
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
ChM 3 Silas (11 9 4) lla
Male Jamthund Owned by Gold (#1360251)
level 38     agi 494     cha 2294     int 662     spd 168     stm 338     str 163
Full Name:ChM 3 Silas (11 9 4) lla
What's this? Breed:Registered Jamthund (Hunting)
Born On:December 27th, 2024
Days Aged:71 FP Days
Owner:Gold (#1360251)
Bred By:Gold (#1360251)
Color:Silver with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl awaw SS mm rr tt cwcw gg UU lla chaspd spdstr HH HH HH HH Hh HH hh hh Hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh HH HH HH HH hh Hh HH Hh Hh hh
Aptitude:Obedience, Musical Freestyle, Flyball, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:1 (Can be bred 18 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl White Bowl Servings Left: 3
Food Bowl White Bowl Empty
Collar Leather White Collar +160 cha, Level 30+ Only
Leash Patterned White Leash +220 cha, Level 35+ Only
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Yellow Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Health Formula+20 cha, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 494 Major Group Stat
Charisma 2294 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 662 Major Group Stat
Speed 168
Stamina 338 Major Group Stat
Strength 163
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 38
Multiplier: 0.990x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #13,642   Breed Ranking: #50


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 chax2 intx2
Champion Musical Freestyle
Total Competitions: 2150    Current Entries: 0
First Places59    Second Places115    Third Places116    Fourth Places113    Fifth Places129    Sixth Places128   
Winnings: $61,422    Experience: 8,797,401    Title In: 40 places
Overall Ranking: #22,528    Sport Ranking: #1,161
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!1822650Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708421)
Champion Musical Freestyle
First!1822650Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708420)
Champion Musical Freestyle
First!1834850Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708427)
Champion Musical Freestyle
First!1676579Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716631)
Champion Musical Freestyle
First!1783542Standard Champion Musical Freestyle (#266731501)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1585250Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708425)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!1579279Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716624)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!1627879Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716634)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!1530580Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716626)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!1664490SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712292)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!1530590SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712283)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!1591390SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712280)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Second!1442642Standard Champion Musical Freestyle (#266731499)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1460942Standard Champion Musical Freestyle (#266731500)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1451350Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708414)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Third!1633950Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708413)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Third!1390550Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708418)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Third!1524479Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716637)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Third!1506180Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716627)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Third!1420990SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712290)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Third!1542690SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712289)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Third!1414890SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712281)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Third!1229642Standard Champion Musical Freestyle (#266731498)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1402650Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708416)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Fourth!1433150Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708417)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Fourth!1378350Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708422)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Fourth!1120043Standard Champion Musical Freestyle (#266731494)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!1347850Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708424)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Fifth!1238380Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716628)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Sixth!1268750Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708415)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Sixth!1244479Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716635)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Sixth!1317479Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716629)
Champion Musical Freestyle
Sixth!1293180Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716625)
Champion Musical Freestyle
71220050Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708426)
Champion Musical Freestyle
71189679Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716633)
Champion Musical Freestyle
71244490SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712291)
Champion Musical Freestyle
71238390SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712286)
Champion Musical Freestyle
81140950Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708423)
Champion Musical Freestyle
81189690SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712279)
Champion Musical Freestyle
91128790SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712287)
Champion Musical Freestyle
101086150Kennel BlueSwamp Competition (#266708419)
Champion Musical Freestyle
101067879Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716630)
Champion Musical Freestyle
111037490SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712288)
Champion Musical Freestyle
111037490SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712285)
Champion Musical Freestyle
121025279Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716636)
Champion Musical Freestyle
121037479Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716632)
Champion Musical Freestyle
121000980Dragon's Wing Competition (#266716623)
Champion Musical Freestyle
121073990SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712282)
Champion Musical Freestyle
121061890SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712284)
Champion Musical Freestyle
151007090SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#266712278)
Champion Musical Freestyle



AM 1 JAKE (5 13 6) LLA ID#9310751

Level 17

Silver with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides

AM 1 RAIN (2 17 5) LLA * ID#9310777

Level 17

Silver with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides

JAHT 2 COLBY (9 8 7) LALA ID#9322263

Level 14

Silver with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides


AM 1 BENTLEY (4 16 4) LLA ID#9310748

Level 17

Silver with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides

AM 1 LUNA (6 15 3) LLA * ID#9310768

Level 17

Silver with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides

AM 2 ELISABETH (9 11 4) LL ID#9322260

Level 18

Silver with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides


ExM 4 Paschal (9 11 4) lala (#9363947)32Silver with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides59
ExM 4 Tina III (7 14 3) lala (#9363948)32Silver with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides59

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Gold (#1360251)Jan 2, 2025

Game Time

01:07am on Mar 15

Welcome Guest

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