
Energy (100)
Condition (72%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (50%)
APnHu Flash
Male Border Collie Owned by Emma (#1486046)
level 14     agi 74     cha 144     int 164     spd 144     stm 74     str 33
Full Name:APnHu Flash
What's this? Breed:Registered Border Collie (Drovers)
Born On:February 1st, 2025
Days Aged:44 FP Days
Owner:Emma (#1486046)
Bred By:Emma (#1486046)
Color:Red Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Blue Sable, Mask, and Ticking
Eye Color:Blue
What's this? Genotype:Py kk EmE Bb DD slsl Ayasa swsw Mm Rr Tt Cce gg uu lala stragi chaint Hh Hh HH Hh Hh HH HH HH Hh HH HH Hh HH HH Hh hh HH Hh HH hh Hh HH Hh hh
Aptitude:Obedience, Flyball, Tracking, Pulling, Herding, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 18 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Pink Bowl Servings Left: 2
Food Bowl Pink Bowl Empty
Collar None Equipped
Leash None Equipped
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew None Equipped

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Independent Personality Sturdy Puzzlebox
Assigned Food Barky Bites


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 74 Major Group Stat
Charisma 144
Intelligence 164 Major Group Stat
Speed 144 Major Group Stat
Stamina 74 Major Group Stat
Strength 33
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 14
Multiplier: 0.920x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #36,297   Breed Ranking: #1,937


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
chax2 intx2 spdx2
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Total Competitions: 1540    Current Entries: 0
First Places20    Second Places34    Third Places28    Fourth Places21    Fifth Places16    Sixth Places25   
Winnings: $8,898    Experience: 519,670    Title In: 6 places
Overall Ranking: #37,667    Sport Ranking: #1,837
86% Training

Today's Competition Results

990961Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862614)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
990361Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862659)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1090961Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862630)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1190342Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862657)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1290942Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862648)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1286643Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862643)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1378761Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862613)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1379042Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862644)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1382742Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862655)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1368161Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862638)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1378142Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862640)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1380961Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862625)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1380661Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862619)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1366661Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862629)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1381261Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862610)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1489760Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862615)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1479342Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862658)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1473643Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862641)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1566361Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862633)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1565161Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862618)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1566961Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862622)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1571161Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862617)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1663542Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862646)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1667842Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862651)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1660242Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862652)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1667261Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862621)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1667561Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862623)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1680360Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862626)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1665161Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862637)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1657861Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862612)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1762961Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862624)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1762061Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862628)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1781860Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862611)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1863242Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862649)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1862642Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862653)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1957842Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862654)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1951761Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862634)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1954161Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862635)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2050842Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862650)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2048942Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862656)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2052343Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862620)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2055042Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862645)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2070260Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862632)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2145642Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862647)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2154143Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862642)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2272460Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862631)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2366660Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862639)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2470259Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862616)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2651759Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862636)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2755660Standard Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266862627)
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association



MA RON ID#9361948

Level 30

Brindle Blue Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Cream Points

EXH MAGIC ID#9321666

Level 42

Red and White (Irish) with Black Saddle, Mask, and Ticking

AO DABI ID#9381011

Level 21

Brindle Fawn Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Saddle and Ticking


GCD RIDER ID#9285430

Level 41

Roaned Red Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and Mask

CHA TESS ID#9220190

Level 41

Black and White (Irish) with Red Points and Mask

EXSH LOVE ID#9321981

Level 39

Roaned Red Merle and White (Piebald) with Blue Sable and Mask


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Emma (#1486046)Feb 7, 2025

Game Time

04:39am on Mar 17

Welcome Guest

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