
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
APnHu Veronica (203)
Female Japanese Chin Owned by VICKY (#1698520)
level 13     agi 31     cha 384     int 160     spd 102     stm 24     str 67
Full Name:APnHu Veronica (203)
What's this? Breed:Registered Japanese Chin (Companions)
Born On:February 18th, 2025
Days Aged:18 FP Days
Owner:VICKY (#1698520)
Bred By:VICKY (#1698520)
Color:Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl atat spsw mm rr tt CC gg uu lala chacha chacha HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Show, Flyball, Tracking, Pulling, Rally-O
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Brown Bowl Servings Left: 3
Food Bowl Brown Bowl Full
Collar Nylon White Collar +30 cha, Level 10+ Only
Leash Nylon White Leash +22 cha, Level 5+ Only
Bed Purple Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Yellow Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Meek Personality Sturdy Plushie Hippo
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Healthy Formula+10 cha, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 31
Charisma 384 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 160 Major Group Stat
Speed 102 Major Group Stat
Stamina 24
Strength 67 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 13
Multiplier: 1.615x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #36,948   Breed Ranking: #84


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
chax2 intx2 spdx2
Advanced Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Total Competitions: 350    Current Entries: 50
First Places29    Second Places34    Third Places25    Fourth Places17    Fifth Places12    Sixth Places10   
Winnings: $7,754    Experience: 375,355    Title In: 23 places
Overall Ranking: #30,844    Sport Ranking: #1,322
86% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!150581CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499286)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
First!154281CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499282)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
First!160268Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551775)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!159768Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551776)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!160181CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499291)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Second!153182CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499290)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Second!159582CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499289)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Second!159581CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499285)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Second!161181CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499284)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Second!149981CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499281)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Second!161181CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499280)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Second!135582CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499034)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Second!141067Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551769)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!149067Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551770)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!147480Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551759)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!139281CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499278)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Third!136681CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499277)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Third!148381CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499031)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Third!134482CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499033)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Third!121267Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551773)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!144768Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551762)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!142481CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499023)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Fourth!133482CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499287)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Fourth!123468Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551771)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!127179Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551806)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!134068Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551765)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!127082CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499288)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Fifth!122781CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499283)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Fifth!130781CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499036)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Fifth!117567Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551774)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!121681CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499025)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Sixth!115781CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499029)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Sixth!116968Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551767)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!107968Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551763)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7112581CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499022)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
7108881CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499024)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
795652Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551766)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
798368Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551764)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7100468Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551761)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7107980Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551760)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
8112082CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499026)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
8111581CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499027)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
896168Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551772)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9102981CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499279)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
9100467Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551768)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1197681CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499032)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1194981CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499035)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1290181CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499030)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1386481CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266499028)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1380180Standard Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551758)
Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association



ICRO 17:3 CHIP ID#8566102

Level 100

Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points

UCRO 14:5 CHARLOTTE ID#8566104

Level 99

Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points


Level 92

Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points



Level 92

Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points


Level 99

Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points

UCHU 24HH X4CHA 1.607X ID#9182141

Level 90

Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

VICKY (#1698520)Feb 24, 2025

Game Time

01:39pm on Mar 12

Welcome Guest

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