
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
PnE Div
Female Miniature Schnauzer Owned by SpanielsofChaos (#1693244)
level 5     agi 36     cha 15     int 55     spd 61     stm 17     str 77
Full Name:PnE Div
What's this? Breed:Miniature Schnauzer (Terriers)
Born On:February 22nd, 2025
Days Aged:15 FP Days
Owner:SpanielsofChaos (#1693244)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Silver with Black Grizzle
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl awat SS mm rr tt cwcw gg uu ll chastm stmstm Hh Hh Hh hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh hh Hh Hh HH Hh hh Hh
Aptitude:Frisbee, Pulling, Earthdog Trials
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl White Bowl Servings Left: 2
Food Bowl White Bowl Full
Collar Plain Red Collar +14 str
Leash Nylon Red Leash +22 str, Level 5+ Only
Bed Light Green Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Antler Chew +50 comfort, 10% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Obsessive Personality Sturdy Rubber Ball
Assigned Food Lacrima With Beef and Rice+4 str, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 36 Major Group Stat
Charisma 15
Intelligence 55 Major Group Stat
Speed 61 Major Group Stat
Stamina 17
Strength 77 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 5
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #53,628   Breed Ranking: #111


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
intx2 spdx2 strx2
Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Total Competitions: 200    Current Entries: 50
First Places0    Second Places0    Third Places25    Fourth Places22    Fifth Places18    Sixth Places26   
Winnings: $256    Experience: 29,084    Title In: 29 places
Overall Ranking: #124,331    Sport Ranking: #2,565
73% Training

Today's Competition Results

Third!1586Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356384)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1466Dark Magix Competition (#266330223)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Fourth!1216Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356382)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1446Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356383)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!1336Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356385)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!1597Dark Magix Competition (#266330231)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Fifth!1527Dark Magix Competition (#266330226)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Fifth!1447Dark Magix Competition (#266330221)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Fifth!1066Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356378)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!1557Dark Magix Competition (#266330218)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Sixth!1427Dark Magix Competition (#266330217)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Sixth!1267Dark Magix Competition (#266330230)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Sixth!1717Dark Magix Competition (#266330229)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Sixth!1357Dark Magix Competition (#266330227)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Sixth!1497Dark Magix Competition (#266330225)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Sixth!1757Dark Magix Competition (#266330224)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Sixth!1477Dark Magix Competition (#266330220)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Sixth!1537Dark Magix Competition (#266330219)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Sixth!1296Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356386)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!1419Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356370)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!1519Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356376)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!1559Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356368)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
71647Dark Magix Competition (#266330228)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
71267Dark Magix Competition (#266330222)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
71179Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356375)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
71299Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356379)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
714611Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356352)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
715411Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356357)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
715310Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356366)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81279Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356369)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81249Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356371)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81309Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356372)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81529Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356374)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81119Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356377)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81139Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356401)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
812911Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356358)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
814911Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356360)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
813311Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356361)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
814211Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356362)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
813011Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356364)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
813010Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356365)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
91089Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356373)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
91029Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356380)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
91049Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356381)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
914811Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356356)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1012211Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356353)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1013711Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356354)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1011011Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356355)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1110111Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356359)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1111211Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266356363)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association




None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

SpanielsofChaos (#1693244)Mar 6, 2025

Game Time

05:51pm on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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