Dream Catcher Dog Rescue

Welcome! At DCDR we rescue dogs from kennel clearouts and the Humane Society no matter what breed it is. We breed puppies if we have two of the same breeds. You can reserve puppies from most of our litters Puppies are up for adoption a lot and so are many of our rescued dogs. 85% of the dogs you find here most likely rescued. There are always many breeds to choose from. Our dogs are always well taken care of and usually trained. MOST SALES ARE PUBLIC! My prices are also usually reasonable. My goal isn't to make money, it's to find these dogs homes. :) IF you have a dog you don't want anymore DON'T ABANDON IT! I would be happy to take it, just message me and we will work out a price. There are no requirements to adopt my dogs, just provide them good homes and don't abandon them. I never abandon my dogs. Thanks!

Game Time

08:04am on Mar 14

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