Speaking of characters, I have about 9-10 right now. My character site is ptchars.weebly.com and I haven't had time to update it, but there are more characters than just those ones. I will also post characters for sale on there and if I ever get a tablet, commissions, too. My main character is Laanyx which Dusk from the testing site created her, sold her to someone else, and then they gave her to me. So, she's been passed down for a little whiles hah.
I breed border collies. I don't go for stats, I go for colors. I do have a few rare colors and I'm happy about that. I breed my border collies quite often, so you can always check my kennel to see if any colors catch your eye. My border collies don't have a specific sport, but I'm trying to get them all into at most three sports. If you would ever like to breed or buy one of my border collies, then please message me and we can work something out. Thanks for checking out my kennel! ;u;
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