
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
MP Snake
Female Lapponian Herder Owned by sixthsky (#1418062)
level 27     agi 462     cha 110     int 198     spd 263     stm 709     str 355
Full Name:MP Snake
What's this? Breed:Registered Lapponian Herder (Drovers)
Born On:April 26th, 2023
Days Aged:38 FP Days
Owner:sixthsky (#1418062)
Bred By:sixthsky (#1418062)
Color:Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu lala spdspd chacha HH HH hh HH hh HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH Hh HH HH
Aptitude:Pulling, Dock Diving
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Grey Bowl Servings Left: 3
Food Bowl Grey Bowl Full
Collar Durable Green Collar +80 stm, Level 20+ Only
Leash Leather Green Leash +120 stm, Level 25+ Only
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Rawhide Bone +50 comfort, 25% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Mischievous Personality Sturdy Squeaky Shark
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Pork & Rice+10 stm, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 462 Major Group Stat
Charisma 110
Intelligence 198 Major Group Stat
Speed 263 Major Group Stat
Stamina 709 Major Group Stat
Strength 355
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 27
Multiplier: 1.355x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #19,700   Breed Ranking: #78


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 stmx2 strx2
Masters Pulling
Total Competitions: 1350    Current Entries: 50
First Places73    Second Places44    Third Places60    Fourth Places82    Fifth Places51    Sixth Places57   
Winnings: $66,440    Experience: 3,170,873    Title In: 133 places
Overall Ranking: #17,396    Sport Ranking: #781
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

74944131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991754)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
84928131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991753)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
84664131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991751)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
94763131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991762)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
94713131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991758)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9464781Standard Masters Pulling (#265991781)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
104301131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991742)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
104631131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991744)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
104384130Standard Masters Pulling (#265991765)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
114252131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991749)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
124186131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991763)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
134071131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991745)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13407183Standard Masters Pulling (#265991779)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13426881Standard Masters Pulling (#265991782)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
134202131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991769)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14380783Standard Masters Pulling (#265991778)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
144071131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991789)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
143873131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991755)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
15367583Standard Masters Pulling (#265991776)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
15377481Standard Masters Pulling (#265991785)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
153741131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991766)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
15365981Standard Masters Pulling (#265991786)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
15359383Standard Masters Pulling (#265991775)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
16374184Standard Masters Pulling (#265991764)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
16347781Standard Masters Pulling (#265991784)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
16364283Standard Masters Pulling (#265991770)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
163329131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991768)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
16352783Standard Masters Pulling (#265991771)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
16341183Standard Masters Pulling (#265991773)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
173378131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991760)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
173032131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991752)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17324781Standard Masters Pulling (#265991787)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
173296131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991759)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
183181131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991747)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
182966130Standard Masters Pulling (#265991741)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
182950131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991743)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
182966131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991761)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
192505131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991746)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
192505131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991740)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20253881Standard Masters Pulling (#265991788)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
202670131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991757)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
202505131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991756)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
202587131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991748)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20285183Standard Masters Pulling (#265991772)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20275281Standard Masters Pulling (#265991780)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
202719131Standard Masters Pulling (#265991750)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
202554130Standard Masters Pulling (#265991767)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20285183Standard Masters Pulling (#265991774)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20276983Standard Masters Pulling (#265991777)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22248881Standard Masters Pulling (#265991783)
Masters Pulling
Host: National Dog Sport Association



WCH 6-LHK PASTA ID#5955732

Level 67

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points

WCA PENNE ID#5955733

Level 71

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points

WCT 6-LHK DANNY G ID#7969467

Level 69

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points



Level 71

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points

WCA PENNE ID#5955733

Level 71

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points

WCA 6-LHK ZALES ID#7970493

Level 70

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

sixthsky (#1418062)Jan 30, 2025

Game Time

07:17am on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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