Nathalie's Pugs

Nathalie's Pugs

About a Pug named Zombie

Hi there! I'm Nathalie and I just -love- Pugs!
I'm female, 38 years old, and I live in Belgium with my husband and our two daughters.

My real-life dogs were the inspiration behind this whole kennel!
Zombie was a black Pug with a small white mark on her chest. She was the funniest, cutest and most stubborn dog ever. She lived to be 12 years old.
We also had a beautiful, sensitive and loving Great Dane called Maxi. Unfortunately, she passed away at the age of 7 due to a heart condition. We miss them both more than words could ever describe.


About my kennel

A long time ago, when I started playing FP Beta, I noticed that there weren't a lot of active Pug breeders. I made it my personal goal to breed really strong Pugs, to try and make the breed more popular. A breed to look up to. Because honestly, aren't they the cutest dogs ever? I had managed to breed a 24HH lala Pug out of an entire line of storebought dogs, just shortly before the merge.

I have won Best of Breed in Pugs a few times in the past, and I'm very proud of my digital babies. I would like my lines to stay quite exclusive, so I don't often sell pups. When I do, they come with a rather large price tag, to encourage only serious Pug breeders to take them under their wings. I hope you'll understand! =)

Over the years, a few other breeds have made their way into my kennel. I love them all! However, I take great pride in being "that Pug lady", which is why my kennel tag will always remain NAP: short for Nathalie's Pugs.

Current kennel goals

Pugs: To reach level 100, and to have the highest leveled Pug in the Hall of Fame. Watch out for Fairydust, 'cause she's well on her way to reach both! Focusing on black and silver dogs.
Great Danes: To raise all 24HH lala pups, and maybe win BoB one day. High preference for silver / isabella dogs.
Neapolitan Mastiffs: To raise all 24HH lala pups, and to reach level 100. Also, high preference for silver / isabella dogs. Congratulations Verona and Zeus, my first BoBs!
French Bulldogs: To raise all EEEE lala pups. Congratulations Venus for winning BoB, that was unexpected!
Borzois: To raise all 24HH lala pups, and maybe win BoB one day. Experimenting with pretty colors.
Bracco Italiano: Just starting out, we'll see how it goes.

Also working on performer, diversifier and progenitor achievements!

Meet Violet!






Game Time

09:25pm on Mar 6

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