:IPnD Bulletproof lala (6HH/6hh) 62.5
What's this? Breed:English Cocker Spaniel (Spaniels/Flushers)
Born On:December 10th, 2024
Days Aged:16 FP Days
Owner:Windstorm (#1216768)
Bred By:Windstorm (#1216768)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk ee BB DD slsl atat SS mm rr tt cchcch gg uu lala agiagi chastr Hh Hh HH Hh hh Hh Hh Hh HH hh Hh hh hh hh Hh Hh HH HH HH HH hh Hh Hh Hh
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Show, Pulling, Rally-O, Hunting Trials, Dock Diving
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 5 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Black Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Red Bowl Full
Collar Plain Red Collar +14 str
Leash Plain Red Leash +14 str
Bed Red Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Red Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Meek Personality Sturdy Plushie Hippo
Assigned Food Lacrima With Beef and Rice+4 str, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 90
Charisma 148 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 40 Major Group Stat
Speed 22
Stamina 45 Major Group Stat
Strength 212 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 8
Multiplier: 1.183x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #47,639   Breed Ranking: #189


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 chax2 strx2
Intermediate Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Total Competitions: 190    Current Entries: 50
First Places36    Second Places18    Third Places4    Fourth Places14    Fifth Places4    Sixth Places6   
Winnings: $5,738    Experience: 116,537    Title In: 8 places
Overall Ranking: #30,466    Sport Ranking: #1,186
87% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!123829Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813996)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
First!114029Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813995)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
First!128629Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813992)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
First!103629Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813989)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
First!99329Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851066)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!115729Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851067)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!117029Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851073)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!118711Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851076)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!95029Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851074)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!124714Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851082)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!113514Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851080)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!124729Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851065)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!107914Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851077)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!116115Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851093)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!111814Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851079)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!121714Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851089)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!106214Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851086)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!102828Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851060)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!102314Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851094)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!117829Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851068)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!107514Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851081)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!107115Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851091)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!86429Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813994)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Second!95029Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813986)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Second!80428Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851109)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!91215Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851087)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!95929Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851064)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!77829Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851071)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!87714Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851085)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!89914Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851083)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!76115Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851075)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!71814Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851084)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!106629Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851063)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!67914Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851088)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!82629Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813988)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Fourth!77029Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813998)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Fourth!72229Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813993)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Fourth!68829Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851061)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!65429Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851069)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!62414Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851078)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!74429Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813997)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Fifth!61914Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851090)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!74016Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851070)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!68829Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851062)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
764929Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813999)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
771429Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813991)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
770129Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266851072)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
868429Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813990)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
860229Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813985)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
962829Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266813987)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving




None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Windstorm (#1216768)Dec 30, 2024

Game Time

09:51pm on Mar 17

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