Vernon & Associates Genetic Research Facility

Vernon & Associates Genetic Research Facility (VRN)

Welcome to VRN! Check out our latest progress and look forward to improvements in the composition of dogs near you. Check out our special offers: we have a select population of dogs for sale and breeding.


Check out our Sale kennel for some great GSDs and more!


Northern Quality G. Shepherds
Goal: Produce 24HH G. Shepherds with desirable coat patterns.
2001 Called... Oh My Gawd...
Goal: Produce 24HH Shelties with desirable coat patterns.
Details: I'm focusing on breeding uncommon and rare coat patterns.
Northern Manhattan Project
Goal: Just Samoyeds lol.
Assorted Lil Buddies
Goal: N/A
Details:The Northern Pack has no specific purpose. Here at VRN, we care for these dogs for personal enjoyment. With no rigid goal in mind, my lil buddies are free to roam the estate and enjoy life.

VRN General Store

Head on down to VRN for all your general needs! Click here.

Desired alleles:

b - chocolate pigment
d - dilution
at - tanpoint pattern
cw - silver pigment


  • The Northern name is an artifact from our earlier days on FPaw. We were called Northern Kennels before our name change.
  • Vernon, our CEO and project manager, has been with FPaw since he was 10 years old. Now 23, he spends his days walking around with a haunted look in his eyes.
  • Vernon does art.

Game Time

12:02pm on Mar 28

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