
4-14-17: Mya, my real-life Akita and my reason for choosing them here, passed away yesterday in the early morning hours at the age of 13 years old. She had been with me and my family since the age of 3 months. She's moved cross-country with us, waited out a deployment with me and the children she helped me care for, and moved all the way back home. She was the best dog I've ever had while being the most pain in the ass dog I've ever had. I used to joke that I'd turn her into a tapestry. Especially when she ate all of my cereal or when she managed to decapitate a bird in an apartment. I would say she was best friend, but the bond between her and my daughter, I swear, must've started in a previous life. Still, she will be missed by so many.

4-12-17: Been dealing with bronchitis the last few days

Having surgery 6-1-16. Locking until I get back

Do Not Purchase My Dogs Only To Flip Them For A Profit. Doing so will get you blacklisted. I don't have many rules, so it shouldn't be hard to follow them.

UPDATED:October 5th, 2015 The next generation with higher numbers of HH's are well underway. I've started trial pairings and most of those I plan to sell. Current trial litters:

JAFr Karter|24HH x APnFr Hecuba|23HH Only one pup had 24HH, but none below 21HH. Great pair for brindle and piebald color options.

UPDATED:July 29th, 2015 I have been gone for at least a year so forgive me as I get back in the swing of things. So far, I plan to continue my work on colors and HH. I also plan to sell the Alaskan Malamute & Kuvasz lines before I start on a new breed.

UPDATED:December 28th, 2013 If you find my kennel locked, 9/10 it's because I might not make the midnight deadline in caring for my dogs. I don't want a portion of them aging and the rest of the not (at least not usually), so I lock them.

The new brindle line will be further split into to different different kennels and colors: brindle fawn & brindle cream/silver. Also, I'm adding a line of Alaskan Malamute and Kuvasz (my husband's favorite breed).

Just a note: lower level breedings are for colors or HH.

UPDATED: November 21, 2013 I'm starting a new brindle Akita line. Right now my main focus is on color. Once those become consistent, I'll then work on HHs. I'll still keep my original line. Also, I'll soon be offering a lot of my litters up for reserve. That means I'll be revising and updating my buying rules. Until then, message me if you're interested in someone. I'll be happy to work something out!

Names Explained
As of July 21st, 2013 names will no longer follow this standard. I'd love to keep up the tradition, but I no longer have the time to write out several generations. Names are done in alphabetical order and the pups get the first two letters from each parent's name + their own name. For example: A pup from Abel x Alanna is Abal Baha.

If pair letters are the same, they are taken from the last two letters of the parents' names. For example Abel x Alanna are the same as Abram x Alejandra. Abram x Alejandra, since they were bred after the first pair, then give their pups the letters Amra.

Generation lines will keep grandparents' letters (first only) + parents' letters + their own name. It will not extend beyond grandparents. An example:

Abram x Alejandra = Amra Baraket
Axis x Alaina = Axal Baara

Then Amra Baraket x Axal Baara = Araa Baba [name here]

Buying Information and Requirements
I'm still developing the requirements and pricing so be sure to check back before bidding or reserving. Right now the only rule that I have is: If you are not keeping the original name, move it to description. This helps with my record keeping. A simple, "Formally named [name here]" will suffice.

Update and New Rules:
1. Try at the game. Show them, feed them, etc. Even though I'm just starting my lines, I do put effort into them. I'd like for you to do the same.
2. Lock them if for some reason you won't be around. I understand that life happens, I've been there. Try to plan accordingly, but don't sweat it if something comes up.
3. Again, if you don't want to keep the name (you certainly don't have to), please copy and paste it to the description. I do my names a certain way and don't want to confuse my records. If you absolutely hate it so much that you can't have it anywhere, at least message me the new name. I'd greatly appreciate it.
This still applies to those with the traditional names, but will be removed as a rule once they age out.
4. Not really a rule, but a suggestion: if you breed them, let me know. I may want to buy a pup. :) Of course, you reserve all rights on first pick, etc, but you might have an easy sell if you tell me.
5. Do not purchase my dogs only to flip them for a profit.

Game Time

06:37pm on Mar 28

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