Fyrian's Kennel

Welcome to my kennel! Here i will be focusing on breeding the more so "dangerous dogs" as people call them, i will be partnered up with a fellow friend and we shall raise them together. We choose to raise the ones very few like for we know about the history of the dogs, although dogs (such as the APBT, Doberman Pinscher, Cane Corsos,ect) get such bad reps, its not them that really deserve it, its the people who raise them and care for them. I will also have a side hobby as i like to call it with another friend and together we shall be breeding Aussies, Shelties, and BC's together. Personally the Aussies are my favorite then the other two (BC then Shelties for those who are curious) becuase they are so darned adorable! I will do public breedings although i will keep all of my dogs off it just so i can keep track of the litters and lines. If you want a breeding with oe of my dogs feel free to shoot me a message and ill get back to ya on it! :) I have come to the decision to breed Daschunds, Salookies, and Whippets. I might recieve two breeders from my Partner Knox and those that are my partners if you have a puppy or breeding you'd like reserved or planned just note me! :) ~Fyrian

Game Time

06:27pm on Mar 3

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