
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
Male Field Spaniel Owned by Spaniels of Chaos (#1693244)
level 4     agi 14     cha 78     int 52     spd 20     stm 37     str 32
Full Name:NHT AM2
What's this? Breed:Field Spaniel (Spaniels/Flushers)
Born On:March 3rd, 2025
Days Aged:13 FP Days
Owner:Spaniels of Chaos (#1693244)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Black and White (Piebald) with Ticking
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK EE Bb DD slsl atat spsp mm RR TT CC gg uu Ll intint spdstm Hh Hh Hh HH Hh HH Hh Hh Hh HH HH Hh Hh Hh hh HH HH HH Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh hh
Aptitude:Tracking, Frisbee, Hunting Trials
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 2 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Blue Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl Blue Bowl Full
Collar Plain White Collar +14 cha
Leash Plain White Leash +14 cha
Bed Light Green Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Rawhide Bone +50 comfort, 25% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Lacrima Health Formula+4 cha, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 14
Charisma 78 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 52 Major Group Stat
Speed 20
Stamina 37 Major Group Stat
Strength 32 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 4
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #57,617   Breed Ranking: #113


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
chax2 intx2 stmx2
Novice Hunting Trials
Total Competitions: 100    Current Entries: 50
First Places0    Second Places0    Third Places0    Fourth Places0    Fifth Places7    Sixth Places4   
Winnings: $0    Experience: 15,764    Title In: 4 places
Overall Ranking: #79,431    Sport Ranking: #5,776
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

Fifth!38523Blue Feathers Competition (#266780825)
Novice Hunting Trials
Fifth!37223Blue Feathers Competition (#266780824)
Novice Hunting Trials
Fifth!35611Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764389)
Novice Hunting Trials
Fifth!35911Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764388)
Novice Hunting Trials
Fifth!38910Heartfull Fanasty Dreams Competition (#266775064)
Novice Hunting Trials
Fifth!35510Heartfull Fanasty Dreams Competition (#266775062)
Novice Hunting Trials
Fifth!34010Heartfull Fanasty Dreams Competition (#266775058)
Novice Hunting Trials
Sixth!36311Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764397)
Novice Hunting Trials
Sixth!35111Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764392)
Novice Hunting Trials
Sixth!32011Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764398)
Novice Hunting Trials
Sixth!34011Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764401)
Novice Hunting Trials
735123Blue Feathers Competition (#266780826)
Novice Hunting Trials
735623Blue Feathers Competition (#266780822)
Novice Hunting Trials
736411Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764395)
Novice Hunting Trials
729910Heartfull Fanasty Dreams Competition (#266775059)
Novice Hunting Trials
835223Blue Feathers Competition (#266780821)
Novice Hunting Trials
833511Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764400)
Novice Hunting Trials
827111Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764393)
Novice Hunting Trials
831511Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764390)
Novice Hunting Trials
937539Blue Feathers Competition (#266780815)
Novice Hunting Trials
925711Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764396)
Novice Hunting Trials
1031323Blue Feathers Competition (#266780828)
Novice Hunting Trials
1030523Blue Feathers Competition (#266780827)
Novice Hunting Trials
1026323Blue Feathers Competition (#266780820)
Novice Hunting Trials
1028411Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764394)
Novice Hunting Trials
1024511Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764399)
Novice Hunting Trials
1025610Heartfull Fanasty Dreams Competition (#266775063)
Novice Hunting Trials
1124711Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764391)
Novice Hunting Trials
1126411Chanzun's Sursilvan Kennels Competition (#266764402)
Novice Hunting Trials
1226023Blue Feathers Competition (#266780823)
Novice Hunting Trials
1230539Blue Feathers Competition (#266780829)
Novice Hunting Trials
1227439Blue Feathers Competition (#266780816)
Novice Hunting Trials
1226623Blue Feathers Competition (#266780819)
Novice Hunting Trials
1435280Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781225)
Novice Hunting Trials
1437680Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781232)
Novice Hunting Trials
1426339Blue Feathers Competition (#266780817)
Novice Hunting Trials
1538280Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781222)
Novice Hunting Trials
1535680Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781233)
Novice Hunting Trials
1535680Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781227)
Novice Hunting Trials
1524939Blue Feathers Competition (#266780818)
Novice Hunting Trials
1637080Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781221)
Novice Hunting Trials
1732780Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781226)
Novice Hunting Trials
1828980Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781223)
Novice Hunting Trials
1831280Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781230)
Novice Hunting Trials
1928080Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781224)
Novice Hunting Trials
1928580Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781234)
Novice Hunting Trials
2027080Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781229)
Novice Hunting Trials
2026480Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781228)
Novice Hunting Trials
2027580Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781231)
Novice Hunting Trials
2127180Sweets Kennel Competition (#266781220)
Novice Hunting Trials




None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Spaniels of Chaos (#1693244)Mar 15, 2025

Game Time

10:43pm on Mar 16

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