AJ-Charity-Fund's Kennel

This account if a charity account. All breeds are currently beinf funded. All underpopulated breeds will receive full funding if approved. All who are interested in being funded by "AJ-Charity-Fund" must fill out the following form: Name: Dog's name (if purchasing from another player, if to be store bought simply put store): What are you intentions for this dog: Why should you be granted funding: Qualifications and Conditions: 1. Dog's may not be sold unless approved by "AJ-Charity-Fund". 2. Dog must either be used for breeding better dogs or competition. 3. All dogs who are purchased and/or funded by "AJ-Charity-Fund" must place the following statement in an are of the dogs information visible to other players: "This dog is funded by AJ-Charity-Fund. For more information please follow this link: http://www.furry-paws.com/kennel/owner " 4. "AJ-Charity-Fund" is a player owned company and holds the sole right to approve or deny claims and cut off funding if regulations are not abided. 5. The funding may be approved regardless of income, sex or breed. 6. If their is a claim dispute that is unresolved between "AJ-Charity-Fund" and persons soliciting funding, a third player neutral player will be brought in. 7. Any other conditions and/or qualifications may be added with out previous notification but funding may not be terminated without just cause. ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT ME!

Game Time

07:49pm on Feb 23

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