
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
Female Alaskan Husky Owned by altheras (#1679398)
level 1     agi 57     cha 20     int 16     spd 27     stm 27     str 20
Full Name:NFr MRTK Skye
What's this? Breed:Alaskan Husky (Draught)
Born On:February 15th, 2025
Days Aged:12 FP Days
Owner:altheras (#1679398)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Fawn with Light Undersides
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk ee Bb DD slsl awaw Ssp mm rr tt cchcch gg UU Ll intint strstr Hh Hh Hh HH HH HH Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh hh HH Hh Hh HH hh HH hh
Aptitude:Obedience, Frisbee, Dock Diving
Times Bred:1 (Can be bred again in 12 days)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Blue Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Blue Bowl Full
Collar Plain Blue Collar +14 agi
Leash Plain Blue Leash +14 agi
Bed Blue Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Blue Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Independent Personality Blue Puzzlebox
Assigned Food Lacrima With Lamb and Rice+4 agi, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 57 Major Group Stat
Charisma 20
Intelligence 16
Speed 27 Major Group Stat
Stamina 27 Major Group Stat
Strength 20 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 1
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 chax2 stmx2
Novice Frisbee
Total Competitions: 50    Current Entries: 0
First Places0    Second Places0    Third Places0    Fourth Places0    Fifth Places0    Sixth Places0   
Winnings: $0    Experience: 14,234    Title In: 15 places
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

1523532Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801707)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1730474Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801709)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1833374Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801714)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1833774Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801718)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1934976SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782757)
Novice Frisbee
1933576SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782755)
Novice Frisbee
1932574Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801715)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2029271Laurito Dorito's Kennel Competition (#265792317)
Novice Frisbee
2033776SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782758)
Novice Frisbee
2031375Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801755)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2030673Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801717)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2033074Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801711)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2032575Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801708)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2027574Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801710)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2127671Laurito Dorito's Kennel Competition (#265792316)
Novice Frisbee
2129576SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782746)
Novice Frisbee
2129176SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782756)
Novice Frisbee
2131176SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782752)
Novice Frisbee
2127174Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801713)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2227476SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782753)
Novice Frisbee
2229176SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782748)
Novice Frisbee
2225474Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801712)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2233030Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801724)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2324176SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782750)
Novice Frisbee
2324776SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782754)
Novice Frisbee
2326876SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782759)
Novice Frisbee
2326676SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782751)
Novice Frisbee
2324976SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782747)
Novice Frisbee
2327576SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782760)
Novice Frisbee
2323876Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801706)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2322674Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801716)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2424176SkyRidge Kennel Competition (#265782749)
Novice Frisbee
2433930Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801725)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2433030Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801732)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2525330Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801730)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2531130Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801719)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2524530Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801729)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2626130Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801721)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2631430Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801737)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2727930Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801720)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2730130Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801738)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2727230Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801722)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2725930Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801731)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2728830Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801723)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2726830Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801727)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2824630Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801734)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2825530Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801728)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2822730Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801735)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2825830Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801736)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2828830Standard Novice Frisbee (#265801733)
Novice Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association




None found.

Current Litters

IPnS Team x Skye (#5807158)115

Previous Owners

altheras (#1679398)Feb 27, 2025
Blue Moon Dogs (#1650927)Feb 27, 2025

Game Time

07:30pm on Feb 28

Welcome Guest

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