
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
AHu Delilah
Female Stabyhoun Owned by Cocker spaniel back (#1591048)
level 23     agi 67     cha 287     int 281     spd 533     stm 155     str 143
Full Name:AHu Delilah
What's this? Breed:Stabyhoun (Pointers/Setters)
Born On:January 20th, 2025
Days Aged:31 FP Days
Owner:Cocker spaniel back (#1591048)
Bred By:Cocker spaniel back (#1591048)
Color:Roaned Chocolate and White (Irish)
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk EE bb DD slsl AyAy sisp mm Rr tt CC gg uu lala intspd agispd HH HH Hh HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Musical Freestyle, Flyball, Water Work, Frisbee, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Blue Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Blue Bowl Full
Collar Plain Yellow Collar +14 spd
Leash Plain Yellow Leash +14 spd
Bed Blue Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Blue Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Independent Personality Blue Puzzlebox
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Chicken & Rice+10 spd, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 67
Charisma 287 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 281
Speed 533 Major Group Stat
Stamina 155 Major Group Stat
Strength 143 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 23
Multiplier: 1.520x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #23,258   Breed Ranking: #39


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
chax2 intx2 spdx2
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Total Competitions: 900    Current Entries: 50
First Places42    Second Places46    Third Places65    Fourth Places50    Fifth Places51    Sixth Places61   
Winnings: $40,639    Experience: 1,951,440    Title In: 35 places
Overall Ranking: #24,889    Sport Ranking: #986
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!385022The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958322)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Second!387722The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958321)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Second!389324Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960634)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Second!387722The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958311)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Third!363422The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958312)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Fourth!382322Svear Competition (#265950937)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Fourth!393122Svear Competition (#265950932)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Fourth!412325Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960341)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Fourth!371825Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960621)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Fourth!341822The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958316)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Fifth!283722The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958315)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Fifth!339122Svear Competition (#265950940)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Fifth!350224Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960344)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Fifth!374524Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960625)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Sixth!344522Svear Competition (#265950941)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Sixth!333722Svear Competition (#265950935)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Sixth!350224Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960624)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
Sixth!321522The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958319)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
7282422The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958323)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
8294522Svear Competition (#265950933)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
8287822The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958313)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
9312324Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960628)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
9279722The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958310)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
10293424Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960622)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
10315024Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960630)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
11237822Svear Competition (#265950944)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
11279722Svear Competition (#265950934)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
11362325Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960620)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
11278624Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960626)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
12227022The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958320)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
12222922Svear Competition (#265950936)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
12306925Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960349)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
12271824Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960631)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
13222922Svear Competition (#265950930)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
13242124Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960633)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
13236422The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958314)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
14191822The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958324)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
14213522Svear Competition (#265950943)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
14224322Svear Competition (#265950938)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
14204022Svear Competition (#265950939)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
14194522Svear Competition (#265950942)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
14224524Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960623)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
14215124Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960632)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
14227022The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958318)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
15195922The Land of Potatoes and Song Competition (#265958317)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
16246125Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960348)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
17189122Svear Competition (#265950931)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
17255624Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960627)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
19209725Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960340)
Advanced Scent Hurdles
20205624Mutt's Lazy Dayz Kennel Competition (#265960629)
Advanced Scent Hurdles



ICW KOWW [24] LALA 1.563 ID#8153781

Level 85

Roaned Black and White (Irish)

ICW KOWW [24] LALA 1.553 ID#8153787

Level 86

Roaned Black and White (Piebald)

ICW KOWW [24] LALA 1.583 ID#8420908

Level 82

Roaned Black and White (Piebald)



Level 74

Black and White (Irish)


Level 77

Roaned Chocolate and White (Irish)


Level 73

Red and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Cocker spaniel back (#1591048)Jan 29, 2025

Game Time

12:55pm on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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