
Energy (0)
Condition (95%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (50%)
PnT Bruce
Male German Shepherd Dog Owned by Emma (#1486046)
level 12     agi 35     cha 21     int 123     spd 150     stm 173     str 68
Full Name:PnT Bruce
What's this? Breed:Registered German Shepherd Dog (Guardian)
Born On:February 4th, 2025
Days Aged:36 FP Days
Owner:Emma (#1486046)
Bred By:Emma (#1486046)
Color:Fawn with Isabella Saddle and Mask
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EmEm bb dd slsl asaasa Ssi mm rr tt cchcw gg uu lala stmstr spdint HH hh Hh hh HH HH hh HH Hh HH Hh HH Hh Hh HH HH hh Hh HH HH HH hh HH hh
Aptitude:Obedience, Flyball, Tracking, Herding, Rally-O, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:2 (Can be bred 18 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Black Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Black Bowl Full
Collar None Equipped
Leash None Equipped
Bed White Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew None Equipped

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Barky Bites


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 35
Charisma 21
Intelligence 123 Major Group Stat
Speed 150 Major Group Stat
Stamina 173 Major Group Stat
Strength 68 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 12
Multiplier: 0.943x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #38,657   Breed Ranking: #2,153


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
intx2 spdx2 stmx2
Pro-Novice Tracking
Total Competitions: 1230    Current Entries: 50
First Places18    Second Places15    Third Places11    Fourth Places19    Fifth Places15    Sixth Places22   
Winnings: $5,808    Experience: 300,867    Title In: 20 places
Overall Ranking: #36,288    Sport Ranking: #2,980
91% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!133689Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555542)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1331150Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555508)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1322152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555518)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!136890Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555539)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!1304151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555535)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1294151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555524)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1253151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555536)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!1331151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555523)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!124489Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555545)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1166152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555520)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1193151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555529)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1134152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555512)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1212151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555511)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!1161151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555527)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!1138151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555526)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!106089Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555551)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!1152151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555532)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!95589Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555543)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!103789Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555547)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!1083152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555516)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!97389Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555541)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
798789Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555546)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
792389Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555540)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7107990Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555538)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
8941151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555534)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
8955152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555509)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81019152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555514)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
991389Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555554)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
994689Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555555)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
10946152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555521)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1079489Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555552)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1084589Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555553)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
10913152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555519)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1182289Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555550)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
11799151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555528)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
11854151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555515)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1276789Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555548)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
12785152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555556)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1270797Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555517)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
12794152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555510)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
12822152Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555513)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13767151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555507)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1376789Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555549)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13771151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555533)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13753151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555530)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13863150Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555522)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1474489Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555544)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14826150Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555525)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14711151Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555531)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1468990Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266555537)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association



MO MULLY ID#9348766

Level 27

Isabella and White (Piebald) with Silver Points and Mask

MHU COCO ID#9328289

Level 29

Fawn with Chocolate Sable and Mask


Level 24

Isabella with Tan Points and Mask



Level 30

Black and White (Irish) with Red Points


Level 31

Silver and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask

ASC JENNY ID#9367427

Level 21

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Silver Points and Mask


IPnT Eddie (#9420731)10Silver and White (Irish) with Chocolate Saddle and Mask24

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Emma (#1486046)Feb 10, 2025

Game Time

09:55pm on Mar 12

Welcome Guest

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